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Eastern sciences (what the West has until recently considered mysticism, superstition, or even sin) have mapped the mind/body connection, locating pressure points, various swirling force fields, and the flow of an etheric energy called Prana in India, and Chi in China and Japan. See more ideas about talking to you, spirituality, starseed. I like to think of this vibratory connection as similar to a musician singing a song. Jul 17, 2019 - Talk To Your DNA. Some Eastern scientists, yogis for example, work in the laboratory of their own bodies. All in tune as I eat, sleep, exercise, meditate, create or play. WOW! Release. They are simply individuals who seemed significant in one writer's field of vision. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. ", 4. Try it on other parts of your body. . How did a thought start that astoundingly complex series of physical actions that results in a wiggle? In breathing out we expel all that would be unnecessary, releasing what’s not needed. In 1952 Norman Vincent Peale published "The Power of Positive Thinking" - the most popular self-help guide of its day. Deepak Chopra writes eloquent descriptions of the quantum connection to healing. But if you are on the path, like me, then you are still on your old familiar planet, and you still have concepts in your brain that may contradict the possibility of the fantastic reality promised by mystics, scientists and dreamers. I've centered this article on the struggle over one's attachment to belief systems, largely because this is the biggest challenge I face on my path to consciousness expansion. The metaprogramming winner: "I make my own coincidences, synchronicities, luck, and Destiny. ", 3. We are told that to live on light, you have to believe you can live on light. Sign up. We all know that DNA cannot be seen with the naked eye. Jul 17, 2019 - Talk To Your DNA. How to talk to your DNA. Direct link: The neurosomatic winner: "How I feel depends on my neurological knowhow. If human DNA is introduced to a tube of photons the photons will copy the form of the human DNA. It has been discovered by Dr. Poponin, a renowned quantum physicist that DNA is susceptible to receiving information from an outside source, ( ( which leads me to believe that DNA indeed responds to outside communication. This open position allows more surface area to be stimulated by the tighter waveform of LOVE. You may need to understand something about melody, harmony and rhythm. Jan 1, 2019 - Explore Kathy Smith's board "TALK TO YOUR DNA/DNA" on Pinterest. I said or thought things like, “I know that you are building new DNA every second in every bit of me, so build new healthy strands”, “Build strands not in old patterns of disease but as whole and new”, “You know what you are doing, don’t be lazy and just copy old bad DNA, make new healthy strands.”. In March of 2001 I spent two days in the company of Jasmuheen, an Australian housewife who claims to have lived on light (prana) alone for the past seven years (she admits to having a bite of chocolate occasionally just for taste). ", "I now release all discordant energies from all my energy fields. Quantum Yogic Programming : Talk to your DNA Wiggle your thumb. Come back and visit regularly for more details and processes directed towards awakening your DNA. Want to talk to your DNA? Jul 17, 2019 - Talk To Your DNA. Jul 17, 2019 - Talk To Your DNA. They stretch and sit, breathe and sing, juggle thoughts in the brain or empty the brain entirely, all in an effort to Contemplate the Actual, and apply an enlightening intention. Don’t try to rewrite this but rather from you base knowledge and understanding use the picture that comes to your mind and expand upon it, surrounding it with beauty and love. Observations of both DNA in the donor and the donor's DNA sample in a distant location recorded identical reactions to the videos at the exact same time. ), but usually not everything you know is wrong, and normally you have to wisely use what you know of your current situation to navigate to the next level. Accepting a radical new belief system almost always requires the release or loosening of a previous belief system. Breathe in and take all that you need. A Programming and Self Healing Affirmation drawn from Jasmuheen's "Living on Light", "Dear Mother/Father Creator God, I ask that each and every moment of each day unfold in complete and perfect alignment with the Divine Will, in Divine timing. (Anon. How many hours of a human life has it been reported that you are waiting? In another experiment, the US military took a DNA sample from a donor. What happens when the American Medical Association finds itself in the same quandary when physicists tell doctors that a thought can heal. Unfold in perfect alignment. © Pelorian Digital since 1996 The Minds Journal. Although I can't prove to another the effectiveness of the techniques offered by those who work in this field, I have an intuitive sense that the ancient yogis were onto something when they said success is based on one's "union" with "higher" forces. Wiggle your toes. This faster-than-light quantum connection between physical objects, this "action at a distance" or "non-locality" demonstrates a form of communication so radical in it's implications that many modern physicists are afraid of entering the discussion for fear of appearing heretical. Within the DNA is the encoding DNA which is the protein sequences that make us who we are physically, and non-encoding or ‘junk DNA’. Today's modern agents of brain change, as Leary called them, use an ever widening array of tools and incantations, techniques and challenging theories. Jasmuheen's assertions about living on light offer an excellent point for discussion, as living without food has to be one of the most startling ideas any "personal trainer" could suggest. "I would like to believe her." Renew. 2. The programming or reprogramming I've excerpted below should not be considered an endorsment of any specific practitioner or belief system. I'm not sure that harmonizing your intentions towards an end result is necessarily a Secret, but there does seem to be a lot of hype and naive expectations about a fairly simple concept. When the DNA was removed, the photons remained in their spiral form. ", "I instruct my I AM Presence to bring to my conscious awareness all talents, gifts, information from all past, present and future lives that will empower me further in the fulfilment of my piece of the Divine Blueprint upon this physical plane NOW. Your busy mind loves to play this game, it will feel empowered as you breathe. Even going so far as to reminding my DNA to ‘wake me up’ to the things I may already know and stimulate my awareness to the synchronicities in my life. Article from . Communication with your DNA is not a difficult process and can be as personal and unique as you would like for it to be. Samples receiving "negative" emotions (hate, rage, anger) visibly contracted, seemingly tensing up in reaction to the stimulus. Relax into your breathing and take these chances for conscious breath and you will feel peace in your busy mind. Based on the Leary/Wilson model of the Eight Circuits of the Brain, in The Illuminati Papers, Robert Anton Wilson offers the following "Winner Scripts. Imagine the Church, as well, again on the defensive when learning that a concept of God is not necessary to explain the power of healing prayers. Do they have to pass on that modified information? Originale und Reproduktionen von malerei abstrakt expressionismus für Kaufen online zu einem guten Preis. A whisper in a quite place Discovery in such a tiny space. In the process of old cells dying and new ones being created, our bodies are almost completely renewed about once a year. Can the same power that wiggles your thumb also instruct your cells to reproduce themselves with a cleaner blueprint? Nothing in your space program works, however, unless you possess that one important element - your intention. In much the same way a musician makes physical changes to the structure of the brain simply by practicing musical exercises, stroke victims can train their brains to recreate lost abilities. Some people have a problem with that phrase of mine, as they should. With no detailed expectation but with focused intent of wellbeing, allowing the letters to wrap around themselves, twisting and expanding as they do in the double helix, all the while finding harmony. How did a thought start that astoundingly complex seríes of physícal actions that results in a wiggle? I agree, but I would also suggest that since that cosmic organizing principle is not at all separate from us, then perhaps we don't need any name. Many scientific and artist representations have been created of DNA. Numerous anecdotes suggest spontaneous healing in seriously ill patients who claim to have only prayed or changed their attitude. How did your thought to wiggle your thumb actually wiggle the thumb? You may already have some preconceived ideas of how DNA should look. If you were to stretch out the DNA from those 46 chromosomes and lay it end to end, it would be over four feet in length. Watching someone eat may teach you something about nutrition, but it won't do much for your own body's hungry cells. The neuroatomic winner: "In the province of the mind, what is believed to be true is true, or becomes true within certain limits to be learned by experience and experiment." It doesn't work for you because your conditioning prohibits your entering into a different belief system. There are no rules, in fact finding your own way of attuning yourself can be a very powerful expression! All the mechanics of space travel merely shape the vehicle and the trajectory. What is equally amazing is you could fit ONE MILLION threads of DNA across the period at the end of this sentence. ", 6. of Ibid), 5. Gone are the days of sitting for hours practicing under the guidance of a guru. Forgive. How can we visualize such a seemingly mysterious thing? Everything is on offer in the air you breathe! Believing that this communication is innate; I simply began having conversations with my DNA. Talk to yourself and listen too There is so much more that you can do. . Opportunity lies in your breath; it’s something you can’t do without so you might as well direct it! In the modern science of neuroplasticity, brain cells and new neural pathways are intentionally created through mental and physical exercises. ", 7. with, "I'm a holographic expression of the entire universe that is manifesting as a continuum of probability amplitudes for space/time events.