philips comforttouch garment steamer
ComfortTouch ... based on my preferences and behavior – about Philips products, services, events and promotions. With Philips Comfort Touch Plus Standing Garment Steamer you can refresh without washing or dry cleaning. With powerful continuous steam and an extra-long StyleBoard, clothes will be wrinkle free from top to bottom in no time. Gentle suction lightly stretches the fabric flat for safe, easy wrinkle removal. Refresh any garment with your favorite fragrance with this innovative garment steamer feature. ... Refresh any garment with your favorite fragrance with this innovative garment steamer feature. Philips' ComfortTouch Plus garment steamer effortlessly removes your clothes' wrinkles from top to bottom, thanks to an innovative FlexHead and an extra-long StyleBoard. A My Essence pedig lehetővé teszi ruhái felfrissítését – bármikor. Discover the garment steamer. Heat up time is fast (~1 minute) and refilling requires little effort on your part! For one, it has a FlexHead with 3 steam settings for flexible steaming on even the tightest corners in any kind of fabric. Image credit: Philips The model student of the garment steamer world, the Philips ComfortTouch Garment Steamer GC552 is highly rated as an all-rounded steamer. cm, 33 x 173 x 37 Acquistali insieme e ricevi 1 articolo in omaggio, Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno in un unico acquisto, fino a 40 Please read the, Selected products Compare, read reviews and order online. Effortless de-wrinkling from top to bottom Our new ComfortTouch garment steamer removes wrinkles and refreshes fabrics. Please try again later. The handle does get warm after a time but it’s not uncomfortable. With five steam settings to choose from, you'll always have the right amount âfrom delicates to thicker fabrics. Refresh clothing with your favourite scents any time you choose with MyEssence fragrance … Brush. Refresh clothing with your favorite scents anytime you choose with MyEssence. Links:--- Key benefits: MyEssence refreshes clothes with your favourite scents V, 1800 Visualizza i dettagli completi nel tuo carrello. There is no set up required – just fill the water tank, hang your clothes on, and you’re good to go! Buy Philips Garment Steamer, ComfortTouch, 1.8L, 1800W, Soft Blossom from eXtra today! W, <1 Philips values and respects your privacy. Utilizza un lieve getto di vapore su tessuti sottili e uno più potente su quelli più spessi e sui cappotti. Accettiamo i seguenti metodi di pagamento: Philips S.p.A. (società a socio unico), Viale Sarca 235, 20126 Milano– P. IVA 00856750153, 2004 - 2019. m, 1,6 One of the most popular garment steamers on Shopee is the Philips ComfortTouch Garment Steamer and definitely for many good reasons. A standing clothes steamer is perfect for delicates, quick touch-ups and tricky-to-iron items. Different fabrics need different amounts of steam to look their best. Easily refresh and de-wrinkle from top to bottom with the innovative FlexHead and extra-long StyleBoard. A standing clothes steamer is perfect for delicates, quick touch-ups, Get ready in no time with ComfortTouch Plus, Buy ComfortTouch Plus standing clothes steamer, Use MyEssence to refresh clothes with your favorite fragrance, Keep clothes hanger in place with Hang&Lock feature, Removes odors and kills 99.9%* of bacteria with continuous steam. (, Tutti i prodotti per la bellezza femminile, Tutto ferri da stiro a vapore e ferri generatori di vapore, Tutti i prodotti per la qualità dell’aria, Parti di ricambio per la cura del corpo maschile, Parti di ricambio per prodotti di bellezza, Parti di ricambio di prodotti per mamme e bambini, Parti di ricambio per prodotti per la casa, Parti di ricambio per prodotti per il caffè. Our extra-long StyleBoard offers a handy flat surface to give you added support as you steam clothes. This standing clothes steamer heats up in seconds. Our new ComfortTouch Plus garment steamer effortlessly removes wrinkles from top to bottom thanks to innovative FlexHead and an extra-long StyleBoard. All rights reserved. Il cura tessuti manuale a vapore è sicuro da utilizzare su tutti i tessuti e i capi di abbigliamento stirabili. Grazie a cicli di lavaggio e pulizia a secco meno frequenti, risparmierai tempo e denaro, e gli abiti dureranno più a lungo. livelli, 220 - 240 Entra nel Club Philips: per te uno sconto del 10%! min, 5 Our new ComfortTouch Plus garment steamer effortlessly removes wrinkles from top to bottom thanks to innovative FlexHead and an extra-long StyleBoard. L'importo dell'IVA verrà detratto dal prezzo indicato sopra. With innovative FlexHead and an extra-long StyleBoard, clothes will be wrinkle free from top to bottom with maximum ease and efficiency. Philips GC487/86 Stand Steamer Easy Touch Garment Steamer is light and easily moved, even with the steam stand and support! Box Contains. Rinfresca i vestiti con le tue fragranze preferite ogni volta che lo desideri con MyEssence. Al momento non ci sono articoli nel carrello. Reduce time spent on ironing with the Philips ComfortTouch Plus Garment Steamer. Standing steamers generate powerful steam for professional-quality results at home. With powerful continuous steam and an extra-long StyleBoard, clothes will be wrinkle free from top to bottom in no time. - Új ComfortTouch Plus ruhagőzölőnk könnyedén eltávolítja a gyűrődéseket tetőtől talpig az innovatív FlexHead és az extra hosszú StyleBoard segítségével. Our new ComfortTouch garment steamer removes wrinkles and refreshes fabrics. La piastra può essere usata senza problemi su qualsiasi capo senza rischiare di bruciarlo: una soluzione eccezionale per i tessuti delicati, come la seta. cm. La piastra flessibile assicura il massimo contatto con il tessuto, in modo da disperdere meno vapore e ottenere ottimi risultati. Find the best clothes steamer for you. Standing garment steamer Get your clothes ready in no time with ComfortTouch Plus standing steamer. Scopri tutti i vantaggi. Refresh clothing with your favorite scents anytime you choose with MyEssence. Puoi restituire il prodotto entro 45 giorni, Capi senza pieghe e rinfrescati in tutta semplicità, Il nostro nuovo cura tessuti a vapore ComfortTouch Plus rimuove le pieghe senza problemi su qualunque punto dell'indumento da trattare, grazie all'innovativa tecnologia FlexHead e allo StyleBoard estremamente lungo. m, 37 x 46 x 64.5 Il nostro innovativo infusore di fragranze MyEssence ti consente di rinfrescare gli indumenti con i tuoi profumi preferiti ogni volta che lo vorrai. Easily reach bottom of garments with flexible steamer head. Rinfresca i vestiti con le tue … ComfortTouch Garment Steamer GC559/66 Easily de-wrinkle and refresh from top to bottom Our new ComfortTouch garment steamer effortlessly removes wrinkles from top to bottom thanks to innovative FlexHead and an extra-long StyleBoard. Prolunga la vita del tuo apparecchio utilizzando regolarmente la funzione di rimozione del calcare. The flexible plate on the steamer head ensures more contact with the fabric so less steam escapes for more efficient results. Press the fabric between FlexHead steam plate and StyleBoard for easy, effective vertical steaming. With powerful continuous steam and an extra-long StyleBoard, clothes will be wrinkle free from top to bottom in no time. With deep steam penetration and an extra long StyleBoard, creases on fabrics are easily and quickly removed. Il vapore caldo ravviva gli abiti ed elimina il 99,9% dei batteri*. It is safe to use on all ironable fabrics, . Se hai diritto all'esenzione IVA sui dispositivi medici, puoi usufruirne su questo prodotto. È sufficiente premere il tessuto tra la piastra e l'asse per semplificare l'operazione di stiratura e rimuovere tutte le pieghe in modo efficace. Steamer heats up in 45 seconds so you can quickly steam. Refresh clothing with your favorite scents anytime you choose with MyEssence ml, 1,3 Easily refresh and de-wrinkle from top to bottom with the innovative FlexHead and extra-long StyleBoard. Our new ComfortTouch Plus garment steamer effortlessly removes wrinkles from top to bottom thanks to innovative FlexHead and an extra-long StyleBoard. Sorry, your subscription to our newsletter failed. Lo StyleBoard extra lungo rappresenta un valido supporto durante la stiratura a vapore. Get your clothes ready in no time with ComfortTouch Plus standing steamer. Testato da un istituto esterno per batteri del tipo Escherichia coli 8099, Staphylicoccus aureus ATCC 6538, Candida albicans ATCC 10231 su un tempo di stiratura a vapore di 1 minuto. Il sistema di stiratura a vapore passa automaticamente alla modalità standby quando il serbatoio dell'acqua è vuoto, in modo da poter stare tranquilli anche nel caso in cui ci si dimentichi di spegnerlo. Configura la tua impostazione preferita per ottenere risultati ottimali su tessuti diversi. Effortless de-wrinkling from top to bottom Our new ComfortTouch Advanced garment steamer gives you great ironing results in one go, thanks to extra powerful steam and innovative AirStretch technology. Our Comfort Touch Plus garment steamer effortlessly removes wrinkles from top to bottom thanks to innovative Flex Head technology and an extra-long Style Board. You can add your signature scent to clothes with our unique MyEssence infuser. This standing clothes steamer heats up in seconds. - Our new ComfortTouch garment steamer removes wrinkles and refreshes fabrics. g/min, Massimo 2000 Vedi tutte le specifiche Vedi meno specifiche, Diventa il primo a recensire questo oggetto, Ottieni il 10% di sconto sul prossimo acquisto effettuato sul Philips Online Store, Accedi facilmente all’assistenza sui prodotti, Sistemi filtranti acqua per la cura personale, Prodotti selezionati Thus, it can fall over sometimes. Refresh clothing with your favorite scents anytime you choose with MyEssence. L'innovativo FlexHead ti consente di stirare facilmente il fondo dei capi, evitandoti di piegarti o inginocchiarti. Garment steamer. - Il nostro nuovo cura tessuti a vapore ComfortTouch Plus rimuove le pieghe senza problemi su qualunque punto dell'indumento da trattare, grazie all'innovativa tecnologia FlexHead e allo StyleBoard estremamente lungo. Steam gently penetrates even the most delicate fabrics with no risk of scorching or burning â and no ironing board required. Free home delivery on eligible products or collect in store. Get your clothes ready in no time with ComfortTouch Plus standing steamer. Philips ComfortTouch Garment Steamer [GC552] The popular choice. Philips ComfortTouch Garment Steamer, Pink - GC552/46: Buy Online at Best Price in KSA - Souq is now Philips ComfortTouch GC557/30 (Garment Steamer): 3 out of 5 stars from 3 genuine reviews on Australia's largest opinion site Effortless de-wrinkling from top to bottom Our new ComfortTouch garment steamer removes wrinkles and refreshes fabrics. © Koninklijke Philips N.V., 2004 - 2021. * Tested by external body for bacteria types Escherichia coli 8099, Staphylicoccus aureus ATCC 6538, Canidia albicans ATCC 10231with 8 minutes steaming time. Thanks for subscribing to our newsletter! Learn why these garment steamer suit your needs. Effortless de-wrinkling from top to bottom Our new ComfortTouch garment steamer removes wrinkles and refreshes fabrics. Our innovative FlexHead easily adjusts as you steam from top to the bottom of your clothes, with less bending or kneeling. (, Filter change for Air purifiers & humidifiers. It has everything you could possibly need, from the continuous churning of steam, to a hanger lock that secures your clothes in place as you steam wrinkles away. With powerful continuous steam and an extra-long StyleBoard, clothes will be wrinkle free from top to bottom in no time. Easily de-wrinkle and refresh from top to bottom Our new ComfortTouch Plus garment steamer effortlessly removes wrinkles from top to bottom thanks to an innovative FlexHead and an extra-long StyleBoard. La nostra esclusiva funzione Hang&Lock tiene l'appendiabiti fermo in posizione per consentirti di stirare in comodità, poiché evita che oscilli o cada.