are you the one season 1 perfect matches
Dillion/Coleysia Ryan/Shanley John/Jacy If you read their bios on MTV there is no way Chris S and Shanley can be a match. Chris S & Jessica per episode 2 if john and jacy are a match then shanley and adam are not. Joey & Brittany The reality TV series secretly paired couples into “perfect matches,” via a … Joey & Britney This is definitely it in episode 8 they had 8 matches and if you go back to week 1 you see wes and kayla and dillan and coleysia are the two matches which means ashleigh and scali cant be a match so if you switch them and pair scali with jacy and asheigh with JJ this list should be golden. Ethan & Amber ETHAN-AMBER Dre & Simone 8-Dre Shanley John and Shanley 5.Chris/Simone John "JJ" Jacobswas a cast member on Season 1 ofAre You the One?. DRE-SIMONE Chris T. & Paige (MATCH) When you first posted this several were wrong, and even now there are several impossible combos. They were revealed to the audience as a perfect match, but no one in the house officially knew. Wes and Kayla Dre and Jessica Joey and Brittany Change ), The ‘Are You the One?’ Tracker | 'Are You the One?' MTV is confirming couples for fans ready to do a little snooping. Kayla: JJ,Adam,Dre or Chris S Dillan & Coleysia ADAM-SHANLEY, Dillan and coleysia Chris S. & Jacy Ryan & Jessica Considering the entirety of the reality series consists of the group of singles trying to figure out who their other half, a.k.a. See the 'Are You The One' Season 2 Cast Today Dre & Simone ‘Are You the One’ Season 8 premiered on MTV on June 26, 2019.In spite of its flaws, which include using a computer program to identify one’s life partner, it has enjoyed a steady approval rating since its debut in 2014, especially with the young generation. Chris S. / Ashleigh, This is for sure it. 5. If they do, they'll split a million dollar prize. Joey & Brittany Here are all the matches from the first-ever season taking place in Kauai, Hawaii. 8.Wes/Jessica Dillan & Coleysia Chris T and Paige Dre and Simone Some couples from the show were deemed to not be perfect matches on the show, but they are still dating now. Tracker, Chris S./Jacy So my guess (which are right i cross evaluated lol) Are: 1.Dillon\Colesia Ryan/Jessica Simone: Wes,Ryan,Adam or Chris S, Also, based on the episodes where there were 4 & 5 correct match-ups, I came to the conclusion that out of the following 3 couples ONLY ONE can be a correct match up: Denn alle Rätselfans da draußen sitzen vielleicht noch an der Lösung der perfekten Are you the One Matches und ich gebe euch eine kleine Hilfestellung dazu mit meiner kleinen Timeline. 8. First up: a love triangle results in an embarrassing Matchup Ceremony. Strikeouts are confirmed non-matches. It took 30 minutes. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Chris T./Paige Wes+Jess (Back in season 5, the contestants famously lost the show when they failed to find every perfect match.) Nevermind, that can’t be right based on week 6. 2.) Chris T/Paige Adam & Ashleigh Chris S. & Shanley Joey/Brittany Dillan & Coleysia (confirmed) Ethan+Amber After a not-so-brief fling with Brittany Baldi, Adam Kuhn found his perfect match with Shanley McIntee. Chris s and Jes, Both Adam and Shanley and John and Jacy can not be matches, Adam & Shanley ( Log Out / Dre & Ashleigh (NO MATCH) 3-Joey Brittany Please check out the website and share! Here’s a link to another guys analysis: Are You The One Release year: 2014 Determined by a dating algorithm, a group of single contestants must identify their perfect matches for a shot at love and a cash prize. Adam and Shanley Dre & Simone Dre and Simone On this reality dating show, young singles head to paradise to find their perfect matches and for a chance to split the $1 million prize," is how the show is described on Based on that, you can confirm that the following are matches: Chris S. and Simone & Kayla, John & Shanley, Chris Paige Dylan and Coleysia There were only two perfect matches the first week. Wes kayla pairs up people based on a dating algorithm, and if they’re successful in finding each other’s matches, the group can win up to $1 million. John & Jacy Emma Kelly Friday 19 Feb 2021 2:48 pm. exactly when I watched it. Layton Jones was apparently perfect for … Ethan/Amber* (MTV Perfect Match clues) Known: Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. RYAN-JESSICA wes: kayla ( Log Out / CHRIS T-PAIGE 8.) Ryan+Kayla Nope. Joey and Brittany Episode 6 was by far my favorite so far!! Wes and Kayla All couples in the first seven seasons were male-female, while in the eighth season a contestant's match could be so… Look no further than season 1 ’s Ethan and Amber Diamond to find the perfect “perfect match.” Booked and Busy! Feel bad for the person that he was their match. 4.) Wes/Kayla Chris T. & Paige The show has had a successful run for seven seasons. Adam & Shanley Chris S & Shanley Start: 3,628,800 Dillan & Coleysia The first season of the series aired in 2014, and while one couple did actually get married, the most memorable pair was really Shanley McIntee and Chris Tolleson.The two learned early on from the Truth Booth that they were not a perfect match, but they continued to pine for one another and date after the show. Season 1 of Are You the One? Dillan/Coleysia Your favorite teams, topics, and players all on your favorite mobile devices. Brittany & Joey A group of men and women are secretly paired into couples by producers, via a matchmaking algorithm. Not everyone on reality TV will find their happily-ever-after, but Are You The One? Chris S & Shanley Shanley/Adam Unfortunately, only one match remained a couple over five years later, but the good news is that they’re simply adorable together! Dylan and Coleysia Ethan and Amber and was hosted by Ryan Devlin. Wes & Kayla )Wes and Kayla What matches are still together from AYTO? Ryan and Jes Ethan/Amber 4-Ethan Amber Ashleigh & John Ok! Finally someone with the same as mine. Isn’t fair they get matched with someone and they aren’t available. Very cool to see that the info is already there and fairly easily available if you take the right approach. ( Log Out / Adam & Shanley Dre & Simone Ryan & Ashleigh The two learned early on from the Truth Booth that they were not a perfect match, but they continued to pine for one … All 20 are living together trying to figure out who is their match. But the results aren't revealed to them. A group of men and women are secretly paired into couples by producers, via a matchmakingalgorithm. Ethan & Amber 10. Shanley: Wes,Ryan,Adam,Dre or Chris S Wes & Kayla, I bet my husband this is the list. Ethan & Amber Ethan and Amber Dillan/Coleysia 4. Combine that with Ethan & Amber and we now know who the two perfect matches were from week three, meaning that every other match from week 3 was wrong. You can see photos of the perfect family on Amber’s Instagram page here. Wonder if the cast will get it, haaaaah. Dillan & Coleysia Chris S. & Jacy Wer das erfahren möchte, kann gern bis zum Ende lesen. Without the Joey/Brittany match there are only 3 possible combinations that work now. 10.) DILLAN-COLEYSIA Shanley & Adam WES-KAYLA 3.Ethan\Amber Does anyone ever think of Simone & Scali? The real question is now: Can the house figure out the correct combination? None of the housemates seem like the Sodoku types for some reason…. Ryan/Jessica (5th perfect match in 6th matchup ceremony) Wes/Kayla 1 Biography 2 Are You the One? Tracker, We have predicted ALL of the perfect matches and have proof!!! Unfortunately for her, the two are a perfect match -- the second one for the Season 3 cast. 3. If Joey/Brittany are not a match then the only combination left is: You have three perfect matches listed from the first week (Dillan/Coleysia; Wes/Kayla; and Ashleigh/Scali). Although Amber and Remy and Paige and Jenna were declared a perfect match on the show, the two couples have broken up after the show. Couples with their names in bold are confirmed matches. Brit/Scali The extra scenes are great, you see more or the relationships that you miss just watching the show. “You’ll see in the course of the season, that opens up lots of drama,” says Williams. I did all the calculations and these all were consistent with the past weeks: John & Ashleigh season 2 matches: A full list, 8 actors who went on to big shows and movies after The Office, 9 actors who were on The Office before they were famous. Ryan and Jacy, Yes!!!!!!!! Like the relationships between different people, that I didn’t think by watching the show they were that close. Based on tonight’s episode I would switch Adam & Shanley with Chris S and Ashleigh so Shanley + Chris S and Adam + Ashleigh instead which makes: Dillan & Coleysia There are only 10 different ways to match 3 of these 5 couples. Kayla/Wes Ryan & Jessica. 9. If they succeed, the entire group shares a prize of up to $1 million. 2. they actually work! Paige/Chris T Adam/Shanley Chris S.Simone John/Ashleigh Then, while living together, the contestants try to identify all of these "perfect matches." i was just going to do this tonight! As of episode 9, this is 100% the only possibility left. Adam & Shanley Including what MTV has released as matches. And counting the Joey/Brittany match there are 2 working combinations. Now we wait to see if anyone in the house can figure it out. However, many of the cast used process of elimination to figure out that Basit and Jonathan, Jenna and Paige, Danny and Kai and Nour and Jasmine were also perfect matches… Dillian+Coleysia. 5. Although he and Brittany were quite something, the matchmakers destined him to be with Shanley. Are You The One? MTV/Netflix. Ryan & Jessica. John / Jacy is an MTV reality show that attempts to help people find their perfect matches. Ryan & Jessica Pingback: The ‘Are You the One?’ Tracker | 'Are You the One?' Chris T. / Paige ( Log Out / Did the same thing and got the same answer:-) . Dillan & Coleysia Ethan & Amber Although we wish there was more than just two seasons added to the platform, at least we can feel a bit nostalgic rewatching the hilarious and entertaining antics of the contestants from when the series first began back in 2014. CHRIS T-PAIGE Adam and Shanley Nathan and Ellie. turned out to be a phenomenal success. Jacy & JJ JOEY-BRITTANY The first season of the series aired in 2014, and while one couple did actually get married, the most memorable pair was really Shanley McIntee and Chris Tolleson. JJ/Jacy 1. DRE-SIMONE 1.) If you’re here to find out what happens in the end of the MTV show during season 1, we’ve got the information you need. 5-Wes kayla 6.) Scali & Jacy 6-Ryan ASh Ethan & Amber has seen a few sweet successes! Ryan & Jessica week 2: 5,773 MTV For the first time, season eight featured a cast of individuals who identify as sexually fluid, meaning there weren't gender limitations placed on the pairs of perfect matches. so that means there are only 5 matches left. adam: ashleigh This is it, it works with all of the weeks: Adam & Shanley I think you took a great approach to working this out by starting with the week 2 results as a baseline, very smart. Wes and Kayla John & Ashleigh Season 8 of Are You The One? ... it looked like this season's Are You The One? Thank you. Aside from the intriguing concept of the show, I knew Ryan from high school, so the drama is kind of hilarious to watch. JJ/Ashleigh (Chris S. can’t be with Ashleigh since Wes/Kayla were Week 1 perfect match, so these are the last two possibilities). John and Jacy Weird because I never see any of those couples interacting. CHRIS S-JACY Stay tuned tonight! Wes & Kayla Ryan and Jes With the results from last nights episode there is only 1 possible match-up: This comes from running a script through all combinations without using the MTV’s hinted couples Ethan/Amber and Joey/Brittany. wes: kayla Adam shanley Adam and Shanley John/Jacy As some have noted, this makes "Are You the One?" JOHN-ASHLEIGH Season 3 perfect matches: Connor-Chelsey. Shanley and Chris T (season 1) Ah, the star-crossed lovers that were Chanley <3 <3 <3. I 100% agree! Wes & Kayla 5. Amber/Ethan Dillan & Jessica (NO MATCH) Me and my sister have just worked this out and got the same! I did the math & this is 100% correct, Now with week seven in the mix not all of those work out because there is seven right matches this week and you have at the most 5 right for this week so sorry, Considering the 4 confirmed true match couples: As well as find out how it is explained about Dre really being married. Ethan & Amber Ethan & Amber (confirmed) Dillan and Coleysia CANNOT be true matches. Chris T & Paige I also did this. Hannah says she will get jealous if they’re proved to be a perfect match. If you pick 3 of these couples to be a MATCH, then you can work through (like Sudoku) the rest of the week’s results to see if you have the correct 3 of 5. Using the results from Week 2 with 4 correct matches: These are my guesses and I referred to the show, so I’m 99% positive on these. John & Jacy Wes & Kayla Dillan / Coleysia Adam & Shanley We have compared this chart and other peoples theories! Ethan/Amber Jessica/Adam John Ashleigh, Dillon/Coleysia Using math, I have figured them all out. So for example if Jacy & JJ are a true match, then BOTH Shanley&Adam and Simone&ChrisS. One of the ‘perfect match’ couples on Are You The One? Sparks fly and jealousy ignites when 16 sexually fluid singles looking for their perfect match head to Hawaii for their chance to find love and win $1 million. The following are the ONLY possibilities based on past match ups etc. 2. Asleigh/Scali. Joey & Brittany If they succeed, the entire group shares a prize of up to $1 million. I love interviews when it feels like I’m chatting with an old friend just catching up. Amber Lee Diamond and Ethan Diamond are now married and have two kids! Chris T. & Paige Season 1 • Season 2 • Season 3 • Season 4 • Season 5. Dre & Simone 4.John/Jacy See the definitive list here! Agreed, I really want to we a follow up reunion show to see which couples are still together! John : Shanley, chris s: simone Ryan and Ashely Dillan/Coleysia Wes & Kayla (confirmed) So, going with what we know already about the correct couples as well as doing the logical breakdown, here is what should be the final outcome: Dillan/Coleysia* (Truth Booth confirmed) 3.) season 1 and season 2 are officially on Netflix. Chris/Paige Hmmm. 9-Adam Simone Dillon coleysia week 4: 142 Tyler-Cheyenne. Dre/Simone (2nd perfect match in 4th matchup ceremony) my script was 241 lines and runs in 30 seconds…. RYAN-JESSICA Finished the first season and are wondering if anyone is still together today? That’s how I felt when I interviewed Amber Lee Diamond, who appeared on the first season of MTV’s “Are You the One?” back in 2014. Chris S and Jacy 6. Look no further than season 1 ’s Ethan and Amber Diamond to find the perfect “perfect match.” Booked and Busy! Those are my guesses so far, nope you are wrong. The problem in general is really interesting to me but I struggled to find an elegant algorithm. Chris T. & Paige Surprisingly, one contestant ended up having two people as matches! 3. The Truth Booth confirms whether or not a couple is a perfect match. 2.Christ T\Paige 9. ADAM-SHANLEY, 1-Chris Paige 4. I know now that Chris t and Paige are a match. As noted on the page, I update late Wednesday nights when I get access to the episodes. Ethan & Amber Powered by Minute Media © 2021 All Rights Reserved. Dillan & Coleysia Dre & Simone Brittany & Joey 10.Ryan/Shanley The show's produced a few perfect matches over its seven seasons, though most of the couples are no longer together. Of course, it’s not easy... so when two people are confirmed as a Perfect Match... On Are You The One?, figuring out the Perfect Match is the point of the game. Simone & Dre or Simone & Scali, just by looking at their personalities and thinking about the possibilities. 6. John & Jacy All the matches are listed here, with charts and explanations. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Dre Simone Ryan & Jessica See the 'Are You The One' Season 2 Cast Today is an American reality television series on MTV and follows 20 people who are living in a tropical destination to find their perfect match. Dre / Simone I want to know what it is happening. Then the match-up’s would be tested against each week’s results. Scali only said he wasn’t attracted to Simone, but Chris T never thought of Paige and look at them. Simone & Chris S Not a bad deal! Chris S & Jacy, Please, update the board. john & ashleigh, This is definitely it in episode 8 they had 8 matches and if you go back to week 1 you see wes and kayla and dillan and coleysia are the two matches which means ashleigh and scali cant be a match so if you switch them and pair scali with jacy and asheigh with JJ this list should be golden, Chris T. & Paige (confirmed) WES-KAYLA Jessica/Scali, sorry, typo, last one should have been Jacy/Scali. I found that the 9 incorrect ways to match 3 of 5 can be proved to be “wrong”, and that the correct 3 of 5 selection results in finding all 10 matches. Simone/Dre Dre & Simone If this show isn’t real they did some really good acting…the emotions look real. Pratt and Paris. Based on my calculations, the only one that can be the second correct match from week 1 is Wes/Kayla. While some perfect matches made sense on 'Are You The One? Ethan Amber 7.Joey\Ashleigh Wes & Kayla Scali jacy Wes/Kayla John & Jacy. Jessica/Ryan That’s exactly what I had come to after episode 6..I think we might be right! It returns the final solution in 0.8s but is a verbose ~100 lines. The MTV series Are You The One features 8 seasons of matchmaking for people who "suck at dating" but want to find love. ryan: Jacy 7. The first correct couple revealed by via Twitter was Ethan & Amber. Summary: The Season 4 premiere of the Hawaii-based reality series in which 20 guys and gals searching for love strive to find their scientifically selected matches. 10-Chirs S Jessica. So, which couples from Season 1 of 'Are You the One?' Jessica & Ryan In a nutshell it states that Chris S doesn’t take girls that give it up easily seriously…and it states that Shanley has a reputation for getting cozy to quickly which makes guys not take her seriously. As of week 5, I think it’s safe to say that the couple MTV is hinting at via the show blog is Joey & Brittany, so I’ve added in that assumption. Then, while living together, the contestants try to identify all of these "perfect matches." John & Ashleigh Hey Mike, Would you be willing to trade recipes? However, one of the OG couple from AYTO were Coleysia and Dillan. Ethan and Amber Here are all of the "Are You the One?" Shanley+Adam AYTO? Adam & Shanley. Jacy & John or Jacy & Scali Austin-Britni. ryan: jessica Based on this there are only two possibilities: chris s: simone their perfect match is, it’s always so satisfying to see who really were picked for one another in the end. The new season is available under the “Season 2” tab at the top of the page. Amber & Ethan. Shanley/Adam Chris S & Jacy There 100% certainty these are the matches: Chris T. & Paige Devin-Rashida. SO GOOD JOB. A post shared by Amber Lee Diamond (@amberleediamond). season 1? JOEY-BRITTANY Jacy seemed to get sick of his attitude, and I think Jacy and Simone are somewhat similar. Dre/Simone I cannot wait to see part 2 of this emotional espisode next week! Chris T & Paige Wes & Kayla season 1 matches. Ethan & Amber Joey/Brittany Dre & Simone Adam and Ashleigh Shanley/Ryan Dre/Simone Chris T and Paige Chris T. & Paige If you don’t want to see spoilers, scroll no further! 9.Dre\Kayla 7. 3. Joey & Brittany So, are Amber and Ethan the only couple from Season 1 who stayed together, or did some … Ethan & Amber John & Ashleigh Joey & Brittany With only one confirmed match, it was down to the wire on Wednesday night’s finale of “Are You the One?” on MTV. The first season of Are You the One premiered more than six years ago on MTV featuring 20 contestants on the TV reality show. Amber, on … Adam & Ashleigh Chris T and Paige . JJ/Ashleigh. JOHN-ASHLEIGH From getting married to following their dreams, the participants must have done it all. Ryan & Jes dre: ashleigh Remember, season 1 … Joey and Brittany Here are all the matches from the first-ever season taking place in Kauai, Hawaii. Joey/Brittany Wes & Kayla. 1. Wes/Kayla. Chris S. And Simone Alec … Joey / Kayla Paige and Remy pursued a relationship post-finale, however, it fizzled out and the two are not together anymore. Unlike some of the other reality programs belonging to the same genre, it brought together multiple couples that have actually lasted over the years, like Season 1 pair Amber Lee and Ethan Diamond.. Season eight had a cast of individuals who identify as sexually fluid. Joey & Brittany tell me if I’m wrong! Adam / Shanley Amber and Ethan; Ashleigh and John; … Ryan / Jessica Ashleigh+John If all 20 people find their perfect match within 10 tries, they'll all split $1 MILLION! So I guess it would be a switch of JJ/Jacy with Scali/Ashleigh – meaning it is JJ + Ashleigh, Scali + Jacy, and Adam + Shanley. After this, while living together, the contestants try to figure out all of these "perfect matches." i created 10 for-loops for each guy picking each girl with not allowing a girl to be picked twice. Dre and Simone Chris T & Paige Dre/Jess Are You the One?, sometimes abbreviated as AYTO?, is an American reality television series on MTV, in which young singles try to find love. CHRIS S-JACY Ethan / Amber Chris S/Shanley Are You The One? Wes / Brittany, Here’s how they narrowed down the possibilities each week: "Are You the One?" 8. Ashleigh: Wes,JJ,Adam or Chris S I did mine with a Perl script trying all 3,628,800 combinations of matches. If you know the season 1 matches and are now curious if any of the couples are still together today, we have some good news and some bad news for you. At the final hour, the 2019 cast uncovered all eight perfect matches, meaning the group was able to leave Hawaii with their share of the $750,000 prize. The season was filmed in Kauai, Hawaii and premiered on January 21, 2014 and ran through March 25, 2014. Adam & Jessica Jessica/Ryan Chris S./Jacy Chris T. & Paige (confirmed) Dillan & Coleysia (confirmed) Dillan & Coleysia john: shanley. adam: jacy I wrote out a Python script that got the same numbers as both of your posts. Chris S & Jacy 10. Help me. week 1: 608,153 ETHAN-AMBER Joey/Brittany* (MTV Perfect Match clues) I want them to do a show or tell us a “where are they now” after show ends to see if the couples made it or not or even people that kept in contact. Ryan & Shanley Joey/Brittany John and Ashleigh, as of today i know for a fact this is the list: ive done the math, DILLAN-COLEYSIA Hunter-Hannah. 10. The contestants don’t have this information…but we do! 2.1 Truth Booths 2.2 Perfect Match 2.3 Match-up Ceremonies He was 25 years old at the time of being on the show and was from Washington, D.C., U.S. John's main relationships during the season was with Simone Kelly and Jacy Rodriguez before they were both confirmed to not be a perfect match. Dillon & Caleysia 2-Dillon coleysia 2. Bow!!!!! Jessica: Ryan,Adam,Dre or Chris S I also think it’s really interesting to try to work out if the housemates have the info to definitively work out the answer excluding the hints. Adam and Shanley 9.) Ethan/Amber AYTO?1 is the 1st seasons of Are You The One? Joey Brittany Justin and Kylie are the final perfect matches for the night. 7- John Jacy Ryan & Jessica. I think the bottom four names are reversed. On Are You The One?, figuring out the Perfect Match is the point of the game. This season has had a historic amount of hookups, the first fivesome, and the only sexually fluid identifying cast. John & Jacy If you’re a lover of all things reality TV, you’ve likely noticed that Are You The One? Paige/ChrisT Jacy+Dre Wes & Kayla, lol jk I thought there was 6 matches not 7 so here is the updated list: Adam & Ashleigh Paige and Amber are up after that, and then Nour and Jasmine. Adam/Shanley (4th perfect match in 2nd matchup ceremony) Wes/Kayla (2nd perfect match in 1st match up ceremony) MTV is either tricking us with their bios or they would be insane to think two people that move too fast are a match. Joey & Brittany (confirmed) Chris t and Paige 10 single women are put through an extensive matchmaking process to find 10 guys who are their perfect match. 1 Plot overview 2 Cast 3 Getaway Challenges 3.1 Episode 2: Get Lei-d 3.1.1 … Wes & Coleysia (NO MATCH), This leaves 5 couples who make up the remaining 3 correct matches: Joey+Britt I don’t know why Shanley and Adam kept matching up in the first place – their bios don’t appear to be a good match since they both admit to sleeping around too much and too fast. are still together? Even if Brittany Baldassari and Adam Kuhn weren’t each other’s Perfect Match on Are You the One? I see on MTV Brazil but it is in episode 6. Ryan Jess While some stayed away from the limelight, others shared their life updates on social media for fans and followers. Dre & Simone Dillan & Coleysia Since I clearly have too much time on my hands, I found a way on paper and with only using the information in the house to determine the 10 matches. This includes serious contenders Ryan & Kayla and Chris S & Paige. Adam & Shanley The revelation in week 5 that Dillan & Coleysia are a perfect match was HUGE. I started with a Sudoku-esque function as well, and even named it “crosshatch()” so I’d love to see the approach you took programmatically. Dre and Simone before it I made like predictions and those were my too and they were exactly the same ones and they were the right choices. Dre/Simone season 1 are now married with kids. 6.Adam/Brittany Jacy: JJ,Ryan,Adam,Dre or Chris S Brittany & Joey If they succeed in finding a perfect match, the entire group shares a prize of up to $1 million. Chris T./Paige* (Truth Booth confirmed) Zak-Kayla . ... with one of the opposite sex being their perfect match. dre: jessica John & Ashleigh (My guess is Jacy&JJ !) You can keep up to date with the latest hints and spoilers on the Are You the One extras on Each week, the group will follow their hearts and lock in a choice of who they think is their PERFECT MATCH. Ethan/Amber I’m positive they are all matches. As far as matchmaking shows go, Are You the One? was history-making: with a sexually fluid cast, the one could be anyone. Here it goes! Simone+Chris S Haven’t ever watched the show before? "If your perfect match was standing right in front of you, would you even know it?