the same name movie characters Do you think of Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz or The Golden Girls? In fact, with the exception of Jack, which has long seemed to be the name of the male character in every other movie and TV adventure show, characters' names veer from the unusual to the outlandish. Also, don't refer to shows where the same named characters existed at different times on the show. The show is based on a 1998 novel of the same name from Wally Lamb. Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. Names are a funny thing. I'll throw out a few Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Wally West and Billy Batson. Though Jules hasn't been on the US popularity list in fifty years, it is a current hit in its native France—where it's currently Number 10—and we can definitely see it making a comeback here, being far more romantic than, say, Jim. 11 movies with the same name that are totally different. Nola, a name with a sleek, enigmatic quality, was used for the much-pursued heroine of Spike Lee's 1986 breakout film. Advertisements. Votes: 1,769 | Gross: $0.35M. by Helen Jones. © 2021 is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. Though greatly overshadowed by the trendy Olivia, Olive has a quiet, subtle appeal of its own -- and is now enjoying a remarkable comeback. Actors, Whose Character Do The Same In Every Movie. Some names become so strongly associated with one character/person, that any other characters/people with the same name will inevitably be compared with them. Copy link. Votes: 31,798 | Gross: $32.07M. Watch this Barbie-Filme video, Barbie Movie Characters with the Same Names SHOWDOWN - Part 2, on Fanpop and browse other Barbie-Filme videos. It entered the Top 1000 at about the same time for both genders in the early 1990s, but it has pulled ahead for the girls. 1Samwise Gamgee - The Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001-2003) suggested byCHEESY124 Ugorji. Ruffalo first filmed his scenes as Dominick, then took a few weeks off to gain … This name of a character played by Kirsten Dunst in the movie, The image of the lovely Lady Sybil, tragic youngest daughter of the Crawley family on. Adopted by the lowland Scots by the seventeenth century, the name didn't become popular outside Scotland and Ireland until the twentieth century. Josie is jaunty and friendly: among the most winning of all nickname names. 151 points • 21 comments - This dude plays the same character in every movie and show - 9GAG has the best funny pics, gifs, videos, gaming, anime, manga, movie, tv, cosplay, sport, food, memes, cute, fail, wtf photos on the internet! score: 13 of 68 (19%) required scores: 1, 7, 11, 14, 19 list stats leaders vote Vote print comments. Flint is one of the new macho names on the rise today, part old-school tough guy, part rebel. Toni Collette named her daughter Sage Florence. Director: Jonathan Kaplan | Stars: Kelly McGillis, Jodie Foster, Bernie Coulson, Leo Rossi. Lv 7. As a name, we think that Tristan is incredibly charming. In … Favorite Answer. 40,000+ articles posted by thousands of contributors spanning the entire cultural spectrum. A few, such as Trinity from The Matrix, jumped right onto the popularity charts. ", Viola has several positive elements going for it: the rhythm of the musical instrument, the association with the flower, the trending 'Vi' beginning and its leading role in Shakespeare's. 14.Will Ferrell © Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy / DreamWorks Pictures , © Step Brothers / Columbia Pictures , © Daddy's Home 2 / Paramount Pictures Mr. Magoriam's Wonder Emporium is not on this list. Gray (or Grey), is one exception, which could make for a soft and evocative--if slightly somber-- choice, especially in the middle. Know your Avengers from your other Avengers. The entire name is the same), but it's meaningless, or not overly significant. Some stylish parents are starting to choose it again, especially as a middle. How many decades will it take for Rocky to triumph over its association with Sylvester Stallone's battered but not beaten boxer? Blame Mickey's girlfriend. Share. character production. While the character is universally known as "the Man with No Name", he was called "Joe" by another character… I tried this with The Simpsons which has a huge cast. SHARE. Sep 17, 2018 Updated: September 17th, 2018. wiki. And it’s an appealing choice for parents … While some are unique on every level, others are beautifully common, leading to a lot of run-ins with people who have the same name… Rare and unique names from movies with strong ties to their character include Atreyu, Morpheus, Napoleon, and Sharpay. 15. Combine the charming heroine of the movie. Average score for this quiz … The powerful name of the powerful character played by Russell Crowe in the 2000 film, Chase, with its sleek and ultraprosperous aura, is redolent of the worlds of high finance and international banking. Tristian: “Legends of the Fall” may be a tearjerker, but Brad Pitt’s, wild-at-heart character was far from it. Delivering passionate and comprehensive entertainment coverage to millions of users world-wide each month. Answer Save. Sullivan is a jaunty Celtic three-syllable name, with a real twinkle in its eye. The movieverse has another version: non-movie material such as comics often movie-ify past characters and use them, and the next movie comes out and uses the same name with an unrelated character. But enough decades have now passed for the name to have settled back into its soft, sweet pastel image. Nine in Time: Actresses III 2,070; Nine in Time: Child Actresses 1,478; Nine in Time: Actors III 759; Nine in Time: Actors II 694; Nine in Time: Child Actors 634; Nine in Time: John Hughes' Characters 544; Nine in Time: Pixar Characters 499; Nine in Time: Harry Potter Students 443; Nine in Time: Bond Villains 403; Nine in Time: MCU Characters II 397 Minnie Driver (born Amelia) has given it some modern celeb cred. The girls have Violet and Scarlet and Ruby and Rose, but for the boys there's a much more limited palette of color names. The name shot all the up to Number 286 (its highest ranking since the 1890s) in the year after the release of the movie, though it's now dropped back down the list in the US. See what you know about these roles. 8 Bad Boys (1983 & 1995) With Bad Boys For Life released this year, little did anyone know that the title Bad Boys was first used for a Sean Penn dramatic film. Clementine is a Nameberry favorite that has finally broken back into the US Top 1000 after more than half a century off the list. Minnie was wildly popular at the turn of the last century—it was the fifth or sixth most popular name throughout the 1880s—but is completely obscure today. It makes a particularly pleasing middle name choice, as does her newly discovered cousin Lark. Indiana Jones. Forrest is one of the earliest appealingly sylvan, outdoorsy choices, borne by newsman Sawyer, actor Whitaker, and football Hall of Famer Gregg. You won't find a tougher, steelier-sounding name; it's part of a genre on the rise along with cousins Slate, Stone and Steel. New Line Cinema / Courtesy Everett Collection. Regardless, it's possible that the up and coming trend toward old-fashioned nickname-names—think Maisie, Mamie, Millie—may give Minnie (all on its own, not as a short form of anything) a new moment in the sun. 1,082 views from Wren entered the Top 1000 for the first time in 2012 and is among the new wave of popular. Ruffalo first filmed his scenes as Dominick, then took a few weeks off to gain 30 pounds and portray Thomas. If the actor repeats, can this be considered his own piece or is it still a lack of imagination and ideas, including directing and production? Characters played cooperatively by multiple actors at the same time A. Emani Sledge, Valerie Shusterov, Hannah Freiman, Rachel Corr, Will Denton, Sharon Wilkins, Shayna Levine, and Jennifer Jason Leigh as Aviva in Palindromes (2004) C Here, we take stock of some of our favorite overlaps in surnames we saw on TV from the 1950s to the 1990s. what 2 animated disney characters have the same name? Very popular in the Iranian community, this name of the founder of the Persian Empire has had a more down-home, corncob pipe-smoking image for most Americans in the past, but this has begun to change. It was also the name of a hit movie of the same name. The renewed interest in the name falls in line with the revival of other mythological names like Apollo and Athena. This lazy film phenomenon doesn't happen often but when it does, usually the two movies have nothing in common. Also spelled Ines, this name of the prudish mother of Don Juan in the Byron poem has a touch of mystery, but has also been fully integrated into the American name pool. Names are a funny thing. Every show has its own cast of unique characters, but over time, we've seen a lot of last names get repeated. Whether it's due to its economic connotations, or its link to American legend Johnny Cash, this name is widely used, and has been used by several celebrities including Annabeth Gish and Joshua Morrow. Let us give you examples and you’ll feel like they’re all the same movies — Superbad (2007), Juno (2007), and Scott Pilgrim vs The World (2010). The entire name is the same ), but it's meaningless, or not overly significant. Fletcher is a common surname with a touch of quirkiness; it definitely fits into the So Far Out It's In category--and moving further in all the time along with other occupational names from Parker to Forester. Still, its style value may mean there are more Clementines than you might guess in your neighborhood—it may be a name that raises Mom's eyebrows, but it won't surprise your friends. 15 Actors Who Play the Same Role in Every Movie Samuel L. Jackson - The Man Who LOVES To Curse. Attach your videos and images! It's often amazing how much two characters with the same name can differ, as well, and that makes this list more interesting. For the sake of argument, I can't think of any other example of a show where so many characters have the same first names as the actors who play them. Bellatrix, of one of the stars of Orion, combines fashionable names Bella and Beatrix to make a convivial and original name. The Office has 4 characters who have the same first names as the actors who play them. Relevance. 2. The German fantasy children's book. Shopping. Here's how to play: Below, find photos of TV characters. It's one of the twins that make up the constellation Gemini, and a mythological name on the cutting-edge of fashion; used by Metallica's James Hetfield. Fall Out Boy It’s well-known that Fall Out Boy were inspired by a minor character … Tap to unmute. Prince … The plant was termed ‘dew of the sea’ due to its salty texture and its ability to thrive in coastal climes. Orlando, the ornate Italianate twist on the dated Roland, with a literary heritage stretching back to Shakespeare and before, has appealing book-ended o's, and is open to combination with almost any last name, a la British actor, Orlando Bloom. Said characters happen to have a few similar attributes and the same name (unless the name is a single word, not "a similar name" nor "The same first name" nor "The same last name". Info. 6 4 +2. Despite appearances, Rosemary is not a “smoosh” name, not even a traditional one. These 16 bands were inspired by TV shows and movies when they were coming up with their names. Name some characters who have both the first and last name initials. It first entered the US Top 1000 in 2014. Index | Newest | Popular | Best. In This Is the End, all of the characters (including Seth Rogen, James Franco, Jonah Hill, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, Michael Cera, and Emma Watson) played fictionalized versions of … Ulysses is one of the few U boys' names anyone knows -- with heavy links to the Homeric hero, eighteenth president Grant, and the James Joyce novel -- all of which makes it both distinguished and kind of weighty for a modern boy. Maud's early popularity was influenced by the Tennyson poem that included the oft-quoted line, "Come into the garden, Maude." The 1983 film centers on Penn as Chicago hoodlum Mick O’Brien, who is sent to a juvenile facility after he kills a rival’s brother. It’s a case of character déjà vu. The plot-line follows that of the film of the same name, except there are also levels featuring some of the characters' first captures and early escape attempts, as well as a changed ending. | Log In. The Man with No Name is the antihero character portrayed by Clint Eastwood in Sergio Leone's "Dollars Trilogy" of Spaghetti Western films: A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. The 100 Greatest Movie Characters 1. He's always this hardened guy with a … ... portrayal of the character in the 1931 movie "Frankenstein." 10. Elio is also currently popular in France, ranking in the Top 250. This is the name of Angel of Death in Jewish and Muslim tradition, not a great start for an innocent child -- or a great role model for a teenager. there are two animated characters in 2 different movies that have the same name and i cant figure it out. Imogen seems to have originated as a Shakespearean printer's misspelling of the traditional Celtic name Innogen, used by him for a character in one of his last plays, Wren, a lilting songbird name, could be the next Robin. "You Can Do It" Guy . While some are unique on every level, others are beautifully common, leading to a lot of run-ins with people who have the same name… Seen on Sky News; featured in The Guardian, NY Times, The Independent and more. Elio is a sunny and spirited Italian and Spanish name that makes a great crossover prospect, which could catch on as Enzo has. Maude, also spelled Maud, is a lacy, mauve-tinted name that was wildly popular a hundred years ago, but has been rarely heard in the past fifty. Services Gold Memberships: Gift Certificates Get Daily Email Trivia Create a Daily Trivia Tournament Buy Trivia Questions / Host a Quiz Night Contact Us. Thomason, Monica Keena, Edward Furlong, Andre Royo. Create Account; Log In; Sign Up: Free! Forrest Gates was a character on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It helps, too, that Madonna's son Rocco helped make the name child-appropriate again. Movie character names may be the only names cooler than the names of the stars that play them. Since the release of the popular indie film. The down side: the. I can't think of one duplicate character name. 6. Kaitlin Olson and Rob McElhenney recently named their son Leo Grey. This name of a small island off the coast of Scotland is trending upwards along with other I names. Many times, an actor's character on TV will have the same first name as the actor themselves. The movies below all share the same name and (spoiler alert!) French feminine version of Clement, Latin, Italian and Spanish from Greek sun god, Helios, English spelling of Alasdair, Scottish version of Alexander, English, diminutive of Josephine, feminine of Joseph, Diminutive of Sebastian, Latin from Greek. It debuted in the US Top 1000 in 2016. Same name different face: Actors who've played the same character 3/14/2018. 10 Most Powerful Beings Spider-Man Has Defeated, 10 Things Comic Fans Found Too Distracting, 8 Superheroes Who Saw The End Of The World, 10 Comic Heroes You Weren't Supposed To Like, 10 Villains Spider-Man Has NEVER Defeated, 10 More Most Disgusting Comic Book Deaths, You'll Never Be Able To Name 100% Of These Justice League Villains. Olive is one of only four, Clover is a charming, perky choice if you want to move beyond hothouse blooms like Rose and Lily, and it's recently become a new celeb favorite, chosen by both Neal McDonough and Natasha Gregson Wagner, who used it to honor her mother, Natalie Wood, one of whose most iconic films was, In the early 1990s, Cody was in the Top 25 most popular. Share. 4 1 . Mario is a well-known example: the only other famous Mario I can think of right now … Forget the oil. Create an account and you can create lists, keep track of favorites, and even be alerted when there is new content posted about a name. Every once in a while you will see a trailer for a movie whose name instills a sense of déjà vu because you've seen it before, even though the new movie isn't a reboot. This Latin word used for evening spiritual services was introduced to baby namers by the Eva Greene character Vesper Lynd in the modern James Bond film. Same Name as a TV Character 86; Criteria TV: HIMYM vs. Friends 73; Sitcoms by Numbers 53; TV Show by IMDb Cast Screenshot 42; Pick the Characters from Naruto 29; 30 in 60: TV Characters 22; Click a 'D' TV Show 21; Click the One-Word TV Shows 19 Mr. Peabody. She's been on the, In Spanish cultures, and spelled either Bastian or Bastien, this is a fairly common nickname name. Literature Movie Trivia Music Trivia People Religion Science Trivia Sports Trivia Television Video Games World. Alma is a somewhat solemn, soulful name that had a burst of popularity a century ago, then faded into the flowered wallpaper, and is now finding its footing once more. We all heard it on "Seinfeld" as the long-concealed first name of Kramer, now some pioneering parents are wondering if this expansive Greek name that seems to embrace the whole cosmos could make a creative and cool choice for their baby. For These 15 Popular TV/Movie Characters With The Same First Name, Who Do You Instantly Think Of? Sage is an evocatively fragrant herbal name that also connotes wisdom, giving it a double advantage. Defining moment: … Alice Allusion, My Hero, Zero, and Name … Barbie Movie Characters with the Same Names SHOWDOWN - Part 1 - YouTube. Said characters happen to have a few similar attributes and the same name ( unless the name is a single word, not "a similar name" nor "The same first name" nor "The same last name". Nonetheless, many mythological names that would have previously been deemed off limits have made their way up the popularity charts—for instance, Penelope currently ranks highly for girls. The name derives from two Latin terms “Ros” meaning ‘dew’ and “Marinus” “meaning “of the sea”. Chase has been well used during the last few decades, seen as a character on, This nouveau name of Keanu Reeves's character in. Thanks to a devastating nuclear war, a group of people find themselves crammed together in a house in rural Texas, struggling to cope with radiation poisoning, grief and the locals. Top User Quizzes in Movies. Attentive viewers have already noticed that in some films the same movie stars do similar things or use the same props. It was immortalized in the 1930s classic film, J.K. Rowling is a modern master of naming who brought a whole constellation of ancient and celestial names to modern parents. And indeed, Adonis was one of the fastest-rising boys' names of 2016, moving up 307 spots on the U.S. popularity chart in just one year. Top 10 Movie and TV Characters Named Sam. Same title, totally different film – times movies with the same name were nothing alike. Alice Allusion, My Hero, Zero, and Name of … Improve this question. Angela, Phyllis, Oscar, and of course Creed Bratton (who goes by his actual full real name). James Bond. character the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly for-a-few-dollars-more a-fistful-of-dollars. The vast majority of the 50 most common gender-combined names assigned to movie characters are masculine — names typically given to men. Ulysses was on the US popularity list well into the twenty-first century; it's off now, but Number 684 on Nameberry. (Also note, which may be relevant, the director Leone did not intend for these to be a trilogy, that was a marketing decision, and Fistful is an unofficial remake of a Japanese film called Yojimbo). 4 Answers. by Doctor D. 6.6k views. Tags: Movie Characters Quiz, Cartoon Characters, Characters, Fictional Characters, First Names, same, Slideshow, TV Characters Top Quizzes Today When They Were Young 649 Defining moment: The flicker of recognition that crosses Indy’s face when Belloq (Paul Freeman)... 2. 1 decade ago. Jackie Chan. Lost in limbo for decades and decades, Elsa now stands a good chance of following along in the progression from Emma to Ella to Etta, thanks to the ice queen heroine who "Let It Go" in the wildly popular Disney movie Frozen. Please don't include movies at all. 858. A spirited German name very popular in Italy and occasionally used here, Aldo is one of the. Only after the Middle Ages did the English names of Rose and Mary become interchanged with the name Rosmarinus and give us the modern name we use today. Are each of these three the same character, or are they different characters with the same (non) name? Juno is an ancient name that feels as fresh as if it had been minted — well, not yesterday, but in 2007. Samuel L. Jackson tends to play a guy that seems tough as shit, but the... Vin Diesel - The Unemotional Tough Guy. This name of the Cretan goddess of fertility is most popular now as the more melodic Ariana, but Ariadne has possibilities of its own. After a young woman suffers a brutal gang rape in a bar one night, a prosecutor assists in bringing the perpetrators to justice, including the ones who encouraged and cheered on the attack. Roux is the name of the dashing Johnny Depp character in. Along with Jack and Trinity, other movie character names in the US Top 1000 include Buddy, Clementine, Fletcher, Josie, Maximus, Regina, Rosemary, and Sullivan. "Putting on the weight for Thomas was really challenging," Ruffalo said at the TV Critics Association Winter Press Tour in January 2020, per "E! The show is based on a 1998 novel of the same name from Wally Lamb. With many British names invading the Yankee name pool, the sophisticated Alistair could and should be part of the next wave. SHARE. This ancient name currently ranks #192, which is not bad for a baby name. avg. The trendy nickname Ari doesn't hurt either. News." Director: Péter Engert | Stars: C.J. The moment may have come, now that Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr. have named their son Rocky. Arwen is well known as princess of the Elves in Tolkien's. Follow edited Aug 11 '16 at 11:59. You have a triple choice with this name--the British spell it Alistair or Alastair, while the Scots prefer Alasdair--but they're all suave Gaelic versions of Alexander. "Jackie Chan's films are just based around how he can do karate. Paul does not just belong to late Paul Walker from the “Fast and Furious” series. The name of a figure from Greek mythology, Adonis is a high-pressure name often synonymous with masculine beauty. Click UP or DOWN to vote on entries! Then, in the 1970's, along came the sitcom Maude, featuring the vociferous and opinionated character Maude Finlay, putting a very different spin on the name. Watch later. W Some of these actors were not only familiar faces but the exact same character they played in previous Sandler films, giving further rise to the theory that all of these movies are connected. I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies. He is recognizable by his poncho, brown hat, tan cowboy boots, fondness for cigarillos, and the fact that he rarely talks. Vin talks about family a lot in … 10 Actors Who Played The Same Character In Completely Different Movies.