william kelly's war full movie
William Kelly's War is not an easy war. As the Great War begins, Billy and Jack Kelly together with cousin Paddy sign on and are shipped out to serve in Europe. Nothing online I can find about DVD release either – have emailed the producers for you and will post their reply when they send it. | It’s nice to see a historical film about the ambiguity and injustice of war set in an era other than Vietnam. More like a melodrama with mediocre acting. So lets dive into this review and find out why. Menu. I vaguely remember this getting reviewed when it came out but never saw it showing in a cinema anywhere. The tagline ‘Where does war end and murder begin?’ drew me in – it seemed like an intriguing question – and the finding of a mass grave of 300 bodies perpetuates this. | He misses a lot in films & does not really like to go, due to a slight hearing problem, but relates this film to people very well. One of them proves to be an outstanding sniper, earning him honorable recognition. Not one seems to stress blood and guts as William Kelly. It had great reviews, a well known producer, a director on his second assignment and a little known cast in a story that had the audience cheering at the end of the movie. That was a cgi shot. Movies . Menu. Billy, a known crack marksman is singled out to head up a highly successful sniper team. Our retired Kernel Jack hit it up and his review is below. I saw this on 72 on the 23rd of Dec 2018.l had never heard of it before,but thought it sounded interesting.,so pleased I never read any reviews,otherwise I would have missed a good story. With Maureen Alford, Peter Berzanskis, Marie-Therese Bjornerud, John Black. 1 I like to see independent films give things ago and this is one area where WKW really does succeed. Awards William Kelly's War (2014) 10/30/2014 (AU) War 1h 34m User Score . "Less is More" should be tattooed on the forehead of every film student. TV Shows. Movies . Love the honesty, mateship and rawness of “Forty Thousand Horsemen” a great Aussie classic, Kokoda so few to stop so many this was a victory we are proud of these aussies. There is no way in hell billy would have been given his cousin's VC. One hour into this movie and my patients has finally ended. All in all I have to say that the cast (despite early on in the film) really did a great job at portraying what we have become to know as the Aussie spirit. It so could have been great except for. Well here I am as usual only remember to enter a competition on the last day And I was intrigued about the same thing you were wondering at the top of the post and looked up the IMDB and apparently the film is there now. from FG Films Plus . I liked the family aspect of the story. The movie runs for 100mins and is rated MA15+. The movie begins at the beginning of the Great War in 1914 when brothers Billy and Jack Kelly and a cousin Paddy enlist for World War I service with the AIF. I have to choose between Breaker Morant and Gallipoli and I’ll go with Gallipoli, Peter Weir is a great director of big films and it shows in the battle scenes, the choreography is stunning and makes you feel like you’re there. I can’t go past Gallipoli – still a classic. It is produced by Avalon Films, Fragile Films and is being released by IFM Films, sadly I can find neither the sites for these production companies working or nothing on the site promoting the film, there is also nothing on IMDB and nowhere I can obtain research of the movie, I really wanted to see if this is based on a true story, this could explain the ending Jack mentions below. What's on TV & Streaming What's on TV & Streaming Top … What's on TV & Streaming What's on … My husband (unlike him) has talked about it quite often since viewing it. User Ratings The wide shots of Gallipoli being pretty basic and minimal, but the battlefields of France were amazing. Would like to buy it for our grandson, who is keen to join the army as a sharp shooter (lol) for Xmas. ps I can’t find the facebook book for this one to share (damn facebook!). Jan 22, 2017 - Directed by Geoff Davis. WILLIAM KELLY’S WAR | SALTY POPCORN MOVIE REVIEW | WILLIAM KELLY (JOSH DAVIS) PRE WAR . *Yes, I know it's a war film, in part, I have 2500 War films, documentaries, and battle films. But great bench test shooters. Other posters here name some but there is way more . It is a game of skill and selected purely on the thoughts of the judges, said judges being the Salty Kernels. The band wearing AIDS red ribbons, everyone wearing remarkably clean clothes. William Kelly's War is a 2014 Australian low-budget film, set during World War I. Then the Great War breaks out and the two eldest brothers, Billy and Jack, sign up together with their rambustious cousin Paddy. It’s a haunting and moving tribute to Australians who gave their lives in the war. In Europe, Billy’s team are sent forward to harass the enemy prior to a major assault on the infamous and impregnable Hindenburg Line. Media. Some Observations on William Kelly's War! Social. See the full list of William Kelly's War cast and crew including actors, directors, producers and more. The acting had ups and downs, but didn't significantly take away from the film. It had great reviews, a well known producer, a director on his second assignment and a little known cast in a story that had the audience cheering at the end of the movie. Must admit, we did find the return home a bit dragged out as you commented, & the ending unusual. Breaker Morant for me. My favourite was ‘The Lighthorsemen’ from 1987, it gave insight into what it must have been like back in 1917 fighting the Battle of Beersheba against tremendous odds. When I first had the film thrown to me by our supreme leader Jason King, courtesy of the nice people at IFM Films, I immediately thought “Shit, here we go with yet another great story poorly executed,” But you know what? William Kelly's War Photos View All Photos (14) Movie Info. Reviews 0; Discussions 0; We don't have any reviews for William Kelly's War. Even the scenes where there is armed conflict, death and trench squalor this has seemingly been glossed up and presented like a boy scouts adventure. Although the film seemed to have a slight issue with the flow, I though the historically based story was interesting. The period settings, set design and characters are authentic, the pace perfect. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. As the film progressed into some really well shot and well performed scenes of war and violence I found myself forgetting and forgiving the earlier flaws of the film and really enjoying the story. All rights reserved, Review of the latest films, old films and DVD/ Blu Ray, Category containing gay, homosexual and/ or lesbian movie reviews and information, The top 10′s of everything – we all love a good list and we will write lists of whatever you like. The cast acted fine for the script, it was no 'Saving Private Ryan' and I was not expecting a high quality experience when looking at the cast. All in all WILLIAM KELLY’S WAR is a good Aussie war film, far better than the likes of CANOPY or KOKODA. I cant speak for the entire film I turned it off. Give it a miss. Itʼs in this scene we find out that Billy is an amazing shot, using just one bullet to kill a kangaroo from a ridiculous distance. Billy, a known marksman is singled out to head up a highly successful sniper team. When Billy returns from the war he discovers the shallow grave of his father and is informed his sister (Ella Mcllvena) has been kidnapped by bushrangers. The movie review is for me, confusing. If you do not have social media then get with the times – you can still enter, leave your entry below and email me at jking@saltypopcorn.com.au telling me you don’t have social media (you still need to enter on the website). Journalist Keith Murdoch is attached to Billy's group for press coverage of the front line. A unique war story that ticks all the boxes. From the very first scene I was worried that this film was going to be terrible, with a pretty shocking soundtrack of drums with images of a girl being chased through the woods by two men, one carrying a rifle. It was launched in cinemas without much fanfare. I think at times the criticism is so unwarranted.They all played their roles really well.Also there were two stories happening,(surely you can see this)what was happening with the war,and what was happening at home.Two different issues.I don’t agree the ending was dragged out, of course William had to hunt those killers down,it was a case,(as in war) either him or them.I don’t compare small budget movies with the big budget films,that is like comparing apples with oranges. | This film has the production look of a High School Senior project, and in many places not even that good. Not out for purchase yet Val. 516 likes. ( I did it for years) not only shoot a lot... but the larger part of a shooters time is working up cartridge loads for their weapon. Ben Meyers International blew it off as weak. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Apart from the ridiculous three ducks in a row at a thousand yards. I am going to assume that those critics, may have had a preconceived notion as they already knew the facts involving the production of William Kelly's War. I guess it's all about expectations, having watched this film with no high expectations on the quality of acting, script or sets I was very much surprised. WILLIAM KELLY’S WAR is a little indie Aussie war movie that got some very positive praise when it snuck into cinemas for a small season at the end of 2014. Synopsis: “As the Great War begins, Billy (Josh Davis) and Jack Kelly (Mathew John Davis) together with cousin Paddy (Lachlan Hume) sign on and are shipped out to serve with the diggers in Europe. However, around the seventy minute mark the film seems to end with all three boys being shot and wounded in an epic battle to save Jack, and what seems like an entirely separate film begins with Billy returning home to find his father slaughtered and his sister kidnapped by a ruthless group of bushrangers. As the Great War begins, Billy and Jack Kelly together with cousin Paddy sign on and are shipped out to serve in Europe. William Kelly's War. The movie opens October 30 Nationally. Just watched it on Amazon Prime. William wasn't using a scope. As the Great War begins, Billy and Jack Kelly together with cousin Paddy sign on and are shipped out to serve in Europe. Simple variance in cartridge and bullet wind velocity change, etc just not real. DIRECTOR. I loved the trailer, and I have read other reviews that have praised the performances and story. Poor acting, errors designed to perpetuate stereotypes. Or better. Through an amazing feat of determination and courage Billy and Jack survive but Paddy is killed in action. When we first see these guys onscreen their performances seemed to somewhat lack believability and had that kind of uncomfortable tone in their voice, you know the kind that you hear when actors donʼt make the dialogue their own? Producer/script editor Phil Avalon has been involved with independent Australian productions, just about what seems like forever. So yeah I'm sure. Budget-Revenue-Keywords. It felt like the film had just peaked into a great film, only for it to drag out into a vigilante revenge film. The loving close-knit family is very cleverly set up at the front of the movie. Considering it uses minimal cast and a small area to film, the filmmakers did a fantastic job at creating a believable setting. As the Great War begins, Billy (Josh Davis) and Jack Kelly (Mathew John Davis) together with cousin Paddy (Lachlan Hume) sign on and are shipped out to serve with the diggers in Europe. For me it was well worth a watch and I am glad that I did, well written, great landscapes and the war scenes were realistic enough. Oh, and minor housekeeping – huge apologies for overseas readers, this competition is only available to Australian residents. The film prey's on the watchers basic emotions playing the crowd like a bass drum. Strike 3 Playing "Whose the enemy. The least they could have done is given the military proper haircuts. With Maureen Alford, Peter Berzanskis, Marie-Therese Bjornerud, John Black. And it’s weird that they didn’t get a bigger release as they had a fairly high profile onboard but I guess that’s the dilemma of Australian films these days. It actually feels like you are watching a double feature and to be honest I really disliked the direction the director (Geoff Davis) went with these characters. Breaker Morant – saw it when I was young and it had such a profound effect on me. The boys are sent off to Europe to fight a war in a distant land with a sense of awe and amazement. It’s a scenario that could come from any war – it’s interestingly played out with solid performances by all concerned. But his shooting was the. Watch free TV shows and movies online. It was directed by Geoff Davis, and written by his sons Josh and Matthew. As the Great War begins, brothers Billy and Jack Kelly enlist and are shipped out to serve with the diggers in Europe. ", Could it be the English soldiers who treat the Aussies like last week's fish, the Turk's for certain, they are on the Axis's side, and here at home we have the criminal cattle/wife rustlers. Nice to see he's still up to hanging out his shingle. I really would have liked to have seen this part of the story scrapped and the film finish around the 90 minutes. Biggest load of codswallop I have ever had the misfortune to watch. My wife’s Australian, Pvt. Some war scenes but not many. William Kelly’s War, a drama set during WW1, will premiere in Cannes in May and be released in Australian cinemas in September. I’m keen to see it though as I reckons there’s a lack of Australian War Movies though there was another really interesting small one last year – Canopy. Do you know if it is out on DVD yet? I agree at 1000 yards, it would be tough. It's just a host of poorly acted scenes, grossly historically inaccurate production that destroy what might have been a good story. We found it quite compelling. You virtually get 2 movies in one, like an old drive-in double bill. Most Popular; Videos 0; Backdrops 1; Posters 2; Status Released Original Language English. TV Shows. After five minutes I couldn't take any more. Sigue a dos hermanos que dejan su hogar para luchar en la Primera Guerra Mundial y, al volver, encuentran a su familia bajo el asedio de una banda de salteadores. William Kelly's War was a complete surprise. Directed by Geoff Davis. They have given us three copies on DVD, find out how to win below. The three man firing squad, at least nine in practice no trial for the deserter the Germans somehow being able to set up a heavy machine gun in the middle of no mans land...no duck boards in the trenches the ability of Turkish artillery to hit a small sandbagged enclosure with one salvo...and nothing else! In Australia during the Great War, two brothers decide to join the service in Europe. Journalist Keith Murdoch is attached to Billy’s group for press coverage of the front line. And then there is some terrible acting and that brings me to my point "Nepotism killed this movies sucsess.". Billy is a farm trained (roo shooter) marksman who becomes part of an elite World War I sniper team. When we finally make it to the war scenes its clear this isnʼt an amateur crew, the set design in this film is very similar to that of BENEATH HILL 60. Thanks to all who entered – keep entering – more comps coming. If you like war films to be gritty then this has it but also there are two stories going on here which merge well. But right around the twenty minute mark the film really starts to lift off and evidently so did the performances, itʼs almost like the film was shot in sequence and as the shoot progressed so did the actors. John Middleton Bodin was killed at Pozieres on 26 July, 2016, and is buried at the Pozieres British Cemetery. As the war drags on, the defeat at Gallipoli leads to more death and carnage in France. Based on the description of how they did it on the budget they had, Three Cheers from these Yanks. Movies like: William Kelly's War. I wondered why? Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. External Reviews I still can’t find out whether it’s a true story or not though even though they’ve added a detailed synopsis. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. I wondered why? William Kelly's War (2014) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. The most important thing at that distance is a powerful high quality s one. The person who said it was impossible to group 3 bullets like the 3 in a row shown in the movie. I found this film incredibly moving. Surprisingly Interesting Australian Indie on one families' WW1. Ever heard the saying “Never judge a film by its poster?” Yeah well this film is case in point. William Kelly's War was a complete surprise. Regards JK, […] William kelly’s war | movie review | salty popcorn […], Val – just heard back from the producers – the film is releasing on ANZAC day this year – appropriate – maybe a mid year present for the grandson . 12 Nov., 2016. Itʼs actually a pretty good film. It was launched in cinemas without much fanfare. What is really quite terrifying is how this film for the at least the first section specifically portrays WWI as a big jape and a "larf". It was something I felt it could have done without, meaning there was no need to set up that something evil and sinister was about to happen, only for it to fade into light and friendly. The unrealistic bits throughout the movie. If you don’t win you can purchase it from most decent dvd retailers as it is out now. Based on real events during WWII, this is the story of four Allied POWs who are forced to build a railroad through the Burmese jungle. Enjoy Jack’s review…….all the best…..JK. The copious goofs But I can think of a dozen or more variables that a loader/shooter would try to consistently get their bullet in the same hole 3 times. But their adventure turns into a heart wrenching truth about conflict, death on and off the battlefield and its ethical, moral and human cost. War and politics have never been black and white. Metacritic Reviews. Kiefer Sutherland. War. STARRING. TV Shows. It quickly turns light when you realise that they are actually all siblings and in fact just racing each other, kind of a pointless way to open the film. Everything after Billy returns home just seems unnecessary. I can’t wait to see it. William Kelly's War - Trailer. William Kelly’s War review – big-minded small-budget war movie Geoff Davis filmed his battle scenes on the family farm and cast his sons as leads in a film that falls down on its screenplay Unable to make up his mind on which to go with he tried to work them into one, it didn't work. It would be super human to even see the center of the target let alone 3 .308" bullet holes at 1000 yards. | Good luck! The war stole their youth, outlaws stole their future. It’s a rarely seen movie but one worth checking out if you can. Billy, a known marksman is singled out to head up a highly successful sniper team. Find out more recommended movies with our spot-on movies app. With Maureen Alford, Peter Berzanskis, Marie-Therese Bjornerud, John Black. In an explosive climax Billy finds and confronts her kidnappers.”. The prizes will be sent after May 15th! Australia 1914. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE – thanks to the fine peeps at Anchor Bay Entertainment we have copies, copies, copies to giveaway to you all. What's on TV & Streaming What's on TV & Streaming Top Rated Shows … Jack, Patty and Billy are very believable as brothers and I commend Josh Davis, Mathew Davis and Lachlan Hume on their performances of the characters. FAQ A story of injustice and the horror of war all connected with the just following orders line.Edward Woodward is outstanding as Harry ‘Breaker’ Morant & Jack Thompson is as solid as ever . WILLIAM KELLY’S WAR looks like a low budget, independent family made film, surprisingly it actually is, and Kernel Jack, the war reviewer for Salty, attended the screening and actually enjoyed it. Australian Journalist, Keith Murdoch is embedded with Billy’s group to cover frontline action for the newspapers back home. An Australian man is sent to the front during the Great War. Itʼs not that bad. Just watched the movie and realize this is some time after this page was created. In relation to the films production values I have no problem at all with this film. With special thanks to Anchor Bay Entertainment to win one of the 3X DVDs of WILLIAM KELLY’S WAR you need to either like and share/ retweet this post on Facebook/Twitter/ Google+/ Pinterest/ LinkedIn/ Flipboard or Instagram (all the links to follow us are on the top right of homepage), you then need to leave a comment below stating the answer/s to the following questions: What is your favourite Australian war movie and why? William Kelly's War, 2014. As a WWI Passion retired historian, we have been to France many times and have a good set of Bean’s books. Literally you don't just have how much gun powder . Menu. I am very fond of Aussie productions as a whole, William Kelly would be the exception, gratuitous violence was strike 1, two stories are being told as if the director/producer fell in love with and bought two books. Ciarán McMenamin. 6 years ago. I found it a very enjoyable film and gave it a 6/10. Tubi offers all your favorite entertainment totally free online, and on more than 100 devices. The story covers both their war experiences and life at home as the family waits anxiously for news of their boys. Robert Carlyle. When we finally make it to the war scenes its clear this isnʼt an amateur crew, the set design in this film is very similar to that of BENEATH HILL 60. Billy, a known marksman is singled out to head up a highly successful sniper team. The director Geoff Davis, surely has created a good film although I canʼt help but feel it would be a great film if he had changed the story structure and trimmed the fat a little. David L. Cunningham. My husband & I saw this movie premiering in Bundaberg on 29th Oct.,2014. I am a combat veteran and as a novice of the history of wars, and I say "they" are missing the point of the movie. The Kelly family have carved out a little piece of paradise in the old Australia where their father has created a cattle ranch and brought up a loving family. With Murdoch’s glowing reports, Billy and the boys become celebrated war heroes. However, as someone who has visited Australia and drove around and up and down the middle, my wife and greatly enjoyed the film and would give it a higher score than three starts. It's worth the watch especially for Aussies. Billy’s sniper abilities and courage in hand to hand fighting astounds his fellow soldiers, he is awarded the Legion of Honour. It was here that I started to assume the worst. Jan 22, 2017 - Directed by Geoff Davis. Billy, a known crack marksman is singled out to head up a highly successful sniper team. This is a movie that connects with its audience, highly recommended. Back home, Billy’s parents (Tony Bonner, Helen Davis) confronted with lawless bushrangers who threaten their lives and livelihood and fearing they will never see their sons again begin to campaign to oppose the government conscription policy. 50% off your first year of the CBS All Access Annual Plan with code PARAMOUNTPLUS . Worth a watch- a good alternative to the 'blockbuster'. it’s a classic Aussie war movie which in my opinion stands head and shoulders above all else. Based on a true story, it’s the saga of two brothers and their cousin who leave their outback home to go to war and come back to find their family is under siege from a gang of bushrangers. William Kelly's War spent 3 years in production and was created with a spirit and tenacity all its own. William Kellys War: Based on a true story, its the saga of two brothers and their cousin who leave their outback home to go to war and come back to find their family is under siege from a gang of bushrangers. Movies. The initial clunkiness of the acting and low budget war scenes gave way to a gripping story of the survival of two brothers and their cousin who volunteer from a small fsmily farm in Australia to fight in WW1. ... Full Cast & Crew. Center of this movie for me. I had many weapons but I also had just 2 or 3 special weapons that I worked on to get that bullet to go through the same hole 75 out of 100 times. No keywords have been added. The tale of the two heroic brothers with their cousin Paddy really drew me in, I really cared for them as they are sent from battlefront to battlefront whilst their family back home are involved in another war with Bushrangers. It was also the last film with Jon Blake who was critically injured after the wrap-up party. Not at 1000 yards, but I had a perpose built 100 yard outdoor range I built at my ranch. © 2021 Salty Popcorn.