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Germania is a strong woman, usually armour-clad and battle-ready. 1. Rammstein’s Deutschland takes us on a thrilling, violent, and moving journey through German history. It was written by Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee, Daniel Platzman, Justin Tranter and its producers Mattman & Robin. Repeat. The video opens in AD 16, on the ‘barbarian’ side of the limes, the border of the Roman Empire. There’s another astronaut, or rather a cosmonaut: Sigmund Jähn, the first German in space, who flew with the USSR’s space program (and who’s also a character in the 2003 film, Good Bye Lenin!). A decade out of the game is a long time in any band's career, but the 2010s was a time when technology – and the music industry as a result – moved on at breakneck speed. “DEUTSCHLAND” is a single by German band Rammstein from their seventh studio album. In all good newsagents now, or buy it direct here. Events bleed into each other, linked by the presence of the band members and the red laser beam that appears throughout the video, a ‘roter Faden’ (red thread or central theme), connecting each event. Medieval monks feast grotesquely on the supine Germania, tearing sauerkraut and sausage from Ruby Commey’s body, prison inmates are beaten by guards dressed in police and military uniforms from different historical periods. Then we move to a scene set at a boxing match which takes us to Weimar Germany (1918-1933), a period known for its political instability but also greater cultural liberalism. DEUTSCHLAND Lyrics: Du (Du hast, du hast, du hast, du hast) / Hast viel geweint (Geweint, geweint, geweint, geweint) / Im Geist getrennt (Getrennt, getrennt, getrennt, getrennt) / Im Herz vereint The song "Deutschland Erwache" ("Germany Awake"), also known by its original name, "Heil Hitler Dir" ("Hail Hitler to Thee"), otherwise known as Sachsenmarsch der NSDAP, was written by Dresden-based composer and NSDAP member Bruno C. Schestak, and premiered (in the famous surviving version performed by Carl Woitschach) in the celebrations of Hitler's 48th birthday on 20 April 1937. Und Sängerin Elena Tsagrinou wird derweil zum Youtubestar. Songs that were played the most last week 1. Next, astronauts appear carrying a metal and glass box shaped like a coffin. Rammstein’s Deutschland takes us on a thrilling, violent, and moving journey through German history. Der erste Schritt, den Sie unternehmen sollten, ist das Herunterladen des YouTube-Videos auf Ihr Gerät mit einem der im Netzwerk verfügbaren Tools oder sogar mit der in der Premium-Version von YouTube integrierten Option, nachdem Sie das Video heruntergeladen haben (das im Mp4-Format heruntergeladen wurde) ) Wir gehen weiter, … Instead, we jump into the future, where the space-suited band take Germania into the unknown, travelling in that coffin-shaped glass box. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. We get our first glimpse of Germania here (played by Ruby Commey), who stands holding Till Lindemann’s severed head. Snow) Daddy Yankee & Katy Perry. The most obviously shocking scene references the Holocaust and the Nazi period. Streamline your social media processes & delivery for your clients. In the background we see a U-boat – a German submarine, used in World Wars I and II. Check out our 50 favorites from 2019 so far below. And while the band’s music almost always sounds triumphant, the song’s lyrics as translated into English) aren’t purely patriotic: Germany My heart in flames Want to love you, want to damn you Germany Your breath is cold So young And yet so old Germany. Leo, Raph, Mikey und Donnie sind mutierte Schildkröten, die von ihrem Sensei, Meister Splinter, in der Kunst des Ninjutsu trainiert worden sind. Die Regierung steht zur Freiheit der Kunst, die Kirche schlägt Alarm. Upgrade to Music Premium to enjoy: Listen ad-free Play music in the background Access your downloads, including smart downloads Switch seamlessly between audio and video, only with YouTube Music ----- Only first-time YouTube Red, Music Premium, YouTube Premium and Google Play Music subscribers are eligible for free trials, introductory offers or promotional pricing. So konvertieren Sie ein YouTube-Video mit VLC in MP3. Sony Music's CEO of international business, Edgar Berger, said in an interview in February 2012 that the Internet is a blessing for the music industry. Con Calma (Remix) (Daddy Yankee & Katy Perry) (feat. Wir gehören auch zu #funk. Brendon Urie) Taylor Swift. The latest and greatest music videos, trends and channels from YouTube. The world's largest all-premium music video provider, offering artists a global platform with enormous scale through its distribution partners. Various symbols appear with her, among them a breastplate with an eagle, a black, red, and gold flag, and a crown. Rammstein's Deutschland video explained: introducing Germania. The name of the song, “Deutschland,” is, of course, also the name of Rammstein’s homeland. This is a useful link for understanding something of what Rammstein is doing here. You will receive a verification email shortly. Unser Song dazu.► Tanz mit uns Memes auf TikTok► Herze uns auf Instagram► Drück uns die Daumen auf Facebook #Wm2018 #DebakelGesang und Text: Dennis und Jesko Musikproduzent: Markus Baier von JunitonPlayback-Produzent: Uwe Frenzel► YEAH! We have over 25 pages of Rammstein, including interviews with their producer, collaborators, tourmates and many other people that have been on the frontlines for one of metal’s most insane stories. When Rammstein unveiled Deutschland, along with its jaw-dropping video, it was the mark of a band reasserting their territory. Snow) Con Calma (Remix) (Daddy Yankee & Katy Perry) (feat. Old Town Road (feat. DALLAS - Original TV Intro 1986 (Theme Song) Monthly price: $9.99 … They wear the cloth emblems used to identify their ‘crimes’: a pink triangle for homosexual prisoners, a yellow star for Jewish prisoners, a red and yellow star for Jewish political prisoners."Edelweiss" from the 1965 film of THE SOUND OF MUSIC. It's all here. This final year of the 2010s has kicked off with one of the least-predictable pre-summer seasons we've had in a long time. Do they trivialise the suffering of Holocaust victims? At over nine minutes, it gives us a panorama of events and historical and mythical figures, and there are so many references and Easter eggs that fans and commentators will be poring over it for some time to come. Dr Alexandra Lloyd We got an Oxford University professor to explain it all. Zwei Gelb is a member of Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Then listen to the song while reading the words. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. Have Rammstein the right to do this? ME! In fact, a piano version of Sonne plays over the end credits of Deutschland. Quite a few of the tableaux might be similar – Romans, Crusaders, monks, 18th-century soldiers, collarless shirts and bareknuckle boxing – but would it have the same impact? Each scene captures in a moment the icons of an era, and the video cuts between them more and more frenetically as it goes on. Listen now to THE SOUND OF MUSIC Original Soundtrack Recording! Was den Fans von Die Ärzte an dem am Freitag bei Youtube veröffentlichten Song wohl am besten gefällt: So ganz nebenbei kündigt die Band ein neues Album an. Du machst Musik und schreibst eigene Songs? At over nine minutes, it gives us a panorama of events and historical and mythical figures, and there are so many references and Easter eggs that fans and commentators will be poring over it for some time to come. ‘Germania’ refers not just to a place, somewhere partly defined by where it isn’t (Rome) as well as where it is, but also to a national figurehead, traditionally representing the German people. Ex-Misfits vocalist Michale Graves set to defend Proud Boys in insurrection court A decade out of the game is a long time in any band's career, but the 2010s was a time when technology – and the music industry as a result – moved on at breakneck speed. With a runtime that exceeds nine minutes, the video – much as the song itself – takes a route that spans German history, with not a grisly stone left unturned. Songs with clear, easy-to-differentiate lyrics are ideal for language learning, but if you're having trouble understanding what the singer is saying, Google the song title + band name + lyrics. Safe and Secure. Die WM in Russland war ein Debakel für das DFB-Team. In Sonne, where the band’s characters free themselves of Snow White (naturally, they’ve been her sex-slaves), only to realise that they have made a mistake and long for her return, the overwhelming feeling of Deutschland seems to be that when it comes to Germania (or Germany): you can’t love her, and you can’t live without her. Get the official YouTube app on Android phones and tablets. Jetzt heißt es: Mund abputzen, zusammenreißen und stärker zurückkommen! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features On … Kill This Love. BLACKPINK 4. These are important questions that are part of a much bigger debate about the ethics of using the Holocaust in art and media. Nevertheless, there are still problems that have to be overcome, such as restrictive copyright enforcement by music rights collecting agencies. And actually, while we get a lot of medieval and twentieth-century history, the video’s tour through the past seems to stop in the late 1980s, before the fall of the Berlin Wall and Reunification of East and West Germany. Unlock the power of video and join over 200M professionals, teams, and organizations who use Vimeo to create, collaborate and communicate. So, we asked Dr Alexandra Lloyd, lecturer in German at the University of Oxford, to explain what the fuck is going on during the video's nine minutes. 22 talking about this. Daddy Yankee & Katy Perry 3. It was released on March 28th, 2019, as a music video through YouTube. It's also wildly confusing for those not up on their German history. Subscribe to channels you love, create content of your own, share with friends, and watch on any device. Sign up below to get the latest from Metal Hammer, plus exclusive special offers, direct to your inbox! There’s no affection, and perhaps not much hope: its pessimistic tone seems to be quite an off-brand message for post-1989 Germany, which wants to acknowledge its past critically, while also looking to its future as a state at the heart of Europe. BA1 1UA. The song was released on February 1, 2017 through Interscope Records and Kidinakorner as the lead single from the band's third studio album, Evolve (2017). Rome never again attempted to take the lands east of the River Rhine, known as Germania. (feat. Visit our corporate site. A new music service with official albums, singles, videos, remixes, live performances and more for Android, iOS and desktop. Unser Song dazu. See what the world is watching -- from the hottest music videos to what’s popular in gaming, fashion, beauty, news, learning and more. There was a problem. Look out for these in the video – they come up again and again – and the colours of the contemporary flag are there in every scene. Hit-Premiere im Netz: So klingt der deutsche ESC-Song Jendrik Sigwart wird mit seinem fröhlichen Song "I Don't Feel Hate" für Deutschland beim Eurovision Song Contest 2021 antreten. New words were set to the music in 1841 by a German poet, August Heinrich Hoffmann, and his "Das Lied der Deutschen," (The Song of the Germans) was considered revolutionary at the time. (feat. By Directed by Specter Berlin, it is more than a music video – it's a cinematic spectacle in its own right. DALLAS - Original TV Intro 1986 (Theme Song) Here, Germania appears in the cabaret costume of a flapper girl, and the boxers fight with knuckle-dusters as a crowd cheers them on. Thank you for signing up to Metal Hammer. For a band like Rammstein, who had always positioned themselves as being miles ahead of the curve, coming back with something Please refresh the page and try again. We're not one of those companies that gives your personal information away. Kill This Love BLACKPINK. Once a catchy tune gets into your head, you'll find yourself repeating phrases and words to yourself even when you aren't studying. Metal Hammer are currently celebrating 25 years of Rammstein in our new issue, which is on sale now. It's all here. We recognise members of the Red Army Faction (also known as the Baader-Meinhof group), a militant organisation active in the 1970s in West Germany. Roman soldiers creep through the woods in the aftermath of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. All rights reserved. The band members’ heads are shown as white marble busts, taking us to the 19th century Walhalla memorial in Bavaria, built as German Hall of Fame, its sculpted heads of German worthies on display to this day. Taylor Swift 2. In the prison, hundreds of banknotes fall from above, suggesting the devastating hyperinflation Germany suffered in the 1920s. A new music service with official albums, singles, videos, remixes, live performances and more for Android, iOS and desktop. case, This is what Iron Maiden’s Fear Of The Dark sounds played like by a 160-piece orchestra. Bath "Believer" is a song by American pop rock band Imagine Dragons. Du schaust gern über den eigenen Tellerrand? This week's ranking of the most popular music videos on YouTube. Focus on your top influencers & supporters so you don't miss their engagements follow them. Louder is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. (Metal Hammer) 18 May 2020, Rammstein's Deutschland single and its accompanying video is jaw-dropping in its size and scale – but what exactly is it all about? Your data is safe with us. There’s an echo of the video for Sonne, where Snow White is trapped in a glass coffin. Try to imagine the video about Britain, with Britannia played by Ruby Commey. The Specter Berlin-directed music video for Rammstein’s new song, “Deutschland,” was stirring up controversy before it even premiered. We see the former East Germany, complete with busts of Marx and Lenin, the national emblem of East Germany, and a lookalike of the long-serving, insular, and repressive GDR leader Erich Honecker. Das Lied handle nicht vom Teufel, sondern von einer Frau, die sich von einem üblen Kerl trennen möchte - sagen die Komponisten. Ikke Hüftgold und Willi Herren, das Duett zur Fussball WM mit ihrem Song "So gehen die Gauchos - So gehen die Deutschen". Rats scuttle across the floor when the monks first appear, suggesting the Pied Piper of Hamelin, a legend with origins in the 13th century. Deutschland 83 is a 2015 German-American television series starring Jonas Nay as a 24-year-old native of East Germany who, in 1983, is sent to West Germany as an undercover spy for the HVA, the foreign intelligence agency of the Stasi. Brendon Urie) ME! Schaut' da mal rein:YouTube: Web-App: https://go.funk.netFacebook: Die WM in Russland war ein Debakel für das DFB-Team. Nazis burn books, intercut with religious fanatics burning witches. 106,756 talking about this. Other scenes include the band walking away from a flaming airship, referring to the 1937 Hindenburg Disaster, in which 36 people died. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer, The world’s biggest and best metal magazine, At The Gates prepare to unleash The Nightmare Of Being, Slipknot's Clown is selling his first NFT. Before Deutschland, Rammstein hadn't released any new material in 10 years. How can they justify using Holocaust imagery to promote their new video? And in a blink-or-you-miss-it exchange, we are reminded of the much-criticised relationship between the churches and the state during the Third Reich. Three legionary standards were captured, a loss symbolic and moral, as well as physical, and decades were spent trying to recover them. Before Deutschland, Rammstein hadn't released any new material in 10 years. What would the equivalent events be? For a band like Rammstein, who had always positioned themselves as being miles ahead of the curve, coming back with something big was important. Jetzt heißt es: Mund abputzen, zusammenreißen und stärker zurückkommen! Traumtore dank Flair-Eigenschaft Alle News zu FIFA 20 auf der NGL findet Ihr hier: The Romans were ambushed by an alliance of Germanic Tribes, led by a chieftain called Arminius (the original Hermann the German). © Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Four members of the band, in the striped uniforms of camp inmates, wait at the gallows, about to be hanged. The Story Behind The Song: System Of A Down’s Chop Suey! In order to endorse its republican and liberal tradition, the tune was chosen as the national anthem of Germany in 1922, during the Weimar Republic. Germany engages with its history in a very particular way. This sequence, teased in an earlier promo video, has already caused controversy. Germania walks towards the camera in a leather jacket, gold jewellery and a string of bullets across her chest, resembling the chariot drawn by four horses (the ‘Quadriga’) on top of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. Auf Zypern gehen Christen auf die Straße, um gegen den ESC-Song „El Diablo“ („Der Teufel“) zu demonstrieren. New Album: https://www.rammstein.comVideo Director: Specter BerlinProduction: Mmaattcchh BerlinScore: „The Beast” written by Jóhann Jóhannsson.
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