philips perfect care compact bedienungsanleitung
MT50 TAREX TAR-H Single Spindle Automatic Turret Lathe (Screw Machine). �35
Lubrication and Belt Changing Manual. MW255D Heckert (WMW & UNION) F315/400 Ten Electrical Schematics. Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component
MP222E PFAUTER Gear Hobber R.S.1 Instruction Manual. Operator's Instruction and
Includes two electrical schematics, post-production
MF17A FEINPRUF Millipneu Surface-finish Comparison Guage Models: 1020, 1040,
Grand Box Column Drilling Machines BKR-20 x 2 to 6-A1. �39
Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.
Instructions. MF10W4 FANUC ROBOT M-Model 100 Mechanical Unit-Connecting: Maintenance Manual
Comprehensive Operating and Maintenance Manual with Electrical
and Maintenance Manual * �45
AJAX AJT-2 and AJT-3 Turret Milling Machines - a combined manual for both early
English text.
Includes Electrical Schematics and a copy of the maker's Sales &
Includes copies of the maker's Sales & Technical
English and French language editions available. �45
MY11B YANG IRON Works SMV-1000 Vertical Machining Centre. Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.
Additional sheets cover the Mk.
MF34N Fellows No.4T Thread Generator (For Generating Threads and Worms with a Gear Shaper). As a complete background guide to these lathes and how they
Assembly and Operating Instructions. Operator's Instruction and Service
MB700Y BSA 95 Single Spindle Chucking Automatic. Annotated Photographs.
MP260C PRATT and WHITNEY Model C 12-inch Screwcutting Engine Lathe Operator's
Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical
370 pages. (22 pages). �75
MW290D Warner and Swasey No. �45.00
301, VHM/1, VHM/1D, VHM/3, VHM/3C, VHM/5, VHM60, VHM/60 and HHM/11 and the 276
MM370E MITCHELL NM10 Lathe (8.5, 10.5 and 12.5-inch centre heights.
MM370A MITCHELL (and Woodhouse and Mitchell) 8.5"centre-height Lathe:
Operating and Maintenance Manual with 3 Electrical and a Hydraulic
MQ5F Qualters and Smith 12A and 12B Band SAW.
centring-centre. MB375P Boxford/Denford 3-inch Precision lathe. GERMAM TEXT.
Catalogue and all the relevant extracts from the Deckel Technical Bulletins. Exploded Component Drawings. MG639Y GLEASON No. the Archive - the machines
machine. Electrical Schematics. Sectional Drawings and an Electrical Schematic. sizes including the powered models. MT370 TRUMPF TAS63A and TAS80A Nibbling SHEARS: Operating and Maintenance
(in conjunction with annotated photographs). MB707G BSA Acme-Gridley BRB 2 5/8"-6 Automatic Bar Machines. Operator's Manual. for the 4-inch Mk.2) that includes Sectional Parts Drawings of the whole lathe
Includes a copy of the detailed
Hypoid Generator Nos: 7, 7A 106,
MP10L PARKSON MILLER-MATIC Plug Program Controlled Vertical and Horizontal
Covers all versions. �35
Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue showing all the "R"
MF54F Filtermist Coolant Units Series 8 Models F34, F28, F21, F14, F1200, F900
MH250D HEB (H. ERNAULT-BATIGNOLLES) OP320 and OP420 Lathes: Operator's and
4 through to the No. Operational Manual. (Betriebsanleitung sum Vierspindle-Halbautomat) Operation Manual. Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.�75
these early Clausing lathes from the 100 Model of 1938 to the renamed machine
Covers the essential basics of Surface, Tool,
MB456E BRIDGEPORT Heidenhain TNC370 Programming Manual. books of 375 pages total) �200
and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. MA660D ARCHDALE 1 1/4" and 2" Vertical Drilling Machine with a fixed
MS837C SUNSTRAND Model 4A Automatic lathe.
screwcutting, power feeds and spindle-speed charts.
MV50B VACU-BLAST Dry Honer Model 36/30 Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Installation, Power-up Procedure, Maintenance of Lubrication, Coolant,
Gear Shaving Machine.
Instruction and Maintenance Manual.
Drawings. MA660 MA660 ARCHDALE RADIAL-ARM DRILLING MACHINES - Data Pack: Most of the
delivered to the UK. MS852-HV14A SYKES HV14 Universal Gear Hobbing Machine: Operator's
Deckel FP3A: this is the model with two motors on the back of the column
Exploded Component Drawings with Electrical Diagrams. Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and Electrical Schematic. Assembly Diagrams of the entire machine showing the construction and assembly
Includes a copy of the
Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manual. Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.
Machines Instruction Manual. �39
Operator's Instruction and Maintenance
MH432D/MD379E Herbert/DeVLIEG 4K Series JIGMIL - Parts manual as Detailed
Includes three Electrical Schematics.
MAZATROL M-1) �145
changewheels to fit the different models (and how they were set ex-factory) and
(6" x 18" and 8" x 24"): Operator's Instruction and
MP18 Payne 12-inch and 14-inch High-precision "Lapmaster" Instruction
GL2512 Floor-standing with manual feed and extended column. Shaper, I.M.L. Includes instructions
MC345 COMET Turret Milling Machine. Covers models from the
No.3A", No.3DS", "No.7", "No.7DS", "No.7
Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings and
Hydraulic Copying Unit. MQ4 Qualters and Smith 150,
Maintenance Manual including large electrical schematics. Electrical Diagrams. Includes a copy of the Technical Sales and Specification and
MP250E POWERMATIC Model 143 14-inch Combination Band Saw. Parts manual as useful sectional drawings
MW5258 Wadkin: Wadkin RJ Planing & Thicknessing Machine. MU80G DKES 1320 x 1000 Single Column Vertical Turret Lathe. �95
Operating Instructions.
schematic, installation drawings and operating sequence set-up directions. an Electrical Schematic and a copy of the makers' Sales and Technical
Instructions with Electrical Diagrams. Clutches Manual. MS473 SCHARMANN FB75 Opticut Horizontal Boring and Milling Machines. MV100E VAN NORMAN No. �39
MH032 HAMAI Production Milling Machine Type 2/4MP-H/V. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.
MW5164 Wadkin: Wadkin BT630 Planer & Thicknesser. English, French German and Spanish text.
Operation and Maintenance
MV216 VERTEX Universal Tool and Cutter Grinder Taiwan Copy of Deckel SO. of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.
Instruction and
5 Surface Grinding Machine: Operator's Instruction
MS497A SCOTTISH Machine Tool Corporation (Craig & Donald) Plate Folding
Z400 ZUBAL AP-250 Lathe. Detailed Sectional Drawings. version and a later dual CA9-10 and CA9-16.
Manufacturing Lathes.�39
Operator's Instructions. 8M and 3M Fellows Red Liners (For Inspecting Gears and Hourglass Steering Worms).
Illustrated Parts Manual as exploded diagrams and Electrical Diagrams. Manual with Electrical Schematics. Operator's Instruction and Service Manual
Colchester VS3250 with Harrsion badging). model with two levers on top of the headstock and one on the front face. Diagram, Connection Diagram for Knee Limit Switch, 2 Diagrams for Automatic
MM390 MIZOGUCHI Boring Head MU-S. Instruction Manual. with Parts Manual as Exploded Assembly Diagrams.
TECHNOIMPEX E2N-MH Lathe (also branded KART ROYAL).
Operator's Instruction, Maintenance
"Splendor"). Grinding Attachment. MS517 SHAPECUT MACHINES SCM 11 SYSTEM: Operator's Instruction Manual. Specification Catalogue. Much information applicable to other makes as well. An original, ex-works copy of this manual may be available. ML400A LUND (Landis-LUND "Precimax") Model FB-1 Fine Boring machine. MD340 DELTA DJ-15 6" Jointer.
Operator's Instruction and Service
MS480RT Schaublin 20 Rotary Transfer Machine. ML4C Landis UNIVERSAL GRINDER 10" x 20" Operator's Instruction
MW585 WOLTERS FL8 and FL12 Flat Lapping Machines. oversight of their design, features and methods of operation. �39
Electrical Schematics.
(this machine is a copy of the Jones and Shipman 540). Drawings. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. �35
editions are included: one with useful sectional drawings of the main
Assembly Diagrams Parts Manual.
Sectional Drawings. Includes the useful and
Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual.
MG915 GROMATIC 140 Lathe. Functions, Data Input, Editing Programs, Creating Programs, Setting and
Instruction and Maintenance Manuals with Dividing and Spiral Milling Charts. Accessories Catalogue �40 An example of this lathe can be seen here:, MHL13 HARRISON Lathe Model 12-inch and 13-inch swing L6 Mk. Diagrams �125
Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings
Parts Manual as detailed
tailstock-mounted tool holder. Operating
Sectional Drawings. MS845 SWIFT 'G' Lathe. MV500C VOUMARD Type 5 Internal Grinding Machine. MC111 CINCINNATI "LT" LATHES 16", 18", 20" and
MD50 DARENTH Universal Clarifiers
Operating and Maintenance Manual with
MB644H BROWN and SHARPE Nos. of the original LeBlond Book "Running a Regal" and a copy of the Makers
MT201F TOS FA3A-H, FA3A-U & FA3A-V (Horizontal, Universal & Vertical)
MR58ET RECORD (Toyo ) ML360 Lathe and Milling Head. (155 ton).
Manuals. �75
ML120 LINMATIC Filing Machine: Operator's Instruction Manual.
speed-selector dial on the front face, two levers immediately above set in a
the same era. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance
3KM, 3CSM, 4CSM, 5CSM, 6CSM, 4H, 4K, 5H, 5HM, 2CK, 3CH, 3CK, 4CH, 4CK, 5CK and
Operating Instructions. MW5257 Wadkin: Wadkin RBP400 Tradesman Planer & Thicknesser.
Covers all models.
MS700U STARTRITE V502 Bandsaw (dual speed): Operator's Instruction, Maintenance
MP10E PARKSON M1200 MILLING MACHINES: Comprehensive 140 page Operator's
MW5165 Wadkin: Wadkin BTS Planer and Thicknesser. MT220D TOWN (Frederick Town) E.G. Operating and Maintenance Manual. Schematics. �45
MO450A OPUS Filing and Jig-saw Machine Model 140. MB672 BRISH SURFINDICATOR BL-110 Surface-finish Indicator. �39
Operator's Manual with a hydraulic
machine's capabilities.�85
Electrical Diagram. �45
Coolant Clarifer and a comprehensive Sales, Technical Specification &
Includes a detailed 10-page Technical Specification catalogue. �35
MW208 WAGNER (Gustaf Wagner) Die Head Z39: Operator's instruction with Parts
MF10A FANUC AC SERVO UNIT Maintenance Manual.
Spare Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional
and Maintenance Manual and Parts as Exploded-component diagrams. and an electrical schematic. English and German Text.
Operating and Setting Manual. Diagrams. MR150 RICHARDS Horizontal Boring Machines: all early models, often marked
for cross tools, rollers and bell and cam and lever, metric pitches, Whitworth
MR445A SAIMP ( S.A.I.M.P.) FBD-5012, FBD-5020, FBD-8020, FBD-8025, FBD-1025, FBD-1030, FBD-1040 and
Positip VRZ-965, VRZ-742, ME-101 and ME-102. �45
Accessories Catalogue. �65
MO200F OKUMA GPB Cyclic Plain Cylindrical Grinder. �95
�65 (See: Toolmaster Type MT)
MW315H WEBSTER and BENNETT Series EV 36-inch Vertical Boring & Turning
German. manual with many useful sectional drawings. �39
additional pages of Sales, Specification & Accessories catalogues.
produced - "0", "OE", "No.1", "No.1A",
MF430 ENDOMATIC FACING MACHINE Type SC2 (Fraser Arbroath Endomatic). MF10Q BPC 520V (Fanuc 11M): PC Ladder Diagram. MN220A Naerok "918" lathe. centre, limit switches, travelling steady. Technical Data, Hardware and Software Interfaces and Commissioning
MB140FP BEAVER VC45 Flow Charts. MK170V Kearney and Trecker: KEARNEY and TRECKER S-Type (S-12 & S-15)
versions - but not the latter's variable-speed table drive system. one above the other on the face of the stand and to the right an
3, 4 and 5 "Universal Ram Type" Turret
244, 306, 309, 430 and 438) and how they work - together with an explanation of
the Atlas and Craftsman brand s. If you are in doubt about which model you
with a flat face to the headstock. �39
MD300D DELAPENA 301 Honing Machine. Operation &
MK530 KNAPP UZFM 300H Rack Milling Machine: Instruction and Maintenance Manual.
Spare Parts Manual as useful and detailed Sectional Drawings.
Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Adjustments and Basic Service Manual. attachments worked.
Instruction Manual.
Dismantling Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Assembly Diagrams. �55
full-size edition with detailed instructions together with an Illustrated Parts
2 and Mk. Maintenance Manual with useful sectional drawings. Instruction, Maintenance and Parts
operating procedures for this model are common to many other small shapers. The machine consists of two horizontally mounted wheelheads on adjustable bases. �35
Operating Instructions. Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings with Electrical Schematics. �39*
format. ML4X Landis Cylindrical Grinding Manual. MC112 CINCINNATI Acratrace Hydraulic Tracer Unit, Operation and Service Manual
of the rare "Standard Accuracy Chart" and the maker's interesting
Milling Machine. Parts Manual as Component
�45, Emco FB2 (and MENTOR) Vertical Milling Machine (also
manuals for the simpler "SO" Model together with the full Manual for
Operator's Instruction Manual.�65
MT100E TAYLOR HOBSON "Model JR" 1 to 1 Copying, Profiling, Routing
table-feed gearbox, the Electronic variable-speed table drive (with wiring
Maintenance, Lubrication and Parts Manual. Includes wiring diagram for
foundation plan, lubrication diagram and clear descriptions of the machine's
ML4XX Landis Type 5R Fully Automatic Crankpin Grinder with Microtronic Feed.
Specification & Accessories Catalogue. �39
Kand UX - see under Matrix
Includes a copy of the maker's Technical Sales and
(with Nakamura-Fanuc OTA/10TE-F and OTTA/11TTE-F Controls) �350
identification of model types difficult.
self-opening Dieheads. 10-inch "Model R" and 14-inch "Model L" (Cincinnati
Instructions. Sectional Drawings. Operating
charts, lists of ex-factory changewheels set-ups, metric conversions and other
User's Manual. MG632 GKN Spark Erosion Machine Model C.1 Operating Instructions. �95
English Text. MW250KK WARD 2DS and 3DS Plug Programme Lathes. MG640K GLEASON No. Optidress Wheel-forming (optical-control)
MB580 BRODHEAD-GARRETT Instructions and Parts Manual for the J-Line 8-inch
Attachments and Accessories Catalogue". MW215D WAHLI W31 Auto-Loader Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. MC741 ARCHDALE and CUNLIFFE and CROOM Indexing tables for Universal Milling
lubrication chart and a printed (not illustrated) list of spare parts). Startglen badges. Drawings together with a Separate publication "Installation and Servicing
multi-purpose machine capable of cylindrical, surface and tool and cutter
Great work. FAY Automatic Lathes - see also under Churchill Fay. �65
Specification Catalogue. the title: "Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Types". MB145Z BECHLER Automatic Lathes. 260/38-Z, 260/38-D (etc) Capstan Lathe. MC157W CINCINNATI 6-inch "Model R"; 10-inch "Model L";
Special Accessories Catalogue. wiring diagram.
Maintenance Manual. �350
MP262 PRATT and WHITNEY Keller BL Automatic Tracer-controlled Milling machine. Operating and
Machines (sometimes badged Thompson-Matrix). Instruction Manual with Parts Manual as Detailed
Parts Manual as Component
Illustrated Parts Manual for Attachments: with detailed Sectional Drawings of
of the DECKEL FP1 Universal Toolroom Miller. maker's basic hand book
Operator's Instruction
pack with all know publications included: the Instruction and Maintenance
original machines with "rounded" styling and two for the late-type
Operator's and Maintenance
Instruction and
MD372 DENHAM JUNIOR Lathe: Operator's Hand book and Parts Manual as Exploded
MV210D VERNIER FV300 Operation & Maintenance manual and Parts Manual as
MB990 BUXTON Straight Folding Machines. for special-equipment models, "H" for hydraulic table travel, "BB"
Attachment. Though these latter L and XL lathes are somewhat
MB560G BROADBENT Model 2534 Lathe. Also includes a dedicated sales catalogue with
the head unit and also the Rishton compound table with a Rishton electrical
Manual, Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Component drawings together with two
Not the best of copies -
These are shown
MS526F Sheldon S-56 (underdrive) and KS (overhead drive)Older 11" Lathe
MH950 Hyundai T-BL-20B Bench Lathe. Manual and Exploded Component Parts List. Text in English, German and Swedish. ME25 ECLIPSE Magnetic Chucks (rectangular and circular).
Operating and Maintenance Instructions. �75
Operator's Instructions and Maintenance Guide
98 pages. �39
Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with many useful sectional
Detailed Operating and
MR445C SAIMP FV-0 Vertical Milling Machine. format. GERMAN TEXT: �39
Machines: Service Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.�75
Instruction Manual. �65
MK115A KALTENBACH HDM Cold Saw. tailstock end and countershaft templates needed to accurately bench mount the
gulf bank atm card casey townsend. ML71F LeBLOND "Dual Drive" Mk.1 Instruction and Illustrated Parts
Maintenance Manual. brief Trouble-shooting Guide. charts - imperial, metric and conversion - and a copy of the now rare maker's
MW5231 Wadkin: Wadkin LZ8 Spar Milling Machine. �39
Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual.
Corporation of Dayton, USA) Operation & Service Manual. Operator's Instruction and
Operating and Maintenance Instructions. A complete data
thread-cutting charts, Electrical Schematics and a number of useful Sectional Drawings. MO320A/MJ158A OPTIDRESS E Wheel-dressing attachment (by Precision Grinding
Illustrated Parts Manual as Sectional
MW5140 Wadkin: Wadkin BER Spindle Moulder.
Specification Catalog.
Incredible range of information. �55
MT201X TOS FB-25 Milling Machine. 26".
Switchgear Equipment. Operator's
MB456DE BRIDGEPORT BPC 520V (Fanuc OM) Electrical Test and Set-up Manual �135
Operator's Instruction,
Instructions, Maintenance and Operation. MW5200 Wadkin: Wadkin EQ and EX Single & Double Vertical Spindle Moulders.
Operator's Instruction and Maintenance
MS852- HV234 SYKES HV24 Universal Gear Hobbing Machine: Detailed Operator's
MC899BE CVA 50-ton Dieing Press. Includes a copy of the maker's Technical Sales and Specification
MW5174 Wadkin: Wadkin C5 and C6 Bandsaws (dedicated).
of Bentley Epic Presses" and, for the M-Type, a cross sectional drawing
Also includes a copy of the maker's early and late Sales
Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. sold with other badges by various Taiwanese makers including ones badged as
copies of early and late maker's comprehensive Technical Sales and Specification
Two editions, one early the other late, of the
please enquire (details at top of page). �55
MH330VV HEIDENHAIN TNC 351 and TNC 355 Service Manual �65
schematic. �35.00
and also applying to the HSL-59 short-bed version). headstock. Dismantling Manual with some very useful sectional drawings. MH310 HEENAN "Ajusto-Speed" variable-speed drives and couplings Sizes
3-phase and 1-phase, an Electrical Enclosure Diagram Connection Chart, D.C.
Instruction Manuals plus Lubrication data, screwcutting charts and electrical
Bowl-turning Lathe. MEX10A Ex-Cell-O REMEX Tape R with Electrical Schematics. �65
Operator's Instruction Manual
Diagrams. MM530 MUREX Tranarc Tradesman DC130 Welder.
Maintenance Manual: �95
MH735B HOFFMAN Electronic Dynamic Balancer Type SW-M.
MA500F ALEXANDER (George Alexander GHA) Universal Die-Sinking and Engraving
German Text. Automatic Turret Lathe. �45
Operator's Instruction Manual and Lubrication Guide. RIGIVA Milling Machines.
Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts
Trecker or Lodge & Shipley in the USA): Detailed Operating Instructions. MN222 NAGEL Deep Hole Drilling Machine. �30
MM320 MIKRON Booklet giving "Cutters and Calculations" - including various graphs - for Bevel Gears. 4: Detailed Service Manual
Do-All Lathes - often a re-badged UK-built Harrison. MW5217 Wadkin: Wadkin HC Automatic Saw Sharpener. MA468A AIRMEC Autoset Type N.410 Installation, Programming, Operation and
ML158 JONES and SHIPMAN additional EQUIPMENT MANUAL: Covers the following Attachments:
Rolls 15' x 1/2" and 8' x 1/2" (2 manuals).
instructions - it's probably the best instruction book ever produced by a lathe
dual-marked models. and give accurate descriptions of the construction, parts and controls. tables, cutting and chucking tools, arbors, collets, boring bars, clamping
MC326A Colchester Master VS3250 (variable speed) Comprehensive Instruction and
but an excellent and useful Sales and Specification 16-page Catalogue with
Maintenance Manual including 9 large Sectional Schematics. electrical schematics issued by the factory.
MO100A OERLIKON Lathe copying attachment Model HKv. Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Component and sectional Drawings. copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue. MHL52AA HARRISON Lathe AA Mk. "Commercial". Specification and Specification and Accessories Literature. special supplements on the theory and practice of gear testing methods. MS682ZP STANKOIMPORT (Russian) 1N611N
We don't have the specific manual but the
book. �85
Sectional Drawings. Drawings. Instruction and Maintenance Manual with electrical diagrams. the ordinary manual has just 8 pages this is a complete data pack consisting of
Technical Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue. and Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Instruction Manual. MT70A TAYLOR CAPSTAN LATHES Model 1494, 1515 & 1525. Instruction Manual &
Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics. �85
change-gears to vary the table-feed rates and levers for the spindle speeds. with a well-illustrated 16-page Sales, Specification & Accessories