elizabeth: the golden age plot
But for all its lapses, this is probably the liveliest, most vibrant Elizabethan production since Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet. The last straw for Philip was the Treaty of Nonsuch signed by Elizabeth in 1585 – promising troops and supplies to the rebels. Kapur was thrilled to have both Rahman and Armstrong working together on the music, saying it was fascinating to watch "two people with totally different backgrounds and cultures" interact. Elizabeth (1998)/ Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007) ~ Review ... 1200 × 800 . Pound for pound, minute for minute, Elizabeth: The Golden Age could possibly contain more sustained church-bashing than any other film I can think of." [7], Monsignor Mark Langham, Administrator of Westminster Cathedral, was criticised by some Roman Catholics for allowing scenes to be shot there; although praising the film as a "must see", he suggested that "it does appear to perpetuate the myth of 'killer priests'". [10][11] "Why put out this perverse anti-Catholic propaganda today, just at the moment when we are trying desperately to revive our Western identity in the face of the Islamic threat, presumed or real? I can't think of a historical period film in which England and the English have been depicted heroically for the last forty or fifty years. Several critics (some cited below) claimed the film was "anti-Catholic" and followed a traditional English view of their own history. Elizabeth: The Golden Age is a sequel to the 1998 film Elizabeth. But this strategy forces Elizabeth to observe their growing intimacy. The film was shot at Shepperton Studios and various locations around the United Kingdom. | So you interpret history to tell the story that is relevant to us now. Elizabeth appears to triumph personally through her ordeal, again resigned to her role as the Virgin Queen and mother to the English people. Elizabeth I was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth: The Golden Age Movie Behind The Scenes - YouTube. Recent years saw a surge in books and exhibitions about her. Mary is tried for high treason and beheaded; Walsingham realizes this was part of the Jesuits' plan all along: Philip never intended for Mary to become queen, but with the Pope and other Catholic leaders regarding Mary as the true Queen of England, Philip uses Mary's death to obtain papal approval for war. Babington storms into a cathedral where Elizabeth is praying and fires a pistol at her, though Elizabeth is unharmed as there was no bullet in the gun. The execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, is portrayed as having happened very swiftly after her arrest, while she was still a young woman. Read full review. The film depicts the battle between the English navy and the Spanish Armada as consisting of. That's why I made this film, so this idea of a rift between Catholicism and Protestants does not arise. [26], Elizabeth: The Golden Age grossed $6.1 million in 2,001 theatres during its opening weekend in the United States and Canada, ranking #6 at the box office. The Dark Night 10. The Elizabethan age (1558–1603) is named after the reign of England’s last Tudor monarch, Queen Elizabeth I. Filippo vorrebbe far salire al trono sua figlia Isabella per avere il dominio incontrastato sui mari, attualmente infestati dai corsariinglesi. He writes: "Where Kapur's first Elizabeth was cool, cerebral, fascinatingly concerned with complex plotting, the new movie is pitched at the level of a Jean Plaidy romantic novel".[22]. It stars Cate Blanchett in the title role and is a fairly fictionalised portrayal of events during the later part of the reign of Elizabeth I, a sequel to Kapur's 1998 film Elizabeth. Much popular history, including the film, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, has tried to explain this punishment by imagining that the queen was in love with Raleigh.However, this … [28] In contrast, the film's predecessor, Elizabeth, grossed $30 million in the United States and Canada, and a total of $82.1 million worldwide. "[5] Colin Covert of the Minneapolis Star Tribune complained of what he saw as "ugly anti-Catholic imagery",[6] and Bob Bloom of the Lafayette Journal & Courier agreed that anti-Catholicism was one of the film's "sore points". On the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, 34% of critics gave the film a positive rating, based on 166 reviews; the average rating is 5.08/10. A mature Queen Elizabeth endures multiple crises late in her reign including court intrigues, an assassination plot, the Spanish Armada, and romantic disappointments. In January 2009, he expressed regret that other compositions from A. R. Rahman were not used in the film, feeling that "the score of Golden Age was not half as good as it could have been." Ebert did, however, praise many of the actors' performances, particularly that of Cate Blanchett as Queen Elizabeth I. It was a time of extravagance and luxury in which a flourishing popular culture was expressed through writers such … Scheda del film ''Elizabeth - The Golden Age'' di Shekhar Kapur. 4 and earned £1.3 million ($2.7 million) on its opening weekend. At that time the church in Spain, or Philip had said that they were going to turn the whole world into a very pure form of Catholicism. Historians often depict it as the golden age in English history. The film is based on the mid years of Elizabeth I's reign, known as "The Golden Age of England". The period is also called the Golden Age, for these years saw England rise to the status of world power thanks to voyages of exploration and economic expansion. Showing all 3 items Jump to: Summaries (3) Summaries. Queen." [29], The film received two Academy Award nominations, winning the Academy Award for Costume Design for Alexandra Byrne. Walsingham's Catholic brother, who knows of the plot against Elizabeth, is jailed, leading Walsingham to reveal Spain's plan to Queen Elizabeth, who angrily confronts the Spanish diplomats. They had wed in July 1554, a year after Mary's accession to the English throne, but the English Parliament had refused to grant him much real power as co-monarch of England. Synopsis This representation of a historical period is heavily fictionalised for the purposes of entertainment. '[24] while Wesley Morris of The Boston Globe said, "Historians might demand a little more history from Elizabeth: The Golden Age. Papist Spain wants to bring down the heretic Elizabeth. [2] On Mary's death he had tried unsuccessfully to persuade her sister and successor, Elizabeth I, to marry him, but she would not agree. Nel 1585 Filippo II di Spagna, sovrano del Regno più potente del mondo, trama per conquistare l'Inghilterra annientando la legittima sovrana Elizabeth; la regina, ormai sul trono da circa trent'anni, ha instaurato la religione protestante dichiarandosi nemica della Spagna cattolica e sta acquisendo sempre maggior potere. Queen of England from 17th November 1558 to 24th March 1603, she's regarded as one of the greatest monarchs of England. Ultimately, Elizabeth allied England with the Protestant rebels in the Netherlands. Just as a dollar was really a dollar during the Great Depression, fifty was really fifty in the 16th century. "[16], The original score was composed by A. R. Rahman and Craig Armstrong. 2007 – Kapur, Elizabeth: The Golden Age. Ruler of the Golden Age . [27] As of February 2009[ref] the worldwide total was $74.2 million, including $16.4 million in the US and Canada and $57.8 million elsewhere. The Babington Plot, one of the conspiracies to assassinate Elizabeth I was portrayed in the movie as having carried out with the shooter coming face to face with the queen and the plot only failed because the gun used for the assassination was unloaded. The ships of the Armada vastly outnumber England's, but a storm blows the Armada toward the beaches, endangering its formation and becoming vulnerable to English fire ships. Elizabeth’s ‘Whitehall’ court is Ely Cathedral, where Elizabeth confronts the Spanish ambassador about the plot to invade England in the Nave.The masque for young, tongue-tied, potential suitor Archduke Charles of Austria and Raleigh’s presentation of tobacco and potatoes, are Ely’s Lady Chapel.. You almost have to go back to Laurence Olivier's Shakespeare's Henry V in which you actually have an English king and English armies portrayed heroically'. The England of the first Elizabeth is a dark and sensuous place; the court lives intimately with treachery, and cloaks itself in shadows and rude luxury. Guarda immagini di alta qualità seguire l'hashtag #elizabeth the golden age plot. Unlike "Elizabeth" (1998) by the same director, Shekhar Kapur, this film rides low in the water, its cargo of opulence too much to carry. There was no Spanish ambassador in Elizabeth's court in 1585, as Elizabeth had him expelled from England following the discovery of the Throckmorton plot, after Francis Throckmorton claimed under torture that his plot had been sanctioned by the Spanish. An infuriated Elizabeth berates Bess, reminding her that she cannot marry without royal consent. From her imprisonment, Queen Mary sends secret correspondence to the Jesuits, who recruit Anthony Babington to assassinate Elizabeth. The darkness of life for polio victims and their families is overshadowed by the actions of the kind and [30], At the 11th Pyongyang International Film Festival held in September 2008, one of the awards for special screening were conferred upon the film. In an international poll, she featured in the top ten of the greatest Britons. He said 'that Blanchett could appear in the same Toronto International Film Festival playing Elizabeth and Bob Dylan, both splendidly, is a wonder of acting'. Angel Wings 13. Meanwhile, Queen Elizabeth Tudor I (Cate Blanchett) of England is pressured by her advisor, Francis Walsingham (Geoffrey Rush), to marry - if she dies childless, the throne will pass to her second cousin, M… The Golden Age Study Guide | Literature Guide | LitCharts. TAGLINE: "Woman. Elizabeth, di fede protestante, era stata inizialmente rinchiusa nella Torre di Londra per presunta cospirazione contro sua sorella, anche se in seguito era stata liberata dalla regina stessa e confinata nella sua casa di campagna. She banishes Bess from court and has Raleigh imprisoned for the crime of seducing a ward of the Queen. Elizabeth: The Golden Age A mature Queen Elizabeth endures multiple crises late in her reign including court intrigues, an assassination plot, the Spanish Armada, and romantic disappointments. "Elizabeth, the Golden Age" is weighed down by its splendor. Where else have you heard these words about Salman Khan or Salman Rushdie? While Ms Blanchett has moved gracefully into her late thirties, the Virgin Queen of 1583 has attained her early fifties. [18], "Opening" from the score was used in the BBC's coverage of the Single's Finals at the 2008 Wimbledon Championships. Walsingham continues to warn Queen Elizabeth of Spain's rising power and of the Catholics' plots against her, but unlike her predecessor and half-sister Mary I of England, Elizabeth refuses to force her people to share her religious beliefs. I do believe that civilisations that don't learn from history are civilisations that are doomed to make the same mistakes again and again, which is why this film starts with the idea of fundamentalism against tolerance. Presentato alla Festa del Cinema di Roma nella sezione Première, è uscito nelle sale italiane il 26 ottobre 2007 Trama. Jesuits in London conspire with Philip to assassinate Queen Elizabeth and replace her with Queen Mary, in what King Philip calls "The English Enterprise", historically known as the Babington Plot. Mary writes letters condoning the plot. Queen Elizabeth I (Cate Blanchett) faces threats to her rule from abroad and at home. The screenplay is more action-oriented but not as smart, and some of the dialogue is downright cheesy. "[4], Stephen Whitty of the Newark Star-Ledger said: "This movie equates Catholicism with some sort of horror-movie cult, with scary close-ups of chanting monks and glinting crucifixes. Elizabeth encourages her favorite lady-in-waiting, Bess (Abbie Cornish), to befriend Raleigh to keep him near. ", "Elizabeth: The Golden Age – Rotten Tomatoes", "Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007): Reviews", ":: rogerebert.com :: Reviews :: Elizabeth: The Golden Age", "Movie review: 'Elizabeth' a golden delight", "12th Annual Excellence in Production Design Awards", "Winners of the 10th Annual Costume Designers Guild Awards", "Sony Ericsson Empire Awards: The Winners", "Winners & Nominees: Elizabeth: The Golden Age", "Irish Film & Television Awards Winners 2008", "International Press Academy website – 2007 12th Annual SATELLITE Awards", "Final 14th Annual SAG Awards Recipient Press Release", Interview with Cate Blanchett at tribute.ca, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Elizabeth:_The_Golden_Age&oldid=1015390246, Films with screenplays by William Nicholson, Films that won the Best Costume Design Academy Award, Films scored by Craig Armstrong (composer), Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles needing additional references from November 2015, All articles needing additional references, Articles that may contain original research from November 2015, All articles that may contain original research, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles needing additional references from May 2017, Articles needing additional references from January 2013, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2016, Articles containing potentially dated statements from February 2009, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2015, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Best Cinematography in a Theatrical Feature Film, The film depicts Elizabeth being advised by, In the film, Elizabeth is confronted at the altar of Old St Paul's Cathedral by, The film also depicts Babington (and, implicitly, the other conspirators) as having been hanged by. Intanto Elizabeth, che ha raggiunto un'età avanzata, riceve le pre… The reign of Elizabeth I is often thought of as a Golden Age. Warrior. [23] Blanchett portrayed Bob Dylan in the film I'm Not There and was nominated for an Academy Award for her roles in both movies. Elizabeth: The Golden Age (Movie) – Plot Synopsis In 1585, Catholic Spain, ruled by King Philip II of Spain, is the most powerful country in the world. Plots Against the Queen Throughout Elizabeth's long forty-four year reign as queen, many people tried to have her assassinated and to take over her throne. As the Spanish Armada begins its approach up the English Channel, Elizabeth forgives Bess and sets Raleigh free to join Sir Francis Drake in the battle. She was constantly on the side of tolerance. Cockatoos 5. A mature Queen Elizabeth endures multiple crises late in her reign including court intrigues, an assassination plot, the Spanish Armada, and romantic disappointments. He plans to take over England, and make his daughter Isabella the Queen of England in Elizabeth's place. The film premiered on 9 September 2007 at the Toronto International Film Festival. "Elizabeth, the Golden Age" is weighed down by its splendor. A mature Queen Elizabeth endures multiple crises late in her reign including court intrigues, an assassination plot, the Spanish Armada, and romantic disappointments. Info. Tap to unmute. "[13][14] "The fact is that the Pope ordered her execution; he said that anybody who executes or assassinates Elizabeth would find a beautiful place in the kingdom of heaven. Weighed down by its splendor. During the film, Elizabeth spoke German to Charles II, Archduke of Austria.