waterloo road imogen fire episode

Official fan page of Imogen Stewart from Waterloo Road. Waterloo Road’s Christine Mulgrew struggles to cope in tonight’s episode January 15 as she learns that her son Connor has landed a job in London. Conor and Imogen … Waterloo Road 's Imogen Stewart finds herself in a dangerous situation in tonight's episode (January 22) as she ends up in a dodgy bar on a wild night out. Mum didn’t start the fire…I did. Waterloo Road is a British television drama series set in a Scottish comprehensive school of the same name that was first broadcast on BBC One on 9 March 2006.. Episode blurb: It's Christine's second day as Headmistress of Waterloo Road, and it starts badly when the new deputy is openly hostile during staff briefing. Lv 6. Read about our approach to external linking. Then a minor bump on the head has potentially devastating consequences for Imogen, Tom returns from the hospital with tragic news of Budgen, and Christine discovers Michael's final betrayal… 7.00 am, Mulgrew Home. Imogen Mulgrew (née Stewart) was a student at Waterloo Road. Stars react to Piers Morgan leaving show over royals row Kevin is a new pupil to Waterloo Road in series 8.He is a lotsmarter than he lets on and looks like a baby angel. Connor avoids her after the fire, leaving her wondering if Connor didn't like her physical appearance anymore. WHEN Waterloo Road schoolgirl Imogen Stewart removed her hearing aid to reveal her deafness in a dramatic scene, there was one extra on set who’d seen it all before. The new headmaster of Waterloo Road, a failing comprehensive in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, has to turn the school around when it faces closure.Or at least that's how things were in the first season. Returning to Waterloo Road, Janeece fumes that Chalky got her into trouble. Skip to content. This is shown by her acceptance of Gabriella Wark in episode 3, despite the clear tension between the pair in the first episode of the series due to the fact that as soon as she arrived at the school, she had snogged Connor. School-based drama. Fed up with being used - and worried about Cheryl's welfare - Chalky snaps, delivering some much-needed home truths to Janeece. We assume she is a member of waterloo road sixth form, as she would no longer be able to attend if they did not have it. she is also seen outside English for Miss Mulgrew's class talking to Connor and scout and at Ms Mcfall's History Lesson. We didn’t have much to do on screen together, so it was more catching up in dressing rooms or in the canteen at lunch. Imogen is an optimistic, idealistic, astute and highly intelligent. Similar Content. Home ; Imogen Waterloo Road Complete BBC Series 1 [2006] [DVD] June 13, 2013 by imogenwaterlooroad . After her burned neck, this incident was only ever mentioned a few times in the following series, and the issue of her hearing aid never mentioned again. Episode List. Imogen Waterloo Road, Waterloo Road concludes its current run of episodes with high drama for loved-up pupils Imogen Stewart and Connor Mulgrew later this week. Imogen is annoyed that Dynasty is considering breast implants to work as a pole dancer in a local club … Concerned that Gerard's failing management of the school will ruin her university plans, Liberty secretly blows the lid on her head teacher with a damning story in the local paper. Her blissful relationship with Connor could take a shaky turn when she suspects him of hiding something from her. Imogen Mulgrew (née Stewart) was a student at Waterloo Road. Worried that Connor might be confiding in Imogen … He later owns up to Imogen that he started the fire that his mum took the blame for, in hope to make things right with Imogen … The confrontation is a catalyst for change as Janeece makes some tough decisions about her future at Waterloo Road and her … Episodes 11–20 aired from January–March 2008. Highly intelligent and just as opinionated, Imogen Stewart is kind, caring, and forthright, but something of an outsider. The eighth series of the British television drama series, Waterloo Road, … Template:Waterloo Road He's in … This is not the real Kirstie Steele who portrays Imogen but a simple fan page. The two heads confront each other and Findlay … Subtitles Found! What happened to Imogen in Waterloo Road? . She is married to Connor Mulgrew, with Christine being her mother-in-law. Now married to Connor, and out in the open, Imogen and Connor look to have a great future together. 219 likes. However, her rational approach won results, leading to the successful Apprentice scheme and school re-cycling business. Imogen … Listen, ... W A T E R L O O R O A D: (2006-2015) series eight, episode twenty. Quite the same Wikipedia. 8 years ago. Before her relationship with Connor, Imogen appeared not to have many friends and was a minor character in the series. Waterloo Road season 8 episode 4 Read My Lips : It's Imogen's birthday, At school, Imogen is horrified to discover that her fitness guru mum is helping with Tariq's rowing fundraiser. However, she can also be quite easily trusting and is usually willing to give almost anyone a chance. She has emotional issues, not as extreme. House passes Biden's $1.9 trillion relief package. The first episode … Liberty pleads with Audrey for a place at Waterloo Road … Episodes 1–10 aired from October–December 2007 before the programme broke transmission over Christmas. 3 Answers. The show quickly developed a large revolving cast and uses the school setting to explore many different storylines and … Sensitive and sparky, Imogen is a girl who loves to live in her own world, and thinks she can find a similar person in Connor Mulgrew. But she has now been given a much more key role and her outspokenness and has incredibly strong views on some situations. Reformed alcoholic Christine apologises to Imogen, scarred in the fire, but Connor, ashamed of his actions as the real arsonist, cannot bring himself to see Imogen, who suspects Christine is keeping them apart. We found subtitles for the program Episode 16. Waterloo Road season 8 episode 5. Please scroll down to get them, or go here for a preview. Similar Content. You're freaking me out now. Episode 16 Waterloo Road. Waterloo Road is a British television drama series set in a comprehensive school of the same name, broadcast on BBC One and later on BBC Three.The show is set in the English town of Rochdale from series one until the end of series seven, and the Scottish town of Greenock from the beginning of series eight until the end of the show in series ten. Emo Imogen, meanwhile, told Connor that he must tell the truth about starting the fire, or she would do it for him. #waterlooroadedit #waterloo road #comogen #connor mulgrew #imogen stewart #tvcentric #cinemapix #filmtv #mine #mine: gifs #mine: waterloo road #otp: thank you for finding me #ch: connor mulgrew #ch: imogen stewart #tv: waterloo road … I missed the last few episodes of the last series and know that there was a fire but was it Connor's fault? Most teenagers try to fit in and want to be normal, but Imogen isn't like most girls her age. Timings (where shown) are from the start of the programme in hours and minutes. Kevin is suspicious when he discovers that Chalky is not who is says he is, but what dark secret is he hiding? School-based drama. Not upset, excited. After she and Connor get back together, he proposes to her, they are secretly engaged. Also, because of her high intelligence, she has a strive to do good in her exams but also a heavy reaction towards her own mistakes, shown in Series 9 Episodes 1-4. When Michael Byrne heard that it was Connor and not Jane Beale who’d started the fire, he decided to give him a chance to stay at Waterloo Road … Imogen has very strong opinions as to those who wrong her. Connor later owns up to her that Connor started the fire that Connor's mum took the blame for, in the hope ofmaking things right with her by being honest. The first series contained eight episodes and ended on 27 April 2006. We found subtitles for the program Episode 13. He avoids her after the fire, leaving her wondering if he didn't like her physical appearance anymore. Waterloo Road benefactor Lorraine wants a return on her investment. I remember a several days before. But when Connor hides his new ambitions in the culinary career, Imogen’s left shaken – will his impending move out of Greenock spell the end of them for good? Relevance. After a violent showdown with Connor and Imogen she then quickly races back to Waterloo Road but is confronted by Audrey after Connor tells the entire teaching facualty about her alcohol addiction. Christine takes the blame for the fire that Connor started to protect him and at the end of the episode she is seen in an … Follow. Watch every episode of every series of Waterloo Road Contemporary drama series set in a challenging comprehensive school. Hiding his vast intelligence for the purpose that he prefers to fallunder the radarKevin in earlier episodes has a tendancy to act out when it is suspected that he is indeed limitting his rather considerable abilities. Emo Imogen is seriously grating on me – her whinging voice, her miserable face. Get the latest on Waterloo Road with all the latest news, gossip and spoilers about soaps, including EastEnders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale, and top TV. Also, it is never really understood how her and Dynasty became so close as Dynasty wanted to kill Connor for no reason, trying to burn his face. Year: Season 8 ... As the feud between Havelock,Gerard Findlay's school,and Waterloo Road continues Findlay posts twenty-five year old press cuttings around the school describing how the young Michael Byrne attacked his father and left him for dead. Imogen isn’t like most teenagers; conformity and trying to be normal isn’t her style. And yesterdays episode confirmed it and when Connor found out and kissed her as a I-accept-you-for-who-you-are, I really wanted to cry. Listen, I’m sorry. Mum didn’t start the fire…I did. Waterloo Road's new recruit Shane O'Meara has proved to be a popular addition to the show in recent weeks, topping Digital Spy's 'Favourite Newcomer' poll and winning praise from fans.. Just better. Before her relationship with Connor, Imogen appeared not to have many friends and was a minor character in the series. Episode 1 Imogen is first seen at the start of the first day at the welcome assembly. Imogen is also referred to as a Year 6, using an old system where Year 7s are reffered to as first years, but this is not to be confused with the current system of year groups. This is a list of character births, marriages and deaths that have occurred on BBC television drama Waterloo Road (TV series) since the first episode on 9 March 2006. She rejects Connor and he is taken away by the police. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Connor sets fire to the school which causes her to get hurt and she is left with a large scar on her neck. As the troubling situation Menu. She is married to Connor Mulgrew, with Christine being her mother-in-law. Answer Save. Information and support for issues covered in our recent programmes. (Series 9, ep.15) There was all sorts going on in Waterloo Road last night – a castaway, some unrequited yearning, some requited yearning, an exciting message from Edinburgh (about Kevin Chalk’s university application), souvenir T shirts, water-boarding, and the long-awaited Resilience Camp. Please scroll down to get them, or go here for a preview. Havelock High's Head Girl, Liberty is a rising athletic star and carer to her mum Sandra, who has rheumatoid arthritis. The show was subsequently commissioned for a second series consisting of twelve episodes… Contemporary drama series set in a challenging comprehensive school. Series 9 Episode 20 (New Highs, New Lows), https://bbc-waterloo-road.fandom.com/wiki/Imogen_Stewart?oldid=15313, She got accepted into a Drama course at a London University. Sian's plan to keep the Barrys apart backfires, and Connor is forced to face up to his actions when he reveals that he started the fire that burnt Imogen. Imogen challenges Dynasty over her plan to get plastic surgery, but can Imogen face her own image issues? Episode 13 Waterloo Road. Browse content similar to Episode … When Imogen said to Connor sometimes she was away with the fairies last week, I instantly knew that she was deaf. Favourite answer. Subtitles Found! Connor sets fire to the school which causes Imogen to get hurt and she is left with a large scar on her neck. With the success of Series 2, an extended 20-part third series was commissioned and began airing from six months later from October 2007. She is between the ages of 16 and 18 and is seen in series 9 to be in the year group who are currently applying to university. But she has now been given a much more key role and her outspokenness … Audrey McFall Melanie Hill Sian looks for a way to tackle the … I found Waterloo Road … Imogen … Jealousy rears its ugly head when Christine witnesses a closeness between Connor and Imogen. marthaskane. Sensible Imogen was a key player in the sixth year protest against budget cuts, bringing her into conflict with her mother-in-law, Christine. This implies she is of the age 17 or 18, however in a place referred to as comprehensive school this is difficult to judge. Waterloo Road benefactor Lorraine wants a return on her investment. Imogen Stewart of Waterloo Road. Alison. I think that Christine's taking the blame but feel so behind watching it! Nikki accuses Scout of stealing Lorraine's car. Browse content similar to Episode … Elsewhere, Nikki's antagonism with Scout builds when she accuses her of stealing Lorraine's car, and romance is in the air for Christine and Michael. W A T E R L O O R O A D: (2006-2015) KIRSTIE STEELE as Imogen … Waterloo Road Season 8 Episode 13: Series 8, Episode 13 Summary: Imogen challenges Dynasty over her plan to get a boob job, but can Imogen face her own image issues? Ugh. I bet Connor’s kicking himself that he left Waterloo Road … Lorraine’s personal trainer Sally has volunteered to help with a charitable rowing event being held at Waterloo Road school. If she was in year 6, Christine Mulgrew (Connor's mother and head teacher) or Imogen's mother could have simply invalidated her marriage to Connor, as they would not have been old enough. What she's afraid of is her big secret being outed. Some matters have become clear- others have had to learn the hard way! Waterloo Road (series 8). On Connor's birthday he takes Kevin's advice and reconciles with Imogen but does not admit to starting the fire. Former pupil Bolton Smilie causes a stir when he turns up in his army uniform to see Tom, but will Tom discover his real motivation before it is too late? ... Kirstie Steele as Imogen Stewart (30 episodes) Kane Tomlinson-Weaver as Harley Taylor (30 episodes) Rebecca Craven as Rhiannon Salt (28 episodes) Marlene Madenge as Lula Tsibi (26 episodes) Tommy Lawrence Knight as Kevin Chalk (23 episodes) Carl Au as Barry Barry (20 episodes) Brogan Ellis as Kacey Barry (20 episodes… after Jade's accident in the canteen, Michael separates her mentally unstable boyfriend Drew from Jade and he runs into the kitchen and comes out with a knife. However, despite being a non-conformist, Imogen’s still sensitive over things that make her different - namely her deafness and the scars caused by Connor’s fire. At least I will be if you are. BBC Waterloo Road Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Season: OR . #waterloo road #connor mulgrew #imogen stewart #waterlooroadedit #comogen #s8 #waterloo road otp for life #* 51 notes.
waterloo road imogen fire episode 2021