secondary schools in england
Best secondary state schools in London Free schools for children aged 11-18 The Henrietta Barnett School State schools in England can be grammar (selective) or comprehensive (non-selective). At the age of eleven, children start their secondary-school education. See the Secondary Accountability Measures opens in a new window guidance for more information. This is for pupils who finished year 11 two years before the year of publication. 10 St Paul’s School. When it comes to your children only the best will do, and finding out which are the top performing state secondary schools is an early Christmas present for some, I'm sure? BETA
Public schools in England are not run by the government. This figure covers any sustained education or employment destination. To reduce the impact of these extreme scores, we set a limit on how negative a pupil’s progress score can be when calculating the school average. Secondary schools in England. Registration: Registration closes in early October the year before … × Information regarding GCSE results: There is a lot of controversy regarding league tables that show … Top 50 Secondary schools in England by Key Stage 5 (A-Level and equivalent) Average Point Score. All primary and secondary school staff are in England also being offered twice-weekly rapid tests. For example, the 2019 table shows pupils who finished year 11 in 2017, which is the most recent data currently available. The figures show that one in six secondary schools in the North West of England is under-performing. They should decide on a case-by-case basis whether their specialist curriculum is compatible with the full EBacc. School types (20) Education in England (9) Education policy in the United Kingdom (7) 2000 establishments in England (6) State schools in … The entrance exams used by most public schools are known as Common Entrance exams and are taken at the age of 11 (girls) or 13 (boys). State schools receive funding through their local authority or directly from the government. A Human Scale School, relationships are very important and the quality of these relationships … This shows the number of pupils who either stayed in education or went into employment after finishing key stage 4 (after year 11, usually aged 16). Among them are: English, Maths, Science, Design and Technology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), History, Geography, Modern Foreign Languages, Art and Design, Music, Citizenship, Physical Education. Secondary Schools in England. 10 - King Edward VI Grammar School, Chelmsford, A-level A*- B (%): 87.1 I GCSE A*/A or Attainment 7 to 9 (%) - 85.8, 9 - Colchester Royal Grammar School, Colchester, A-level A*- B (%): 90.8 I GCSE A*/A or Attainment 7 to 9 (%)- 82.3, 8 - Altrincham Grammar School for Girls, Altrincham, A-level A*- B (%): 91.0 I GCSE A*/A or Attainment 7 to 9 (%) - 82.2, A-level A*- B (%): 88.8 I GCSE A*/A or Attainment 7 to 9 (%) - 90.9, A-level A*- B (%): 93.0 I GCSE A*/A or Attainment 7 to 9 (%) - 89.4, 5 - The Tiffin Girl's School, Kingston upon Thames, A-level A*- B (%): 91.1 I GCSE A*/A or Attainment 7 to 9 (%) - 94.6, A-level A*- B (%): 95.6 I GCSE A*/A or Attainment 7 to 9 (%) - 87.5, 3 - The Henrietta Barnett School, Hampshire, A-level A*- B (%): 92.1 I GCSE A*/A or Attainment 7 to 9 (%) - 94.9, A-level A*- B (%): 94.7 I GCSE A*/A or Attainment 7 to 9 (%) - 90.5, A-level A*- B (%): 95.7 I GCSE A*/A or Attainment 7 to 9 (%) - 90.8, Updates in your area sent directly to your email inbox, We connect you with the people and communities that matter to your business, Contribute to your community by becoming an area ambassador, Search for trusted local businesses near you, The 21 most wishlisted homes on Airbnb in the UK, All 39 countries on England's travel ban list as four added, Children to design Royal Mail stamps to commemorate Covid heroes, Kids' activities perfect for Easter weekend, Just 12 countries may be approved for foreign holidays this year, 10 best shows to watch on Netflix in the UK, The latest number of vaccines given in each region of England, England's R number could be as high as 1 but no official figure for UK is agreed, People to get free access to online records to find their ancestors, Pensioner left heartbroken after memorial to WWII bomber crew vandalised, The latest Covid rates for every local area of England, âExtinct in the wildâ oryx born at Hampshire zoo. Your details will NOT be shared with any 3rd parties. According to the Schools Census there were 3,408 maintained government secondary schools in England in 2017. we divide the total by 6) and so is on a different scale to Attainment 8 which we calculated by simply awarding points score across 8 qualifications (without dividing the total). There … The Tiffin Girl's School, Kingston upon Thames. Information such as headteacher's name, school website, address, location on the map, gender, age-range and school type also typically take 1 to 2 months to be updated here after first being updated, by the school, in Get information about schools. An error had occurred whilst trying to add or remove this school or college to comparison. In the provided time period, the number of secondary schools in the UK has fluctuated between a low of 4072 schools in 2011/12 and a high of 4190 schools in … The organisation of the records we hold reflect the different sorts of secondary schools that existed throughout the 19th and 20th century, and the state’s increasing interest and intervention in secondary education. For example, the education in Scotland allows for more subjects whereas in England and Wales there are less subjects to study with the focus on depth rather on breadth. This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4, compared to pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 2. Some colleges also provide for full-time study at key stage 4. A-level A*- B (%): 91.1 I GCSE A*/A or Attainment … If we can reproduce a problem, we can try to fix it. Accept cookies. The children in England start school when they turn fo… The difference between them can be minimal from mandatory age for starting school to the school curriculum. The deadline for secondary school applications in England is 31st October. Grade 5 in the new grading is a similar level of achievement to a high grade C or low grade B in the old grading. Academy - government funded but run by an academy trust rather than a local authority. This tells you the percentage of pupils who achieved grade 5 or above in the 2017 reformed English and maths GCSEs opens in a new window . It welcomes children of all cultural backgrounds and beliefs and is set in spacious grounds on the historic Dartington Hall Estate in South Devon. This is based on results in up to 8 qualifications, which include English, maths, 3 English Baccalaureate opens in a new window qualifications including sciences, computer science, history, geography and languages, and 3 other additional approved qualifications opens in a new window . All children in England between the ages of 5 and 16 are entitled to a free place at a state school. Illegal behaviour should be reported to the police. Any data collected is anonymised. If information is incorrect in Get information about schools, please report it to the school. These establishments typically start educating pupils at age 14, with a focus on preparing pupils for their future careers by providing an integrated academic and professional education. Progress 8 is not the most appropriate performance measure for university technical colleges, studio schools and some further education colleges. College - colleges generally are focused on the 16 to 18 phase of education and provide vocational as well as academic courses. Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications, which include English, maths, 3 English Baccalaureate opens in a new window qualifications including sciences, computer science, history, geography and languages, and 3 other additional approved qualifications opens in a new window . This measure is based on the better result of either English language or English literature when both subjects are taken, maths, the best 2 results from the single sciences (3 out of 4 must be taken), or results from the combined science, the better result from either geography or history and the best result in languages. Thus there is no direct comparison between state and independent primary schools available. These are schools that are funded by the Government and provide a free education for children aged 16 and under. Secondary Education System Secondary education in the UK normally starts for most students at the age of 11 years old. Absolutely brilliant! Explore England Browse Features. This is the first school you went to at about the age of five. Reviewed: February 2018 Key points. Rankings are based on the percentage of GCSE/IGCSE entries awarded 9-7 or A* and A grades.To qualify for inclusion there must be a minimum of 20 students in the cohort. National curriculum - further information on key stages and assessments taken. NEW league tables for secondary schools across England have been published – and it’s good news if you live in London. In a small number of cases, pupils can have extremely negative progress scores that disproportionately affect a school’s overall progress score. To make a complaint about a school, or a general complaint or enquiry, contact the Department for Education This link opens in a new window. Secondary school league table: Search for the top schools for GCSE results By Ashley Kirk 17 Sep 2019, 3:14pm Best independent schools in the UK: Compare league table results for GCSEs A clear explanation will help us fix the problem. Detailed guide to Progress 8 opens in a new window - for more information about how the Progress 8 score is calculated. The most popular and trusted UK school guide Schools information, school admissions data and catchment area checker. Score & description Well above average 1.31 Open help text for Progress 8 score for William Perkin Church of England High School (2019)) Entering EBacc 80% : Staying in education or entering employment (2017 leavers) --opens a popup Claire. Where a pupil’s score is more negative than this minimum value, an adjusted score will replace the pupil’s original progress score for the purpose of calculating a school’s overall progress average. We plan to re-open it soon. A negative progress score does not mean students made no progress, or the school or college has failed, rather it means students in this school or college made less progress than other students across England with similar results at the end of key stage 4.