s to noobees
There are no TV Airings of NOOBees in the next 14 days. S2, Ep1. A teen who has never been interested in video games becomes a professional ''gamer'' to help her brother achieve his dream. Silvia, a young girl who was never interested in video games, should help her brother archeive his dream. Alors que son frère Erick et son père Hector sont passionnés de jeux vidéos, Silvia préfère l'air libre et jouer au basketball. Die Premiere erfolgte am 17. Noobees season 2 episode 2 The New Rocker : Gameover's plan is really unstoppable. Silvia was never interested in video games. Noobees es una serie de televisión de drama juvenil de eSports colombiana producida por Televideo y Mediapro para Nickelodeon.Es protagonizada por Michelle Olvera y Andrés de la Mora. 2. Together, they create the NOOBees to compete for the title of the professional video game league. Als Silvia, die keine Ahnung von Videospielen hat, beschließt, ihrem Bruder zu helfen, an einem eSport-Turnier teilzunehmen, weiß sie nicht, worauf sie sich da einlässt. A Silvia nunca le han interesado los videojuegos. ... Noobees (2018–2020) Episode List. Watch. Aktuelle Folge. Season: OR . S2 • F57. What's on TV & Streaming What's on TV & Streaming Top Rated Shows Most Popular Shows Browse TV Shows by Genre TV News India TV Spotlight. 42:42. Noobees is an esports teen drama television series filmed entirely in Bogota, Colombia and produced by Viacom International Studios, and MediaPro Studios. Check if it is available to stream online via "Where to Watch". NOOBees. Staffel 2. Version française. Noobees. Die Reise zum Halbfinale. Saison. The series premiered on Nickelodeon worldwide, except for Colombia, and United States, on 17 September 2018, followed by its debut in Colombia on RCN Televisión on 6 October. 2 Mar. Year: Season 2. Add NOOBees to your Watchlist to find out when it's coming back.. With Luis Giraldo, Lion Bagnis, Alanna de la Rossa, Sharon Guzman. Athina manages to join the Rockers' team and Rocco begins to approach the Noobees, when they learn that Silvia and David have arranged a meeting, they decide to … Noobees è una serie televisiva prodotta in Colombia e mandata in onda per la prima volta su Nickelodeon e in Italia dall'11 febbraio 2019 su TeenNick.. Il 24 gennaio 2019 è stata prodotta una seconda stagione da 60 episodi prevista per il marzo 2020. For this, he becomes a professional gamer. She prefers the outdoors and plays her favorite sport: basketball. Silvia is the opposite of her father, Hector, and his brother, Erick, for whom video games are the best. September 2018 auf Nickelodeon in Lateinamerika. NOOBees (eigene Schreibweise: N00Bees; zusammengesetzt aus den englischen Wörtern „Noob“ für Neuling und „Bees“ für Bienen) ist eine kolumbianische Telenovela, die im Auftrag von Viacom International Studios von der Produktionsfirma Televideo Mediapro produziert wird. NooBees TV's channel, the place to watch all videos, playlists, and live streams by NooBees TV on Dailymotion Ella prefiere el aire libre y jugar su deporte favorito: el baloncesto. 2020 Avatar City y el comienzo del fin. Silvia es lo opuesto a su padre, Héctor, y su hermano, Erick, para quienes los videojuegos son lo máximo. Aktuelle Folge. Série Jeunesse, Colombie, 2019. Created by Alba Lucío, Enrique Pérez. Add Image. La primera temporada se estrenó en Latinoamérica el 17 de septiembre de 2018 y terminó el 7 de diciembre de 2018. Noobees.