philips azur iron steam button not working
When your iron has not been used for 5 to 10 minutes, it enters in auto shut-off mode. Philips Azur. My Philips Steam Iron does not heat up anymore If your Philips Steam Iron stops heating up, there can be several reasons. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us. Scales are then flushed out, steam and boiling water also come out of the soleplate. My model GC8620 had a strange problem: it would heat up the iron and I could hear the steam chamber heating up also, but when I pressed the trigger on the iron (after the steam chamber made no more noise and it was at the right temperature), the pump would not work. The disk has a metal tab which when the disk distorts pushes on the underside of the steam diaphragm and allows water down into the soleplate. My non steaming iron now works perfectly with the cap open. Free Shipping. Buy Philips GC3811/80 Azur Performer Steam Iron with 160 g Steam Boost and Steam Glide Plus Soleplate, 2400 Watt, Multi-Colour online at low price in India on Image 1: Remove both screws at the front top of the product. There are currently no items in your shopping cart. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Turn the iron on, and when it's hot, hold it soleplate-side down. Learn more. The decal button stays illuminate. The information on this page applies to the following models: PSG7014/16 , GC8942/26 , GC2145/29 , GC9660/36 , GC3675/36 , GC3672/26 , GC2678/39 , GC2146/39 , GC4933/80 , GC4938/20 , GC9682/86 , GC6833/36 , GC6830/26 , GC5039/30 , GC7057/20 , GC7805/20 , GC7833/80 , GC7808/40 , GC7055/20 , GC7717/80 , GC8712/20 , GC8733/20 , GC8715/20 , GC9650/80 , GC9642/60 , GC9410/60 , GC9405/80 , GC9324/20 , GC8735/80 , GC7710/20 , GC7715/80 , GC7703/20 , GC7705/30 , GC6627/30 , GC6630/20 , GC6606/20 , GC6603/20 , GC3803/30 , GC8643/30 , GC7035/20 , GC6612/30 , GC7037/27 , GC4521/20 , GC9630/20 , GC6602/20 , GC7635/30 , GC7619/20 , GC7015/20 , GC6631/30 , GC6625/30 , GC6621/20 , GC6611/30 , GC8651/10 , GC3802/20 , GC8638/20 , GC8616/30 , GC3809/30 , GC3810/20 , GC3811/70 , GC3811/80 , GC4510/30 , GC4511/20 , GC4511/40 , GC4520/30 , GC4521/87 , GC4522/00 , GC8650/80 , GC8630/02 , GC9241/02 , GC9236/02 , GC9231/02 , GC9222/02 , GC8640/02 , GC9550/02 , GC8635/02 , GC8615/02 , GC8620/02 , GC9540/02 , GC9230/02 , GC9235/02 , GC9220/02 , GC9240/02 , GC9940/05 , GC9140/02 , GC9020/02 , GC9040/02 , GC9920/05 . Philips Azur steam iron. Tightening the screw with the tab in its correct position fixed it! Philips Azur Steam Iron with 250 g Steam Boost, 2600 W and SteamGlide Soleplate, Black - GC4567/86 3,829. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us. I am so pleased it WORKS. Please check if you filled in the correct model number. The Ultimate Pure has some other great features, too, like 60g/min continuous steam, a Philips Azure Elite-matching 260g/min steam boost, a large 350ml water tank … Wife`s iron had no steam, after dismantling three times and seeing all parts seemed to be working OK. Small air hole in filler cap blocked, poked it with paper clip and - hey presto, we have steam! PerfectCare Aqua GC8635 iron pdf manual download. Thanks for subscribing to our newsletter! Try opening the water filler cap and see if the problem goes away. This iron has a button for an extra-powerful shot of concentrated steam to get rid of even the most stubborn creases and wrinkles. Thanks everyone for sharing this trick. Thanks Google and whoever gave this tip in the first place! Open the water filler cap first which immediately generated a load of steam so I knew the pin-hole trick was going to work. Keep track of your product warranty coverage, Qualify for cash-back, gifts and special offers. I had exactly the same thing and went through all the manual and did the incredibly obvious things that Philips point out but then I tried it without the top cover closed fully (the one you put the water in) so some air could get in. In case the model number does not offer any results, we would like to advise you to reach out to our contact center. If the steam boost of your Philips Steam Iron stopped working, please find our troubleshooting advice below. I also didn't know about this little hole - iron is like new now. Was about to buy a replacement, but absolutely no need now. Additionally, feel free to contact our Consumer Support team on 1300 363 391 (Mondays to Saturdays: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm EST). Search results for {words} ({number} products), Philips values and respects your privacy. If your steam generator iron is switched on and the blue power light or the LED light on the handle is blinking but the soleplate stays cold, your steam generator iron might be in auto shut-off mode. So if our iron stops putting out steam give this a try. Philips Azur. The model number consists out of letters followed by numbers (e.g. Click here to show more product numbers Click here to show less product numbers. Absolutely amazing - de-scaled multiple times but still no steam, then saw this article - opened the water filler and steam as per usual, then cleared out the filler cap with a paper clip - iron is as good as new. Philips GC5039/30 Azur Elite Steam Iron If your steam iron is left unused horizontally for more than 30 seconds, or vertically (heel rest) for more than 8 minutes, it switches off automatically for safety reasons. There’s no messing about with damp laundry, or misting fabric with a spray bottle – just steam on demand. Good luck. Run the steam generator iron at the highest temperature and wait for about five minute before you empty the iron tank. 2 Solutions. The PerfectCare Aqua is a steam generator iron made by Philips. The steam iron switches off or stops working when the steam hose is moved The electronics could have been damaged during use. View and Download Philips PerfectCare Aqua GC8635 service manual online. Also since clearing out the filler cap the de-scaling works much better, in fact its quite violent compared to the way it was working until I fixed that. 0 Solutions. Sorry, we did not find this product. I was a little baffled. Press the power on/off button to switch it on again. Absolutely brilliant!!! Do not know if this will work for you but it is worth a try and it looks like the plastic cap seems to get a bit blocked / melted maybe with the heat ??? i was given a philips iron gc9240 - 1127 -/02/b. If your steam generator iron is switched on and the blue power light or the LED light on the handle is blinking but the soleplate stays cold, your steam generator iron might be in auto shut-off mode. It never used to make such a load noise the descale button will not depress. This screw is located near the power wire. To activate the steam boost in your Philips Steam Iron, press the steam boost button/trigger. All rights reserved. We recommend that you take a look at the suggestions found in the following link: Continuous steam output of up to 50 g/min gives the elegant amount of steam to remove creases, while up to 250 g steam boost penetrates deeper into fabrics to easily remove stubborn creases. Hold the iron over the sink. Demineralized water is the best option to prevent limestone build up in your iron. I used a small paper clip to unblock mine, and the problem was resolved. ?. Then pump the sprayer a few times either in the air or on a scrap cloth and if your iron has shot of steam do that too it will clean out the holes in the bottom plate where steam … STAND POWER BUTTON PRINTED 37 BUTTON FRAME PRINTED 38 POWER BOARD PCB-PUMP SERVICE KIT 39 POWER CORD EU 40 STAND … Pour one part vinegar and two parts water into the reservoir. Didn't even know about this hole. A model number usually starts with letters followed by series of numbers, e.g. Thank you everyone. Please try again later. Philips, you really should bout his in the manual and on your website instead of making Consumers resort to buying new irons for no good reason! Came online after unsuccessfully using the calc-clean button due to my iron stopping steaming. Philips steam generator iron Over time, your steam generator iron will start to build up calc or scale; this happens in all electrical appliances that use water. Rinse off the solution with distilled or bottled water. Please never use ironing or perfumed water in your Philips steam iron. Hi im not an electrician and not overly handy with tools, but want to give it a shot in repairing my iron same issues with the pholips 4340, NO STEAM . Philips azur iron is making a very loud noise with gurgle sounds from stem function. I found the screw holding this disk in place had come lose, the disk had rotated and the tab no longer made contact with the diaphragm. In this case, please wait for a couple of minutes until you use the steam boost again. I saw on here the success a couple of people have had when leaving the plastic cover open where you put the water in and thought it was worth a try, not expecting it to work at all. Electronic safety shut-off. Please find out here how we can help you. Philips Iron GC9200. My Philips Steam Iron/Steam Generator is leaking from the soleplate, The red Calc-Clean light of my Philips Steam Iron keeps blinking. Very little repairs are usually needed for a well-made iron, but sometimes you will need to fix broken handles, faulty cords, and clogged holes where steam is released.You can easily repair problems by following the steps described below. good job i found this thread iron works and de scales perfectly now i wonder why philips havnt mentioned this as a common problem, We also spent a couple of hours following the handbook instructions, in despiation turned to google and found this thread, magic, one small hole cleared and success.Thanks to all concerned. Did this and my iron is as good as new. Philips GC4567 Iron. Philips Iron 8300 steam generator. Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free. how to fix the steaming problem of the philips iro ... 1 Solutions. A light is blinking blue on your Philips Steam Generator Iron: If your steam generator iron is switched on and the blue power light or the LED light on the handle is blinking but the soleplate stays cold, your steam generator iron might be in auto shut-off mode. GC6440, 37PFL7403D or SA1300. Yep, just poke a pin in to clear the tiny hole in the filler cap (between the 5 o'clock and 6 o'clock position at the edge of the circle shape in the cap). The heating-up light is flashing on your Philips Steam Iron The auto steam is enabled when the iron reaches temperature and causes a bi-metalic disc screwed to the top of the soleplate to distort. So, with the patches that are troublesome and take a lot of your ironing time, you can just double-tap the steam button to release a mega boost of 470g per minute steam. Repeat if the water that comes out of the iron still contains scale particles. When your iron has not been used for 5 to 10 minutes, it enters in auto shut-off mode. Sorry, your subscription to our newsletter failed. Please read the, Selected products Please visit our FAQs. This step removes the remaining part of the handle to gain access to the bottom part of the steam iron. Philips GC4924 PerfectCare Azur Iron. When you use the steam boost function of your Philips Steam Iron too often within a short period, the steam boost function will stop working for a while. Came online after unsuccessfully using the calc-clean button due to my iron stopping steaming. There are also frequently asked questions, a product rating and feedback from users to enable you to optimally use your product. Cash On Delivery It will get rid of all the tough creases, and you can glide around the iron easily. Then found this fix, back working in ten min`s well done TREBZ. Read on for our top five best steam irons, and a helpful buying guide to set you up with the perfect iron. i've just tried mine with cap open its now working great again and yes the hole was blocked thanks for the advice guys. Keep pushing the calc clean button and gently shake the iron forth and back until all water in the water tank has been used up. Steam galore! Let it sit for a few minutes. The steam iron, I get the problem is steam don't came out...when I press the pressure button on the handle ,steam don't came out n the water still get boilling no steam out. © Koninklijke Philips N.V., 2004 - 2021. Philips Azur Steam Iron GC4567/86: The best all-round iron ... It’ll keep your iron working to its full potential and for much longer. (, Men’s Shaving & Grooming – Find the tool to suit your needs, Hair Removal - Find the tool to suit your needs, Kitchen: NutriU App – Airfryer recipes & tips, Men's shaving & grooming accessories and parts, Sign up and get 15% off in the Philips online shop!*. Shame Philips don't put this in their manual, but I suppose if they did they'd sell less replacement irons! Powerful shot of steam. The only way to get it going is to switch it off at the plug. By using these, your iron gets contaminated and might get damaged or fail. (Do not place anything valuable beneath it, because the sediment is going to drip out.) Thank you so much for the tip. The best steam irons to buy 1. Philips Azur steam iron combines powerful performance with ease of use. 1. Each product has a unique model number. There are also frequently asked questions, a product rating and feedback from users to enable you to optimally use your product. Please be aware that your product may differ in colour from this picture but the support information is the same. Now I have more steam than I know what to do with. I have a GC9200. To switch on the steam boost in your Philips Steam Generator Iron, press the steam trigger twice quickly. We recommend using tap or demineralized water for all Philips steam irons. Amazing - my iron is now working properly after a year. uses cookies to ensure that you getthe best experience using our website. After 2 hours of trying to de-call, a very sore thumb, and as a last resort some descaling liquod (which you're not supposed to use) I am across this thread which immediately resolved my issue. When your iron has not been used for 5 to 10 minutes, it enters in auto shut-off mode. the blue light works but no heat comes out, how can i fix it? Steam irons only: The steam boost trigger has not been pressed and released To activate the steam boost in your Philips Steam Iron, press the steam boost button/trigger. To use it again, please press the on/off button. HX9903, SP9820). Please choose your model based on the last 2 digits of your product number, for example RQ1280/21.