an offer from a gentleman quotes
(30.9K votes), “It suddenly made sense. “To tell the truth, I'm quite flattered. And if she looked at his lips, her thoughts immediately went to their kiss. He just had to know that she was there.”, “Does that feel better?" He didn’t even have to see her, or hear her voice, or even smell her scent. For all of us, quotes are a great way to remember a book she asked with obvious disbelief. He’d thought it remarkable, to have found two, when in his heart he’d always believed there was only one perfect woman out there for him. Better to be a silent fool than a talkative one. Books are seen by some as a throwback to a previous It had become, in a very strange way, a part of who he was. He'd long since resigned himself to the fact that he wasn't likely to find her, and he hadn't searched actively for over a year, but...He smiled wistfully. He ought to buy her a new dress. "Do you often creep down the side staircase?" "Please don't take offense." It wasn't a better place to hide because there was nothing to hide from. The prospect of losing his sanity had been infinitely more appealing.” she asked, finally moving her eyes from the lower hem of the curtain, which she'd been staring at for what seemed like hours. Of the two dreams, she feared that the genocide of the rats might be the more likely to come true.” "I'm glad you feel that way. Now he would have to focus on his mother's list of possible brides. "I'm not asking you to apologize. He sounded like a complete idiot. And there was an awful scurrying noise that definitely belong to a small, four-legged creature.Or even worse, a large, four-legged creature. "Show yourself. "I'd be happy to reconsider," she said worriedly. An Offer From a Gentleman Quotes Showing 1-30 of 91. Benedict's head jerked up violently."What? 2. "It's very bad to spy on one's host," he said, planting his hands on his hips and somehow managing to look both authoritative and relaxed at the same time. "But why?" pages, Rating: "I assure you. ""Throw the spoon. We feel "If you run," he warned, "I will catch you. AliExpress will never be beaten on choice, quality and price. Stop taxing your brain with useless mathematical computations and do as I asked. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “She glared at him. "I'm sure it involves my untimely and painful demise. "My goodness," he said, "that was an expert sidestep.” "I would never follow you to a swimming hole," she continued. So every person search quotes about the gentleman. ― Charles de Lint, quote from Someplace to Be Flying. I would have done precisely the same thing. "He grinned-not that she was looking at him, but it was one of those smiles she could hear in the way he breathed.She hated that she as that sensitive to his every nuance. Remember your place. He didn’t even have to see her, or hear her voice, or even smell her scent. Or to be more precise, a large version of a small, four-legged creature. who share an affinity for books. A gentleman says “please and “thank you,” readily and often. Each quote represents a book that is "I really don't know very much about caring for the ill, but it just seems to me like you'd want something cool on your brow. “In her heart she longed for this man, dreamed of a life that could never be.”, “It has oft been said that physicians make the worst patients, but it is the opinion of This Author that any man makes a terrible patient. Miss Sophie Beckett is the illegitimate daughter of the Earl of Penwood in Julia Quinn's An Offer from a Gentleman. "I'm not asking you to apologize.". "Sophie's hand was gripping the spoon so hard it shook.Benedict was chuckling so hard his bed shook.Sophie stood,still holding the spoon.Benedict smiled. “Being a gentleman is a matter of choice .”. Description. It can't possibly take so long to get dressed.""Oh?" ""Well, now that we have that settled," Sophie said with a sniff, "I'm going back to Your Cottage.” Explore Quotes "Sophie," he warned.There was a beat of silence, followed by the sound of slow, hesitant footsteps, and then he saw her, standing on the shore in one of those awful dresses he'd like to see sunk to the bottom of the Thames. she asked, crossing her arms.He leaned forward, just close enough to make her slightly ucomfortable, and, although she would never admit it to anyone, barely even herself, slightly excited. Last time I did that I nearly lost three toes in the process.". Yes, that would do very nicely.A big jolt of lightning. “Anyone can be heroic from time to time, but a gentleman is something you have to be all the time.”. "And then her face went completely red, because they both knew she hadn't a leg to stand on with that argument. "Were you following me? "She's even worse. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “It's very bad form to spy on one's host," he said, planting his hands on his hips and somehow managing to look both authoritative and relaxed at the same time. "He grinned. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, Julia Quinn more via texts, memes and sound bytes, short but profound quotes from books have become May these quotes inspire you to be a gentleman and a man of action. My mind got away from me. ""I wasn't-" Sophie's denial was automatic, but she cut herself off halfway through, because of course she'd been spying on him. "Are you this charming with everyone or only me? LitCharts Teacher Editions. We hope you’ll join us. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. His heart had been right. "But even if you didn't intend to spy on me, the fact remains that when the opportunity arose, you took it. "The sounds of her movements ceased. You weren't outside because there was no in.” Every now and then he had to stop and make sure his mouth wasn't hanging open.His mother's conversation was that boring.The young lady she had wanted to discuss with him had actually turned out to be seven young ladies, each of which she assured him was better than the last.Benedict thought he might go mad. His nose was running, his eyes were red, he couldn't stop coughing, and still he found the energy to act like an arrogant peacock. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “He'd thought he would stop looking for her. "I really don't know very much about caring for the ill, but it just seems to me like you'd want something cool on your brow. "Do what? ""Of course not! Review quote. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “A man only got one shot at declaring himself to his true love; he didn't want to muck it up completely.” His name was Benedict Bridgerton, he had seven brothers and sisters, was rather skilled with both a sword and a sketching crayon, and he always kept his eyes open for the one woman who had touched his soul.” An Offer From a Gentleman by Julia Quinn, 9780062353658, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Whether it was itching to run home or merely turn around, she'd never know. And if she thought about the kiss..."I need that thimble," she blurted out, jumping to her feet. ""As I said," he drawled, leaning back against a tree, "I'm flattered.” If she had truly been concerned about decency, she'd have left the pond the second she'd seen him, accidentally or not.” And I might very well feel compelled to tackle you to the ground, just to be certain you do not escape. "I went for a walk.What are you doing here?" "So you're telling me that you would have spied upon any naked man you'd come across? Or to be more precise, a large version of a small, four-legged creature.Rats. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “It has oft been said that physicians make the worst patients, but it is the opinion of This Author that any man makes a terrible patient. Nov 30, 2016 - LoveThisPic offers Rules Of A Gentleman pictures, photos & images, to be used on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter and other websites. "It as an accident," she grumbled. "I'm not pretending. If you search about (gentleman quotes, gentleman, being a gentleman quotes, gentleman and a scholar meaning) then this is the best place. If she looked at his face, her eyes inevitably strayed to his lips. She would never accept it,of course, but maybe if her current garments were accidentally burned..."Mr. 'And I'm yours.'" Benedict demanded.She didn't bother to glance up as she replied, "I'm plotting your demise. He grinned. Read “An Offer From a Gentleman”, by Julia Quinn online on Bookmate – Sophie Beckett never dreamed she'd be able to sneak into Lady Bridgerton's famed masquerade ball—or that “Prince Charming” would b… she persisted.He shrugged. A freak, ostracized by the very people you want to help.” Bridgerton!" "She began anew, and in his attempt to show how much attention he was paying her, he focused his eyes on her lips, which proved to be a big mistake.Because suddenly those lips were all he could see, and he couldn't stop thinking about kissing her, and he knew- absolutely knew-that if one of them didn't leave the room in the next thirty seconds, he was going to do something for which he'd owe her a thousand apologies.Not that he didn't plan to seduce her. "I was going to ask you to dance with Prudence Featherington. “I'm leaving!" There is no such thing as a 'gentleman gambler' when the Big Dance rolls around. When you were distanced from everything and everybody. ""Of course not," she replied, and he rather believed her. she asked softly. An Officer and a Gentleman is a 1982 American romantic drama film starring Richard Gere, Debra Winger, and Louis Gossett Jr., who won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for the film, making him the first African American male to do so. "He heard a gasp, followed by a huge flurry of activity. "You're doing this just to torture me," she grumbled. "Remember your place, Sophie was screaming at herself. She didn't want to risk any sudden movements. Add a minute here, a day there when it doesn't quite fit. "She's over there by the lemonade table," Violet said, "dressed as a leprechaun, poor thing.The color is good for her,but someone really must take her mother in hand next time they venture out to the dressmaker. "He blinked confusedly. Benedict mused, "to look so adorably ferocious? "Smart girl," he murmured.She scowled at him. Founded in 2018, BookQuoters has quickly become a large and vibrant community of people ""It wasn't necessarily intended as such. “This is the first test of a gentleman: his respect for those who can be of no possible value to him” … She would never accept it, of course, but maybe if her current garments were accidentally burned... “It's very bad form to spy on one's host," he said, planting his hands on his hips and somehow managing to look both authoritative and relaxed at the same time. Six weeks on the USA Today bestseller list, peaking at #15. Really cold. See more ideas about gentleman quotes, gentleman, quotes. "It would be indecent. You're dreaming of it right now. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “Her hand tightened around the handle of the serving spoon. What? A few months after that, he realized that he was once again able to meet women and not automatically compare them to her.But he couldn't stop himself from watching for her. As the world communicates more and “Turn right up ahead," he directed. "Oh,yes you would. ""This is the best?" ""Yes," Lady Bridgerton said, "she did. Write a review - An Offer From a Gentleman Short description Your review ... For enquiries regarding the delivery of your order, contact Star Track Customer Service on 13 23 45 - and quote the above consignment number. "Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself," he said, stepping aside to allow her through the doorway.But as she brushed past him, he leaned forward, whispering, "Coward.” "Oh, dear," he blurted out.Sophie gave him an odd look. I know if I were sick, that's how I'd feel.". and to carry with us the author’s best ideas. "I'm not pretending. she countered. "Benedict fought a groan. "If you're going to kill me, you might as well enjoy yourself while you're at it, because Lord knows, I won't. memorable and interesting quotes from great books. "Sophie turned around slowly. An Offer from a Gentleman in Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series. Only twice in his life had he felt this inexplicable, almost mystical attraction to a woman. I had a friend tell me that Benedict (the hero) ask Sophie (the heroine) to be his mistress over and over for most of … Best Dating Hot. "His smile grew sly. "It'll take us directly to my cottage. He went still again. Out on your own and there was nobody to care if you were happy or sad. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. "Mr. "I wanted you here," he said simply. A remarkably quotable movie, An Officer and a Gentleman has some dialogue that is more widely known than the movie itself. Every now and then he had to stop and make sure his mouth wasn't hanging open. "I'm afraid so.” Directed by Taylor Hackford. He tells Zack that U.S. Navy volunteers must serve six years before becoming a Navy jet pilot. He didn't think he'd uttered the phrase, "Oh,dear," in years. "Not at all. In the opening scene, Zack tells Byron about his intentions. Gentleman quotes. "Her jaw dropped a good inch. ""It was academic curiosity," she ground out, "I assure you. Bridgerton?" ― Louise Rennison, quote from On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God, “The lonesome dark.That's what Jack called a night like this. An Offer From a Gentleman : Julia Quinn : 9780062353658 We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. interesting, well written and has potential to enhance the reader’s life. “He ought to buy her a new dress. Huge. ""But they make it so easy.” “Mr. "It'll take us directly to my cottage. "No," Hyacinth said in a matter-of-fact tone, "you didn't. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “He ought to buy her a new dress. "That was a staircase. An Offer From A Gentleman (Book) : Quinn, Julia : Though the daughter of an earl, Sophie has been relegated to the role of servant by her disdainful stepmother. And hurry up! ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “What are you up to?" March is a month without mercy for rabid basketball fans. He looked affronted. "You may feel free to face me at any time," he said, his voice laced with quiet amusement. “Sophie stared at the door, trying desperately to keep her eyes focused on anything but Benedict. "So you said," Benedict murmured, one of his eyebrows quirking up into a perfect-and perfectly arrogant-arch. Welcome back. "He ignored her question and comment. An Offer From A Gentleman (Downloadable Audiobook) : Julia, Quinn : Sophie Beckett never dreamed she'd be able to sneak into Lady Bridgerton's famed masquerade ball-or that "Prince Charming" would be waiting there for her! "You're mad," she said.” Right here in his mother's sitting room he was going to go stark, raving mad. "Sophie twisted her head sharply to look at Lady Bridgerton and knew in an instant that the older woman had lied. Sophie asked. But you may have to act fast as this top gentleman quotes is set to become one of the most sought-after best-sellers in no time. "Whatever could you be thinking." "Sophie fought the urge to throttle him. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “Why didn't you just let me run home?" she asked. He'd suddenly pop out of his chair, fall to the floor in a frenzy his arms and legs waving, mouth frothing-"Benedict, are you even listening to me? You just wouldn't do it. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “It was cold. ""You fell asleep. "I'll dance with Penelope Featherington if you keep Prudence at bay. Sophie Beckett never dreamed she'd be able to sneak into Lady Bridgerton's famed masquerade ballor that "e;Prince Charming"e; would be waiting there for her! The servants' staircase. ”. "Is something wrong?" Error rating book. "I have to get that thimble," she said, for what seemed like the thirtieth time. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “Does that feel better?" ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Hope in the Dark: The Untold History of People Power, Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst, ― Guy Gavriel Kay, quote from Sailing to Sarantium, ― Louise Rennison, quote from On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God, ― Charles de Lint, quote from Someplace to Be Flying. Immediately download the An Offer From A Gentleman summary, chapter-by-chapter analysis, book notes, essays, quotes, character descriptions, lesson plans, and more - everything you need for studying or teaching An Offer From A Gentleman. Bridgerton?" Though the daughter of an earl, Sophie has been relegated to the role of servant by her disdainful stepmother. Really cold. “What are you smiling about?" ""You're not listening to me. she asked softly. . “ Sometimes Hen…I think I would give my life just for one of your smiles. more relevant and important. And if she looked at his lips, her thoughts immediately went to their kiss. “Why didn't you just let me run home?" Next Quotes. A gentleman is always ready to offer a hearty handshake. After a few months he found himself back in the habit of turning down more invitations than he accepted. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “In her heart she longed for this man, dreamed of a life that could never be.” Gentleman Bridgerton!" world; conversely, gleaning the main ideas of a book via a quote or a quick summary is After a few months he found himself back in the habit of turning down more invitations than he accepted. “Let me drive," she said, reaching for the reins. offer you some of the highlights. [p. 67]” A gentleman does his best to be there when he is needed and to stay out of the way the rest of the time. ""Of course not! “Her hand tightened around the handle of the serving spoon. ""But your room is upstairs," Hyacinth said.Sophie could have killed her. I heard her. he asked. ", “If you cannot recognize the problem, there is no way that I could explain it to you.". If she looked at his face, her eyes inevitably strayed to his lips. "I assure you," she said slowly, "that I know how to drive a team of horses.” “It suddenly made sense. "But how could he manage to burn her dress? she asked, not expecting any sort of an answer but feeling nonetheless that she ought to continue with her one-sided conversation. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “What are you smiling about?" Publisher: HarperCollins Release date: 2009-10-13. It could hit the earth, spread little electrical tentacles around the globe, and sizzle all the rats dead.It was a lovely dream. Damn. "In my room. And there was an awful scurrying noise that definitely belong to a small, four-legged creature.Or even worse, a large, four-legged creature. "Does your cottage have a name? "Slowly and carefully, Sophie turned her back to him and put the spoon down on the table. he demanded. “What can I do for you, Mother?" ""Oh,only you." the BookQuoters community. "Oh,God," Sophie moaned. ""Have Mercy, Mother," he moaned. 105 ... but being a gentleman is an art that can be learned.This article explains why men need to work to become gentlemen and offers several suggestions for particular situations. An Offer From A Gentleman (Book) : Quinn, Julia : While searching for a mysterious beauty he met at a masquerade party, Benedict Bridgerton meets Sophie Beckett, a servant in need of his help, and as passion flares between them, he must choose between Sophie and the woman of his dreams. He didn't move.Sophie sighed. "Oh, I believe you there," he said. that we have the best of both worlds at BookQuoters; we read books cover-to-cover but That, Martinius had always said, was the best any man in this fallible world could expect. "I don't know.Punishment, perhaps, for spying on me. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “If he heard her, he gave no indication, just went on about "men who take advantage" and "helpless women" and "fates worse than death." Raised in his home, Sophie has a tolerable existence until the Earl marries and her life takes a distinct turn for the worse. "My apologies. "And the bloody man remained two strides behind her the entire way home.” "He mumbled something else. She hurried toward the doorway, gulping as she grew close to Benedict. A young man must complete his work at a Navy Officer Candidate School to become an aviator, with the help of a tough Gunnery Sergeant and his new girlfriend. One might say it takes patience to be a patient, and heaven knows, the males of our species lack an abundance of patience.” she asked, not expecting any sort of an answer but feeling nonetheless that she ought to continue with her one-sided conversation. Book 3: An Offer From a Gentleman "'You're mine,' he said, his eyes never leaving hers as he slid inside . she said, with, in her opinion, great drama and resolve.But he just answered her with a sly half smile, and said, "I'm following. philosophy by which we live. Roger Stone. She’d have to not be wearing it, and that posed a certain challenge in and of itself...” If ever.Hell,he sounded like his mother. An Offer From a Gentleman was #14 on the New York Times bestseller list for July 22, 2001. ― Annie Dillard, quote from The Living, “He had a sense—honed by experience—that what he’d contrived might achieve something of the effect he wanted. He might not feel the same urgency, but whenever he attended a ball or took a seat at a musicale, he found his eyes sweeping across the crowd, his ears straining for the lilt of her laughter.She was out there somewhere. Quite a feat, in her opinion, since he looked sick as a dog. ""As I said," he drawled, leaning back against a tree, "I'm flattered. “Forty-five minutes later, Benedict was slouching in his chair, his eyes glazed. Be inspired and try out new things. See more on GoodReads, “No child on earth was ever meant to be ordinary, and you can see it in them, and they know it, too, but then the times get to them, and they wear out their brains learning what folks expect, and spend their strength trying to rise over those same folks.” Sophie replied, trying to smile but failing miserably. "Are you planning to take that with you? Bridgerton? "Now," he ordered.With a loud sigh and grumble, Sophie crossed her arms and turned around to stare at a knothole in the tree trunk in front of her as if her very life depended on it The inferal man wasn't being particularly quiet as he went about his business, and she couldn't seem to keep herself from listening to and trying to identify every sound that rustled and splashed behind her.Now he was emerging from the water, now he was reaching for his breeches, now he was...It was no use.She had a dreadfully wicked imagination, and there was no getting around it.He should have just let her return to the house. "Sophie Beckett," he yelled, "if you run from me right now, I swear I will follow you,and I will not take the time to don my clothing. ""That'll do," his mother said with a satisfied nod, leaving Benedict with the sinking sensation that she'd wanted him to dance with Penelope all along. Only twice in his life had he felt this inexplicable, almost mystical attraction to a woman. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “Let me drive," she said, reaching for the reins.He turned to her in disbelief. "You're supposed to be ill.That-" she waved her arm toward him and, by extension, the pond- "can't possibly be good for you. 1. Benedict demanded. "That was very mature of you. One false move and she knew she'd be hurling it at his head.Benedict raised his brows approvingly. "Oh,I believe you there," he said. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “Forty-five minutes later, Benedict was slouching in his chair, his eyes glazed. "One of her feet twitched. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “So now you're jumping out at me from closets? She'd have to not be wearing it, and that posed a certain challenge in and of itself..."Are you even listening to me?" Sophie demanded."Hmmm? Offer From a Gentleman. "What are you doing here?" This was JQ's first appearance on this prestigious list, and every single one of her novels since then has been a New York Times bestseller. ""You can't fall asleep in your clothing.” she asked. Boys shoot their mouth off. “It was cold. ”. . Every day you’ll find new, online-only offers, store discounts and the opportunity to save even more by collecting coupons. "No poking fun at the guests. 358 That was something people invented. There were some things one just shouldn't think about in public. An Offer From A Gentleman Bridgerton Series, Book 3 (Downloadable Audiobook) : Quinn, Julia : Sophie Beckett never dreamed she'd be able to sneak into Lady Bridgerton's famed masquerade ball-or that "Prince Charming" would be waiting there for her! "So you're telling me that you would have spied upon any naked man you'd come across? "And don't say 'Dance with Hermione Smythe-Smith.' "Don't do it," he warned. ""My Cottage. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman “A man only got one shot at declaring himself to his true love; he didn't want to muck it up completely.” “Forty-five minutes later, Benedict was slouching in his chair, his eyes glazed. If you lived or died.The lonesome dark hadn't existed in the old days. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “Sophie stared at the door, trying desperately to keep her eyes focused on anything but Benedict. “ I can live with you hating me, he said to the closed door. And in some ways, he had. ""You obviously haven't seen the mermaid," Benedict murmured.She swatted him lightly on the arm. He’d thought it remarkable, to have found two, when in his heart he’d always believed there was only one perfect woman out there for him. You have to go with this article and select one of them. He just had to know that she was there.” She didn't often take the Lord's name in vain, but now seemed as good a time as any to start. "That's what I said," she ground out. With Richard Gere, Debra Winger, David Keith, Robert Loggia. "He looked up and blinked. ""It was academic curiosity," she ground out. “But Benedict Bridgerton was obviously determined not to be a gentleman this afternoon, because when she moved one of her feet-just to flex her toes, which were falling asleep in her shoes, honest!-barely half a second passed before he growled, "Don't even think about it.". "She didn't. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. "Why would you think I'm up to anything? A few months after that, he realized that he was once again able to meet women and not automatically compare them to her. A more unfortunate costume,I can't imagine. And in some ways, he had. ""I wasn't going to ask anything of the sort," Violet replied. ― Julia Quinn, quote from An Offer From a Gentleman, “You'll stay," he said firmly.