list of psychotherapies

In the 20th century a great number of psychotherapies have been created. In the 20th century a great number of psychotherapies have been Psychotherapy can treat a wide range of of mental disorders, including: Depression Bipolar disorder Anxiety Anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Schizophrenia Addictions Personality disorders Short-term psychotherapies have a substantially lower dropout rate and appear to show excellent therapeutic results. You can help. In the 20th century, a great number of psychotherapies were created. However, usually a methods and effectiveness. This list contains some approaches that may not call themselves a psychotherapy but have a similar aim, of improving mental health and well being through talk and other means of communication. One of the most exciting aspects of my professional is the advent of new research and clinically-proven methods for assisting clients with discovering and embracing happier, more fulfilled lives. This list contains some approaches that may not call themselves a psychotherapy but have a similar aim, of improving mental health and well being through talk and other means of communication. All of these face continuous change, both in popularity, methods and effectiveness. This list of counseling topics is incomplete, some of the linked articles are waiting to be composed. List of Psychotherapies. In the 20th century a great number of psychotherapies have been created. However, usually a professional practitioner will use a combination of therapies and approaches, often in a team treatment process that involves reading/ talking/ reporting to other professional practitioners. The older established therapies usually have a code of ethics, professional associations, training programs, and so on. All of these face continuous change, both in popularity, methods and effectiveness. Lista psihoterapiilor - List of psychotherapies. Personal Growth: Skill Enhancement: Adoption / Infertility: Adoption: For Adoptees The newer and innovative therapies may not yet have established these structures or may not wish to. Here is our list of some of our psychotherapies. Psychotherapie ist eine gezielte Behandlung einer psychischen Krankheit. This list contains some approaches that may not call themselves a psychotherapy but have a similar aim of improving mental health and well being through talk and other means of communication. Questions on the couch: researchers spar over how best to evaluate psychotherapy. Die hier aufgeführten Psychotherapeuten verfügen über eine Approbation als Psychologische/r Psychotherapeut/in oder Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut/in, alle weiteren Angaben zu Spezialisierungen wurden von den Psychotherapeuten selber eingetragen und wurden nicht von der DPtV überprüft. *Diese Liste hat keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. You can expect your therapist to listen to your point of view with empathy, warmth, respect, and non-judgment, and to encourage your growth and self-realization. may not wish to. De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă . Sometimes … This is an alphabetical list of psychotherapies. professional associations, training programs, and so on. This is an alphabetical list of psychotherapies. Most therapists see all or the majority of their clients in person, however, the number of therapists providing online therapy is rapidly increasing.Regardless of therapeutic approach, online therapy produces results comparable to in-person therapy. innovative therapies may not yet have established these structures or This is an alphabetical list of psychotherapies. Elenco delle psicoterapie - List of psychotherapies. All dies steht vor einem ständigen … Active Listening This approach focuses on changing problematic behaviors, feelings, and thoughts by discovering their unconscious meanings and motivations. All of these face continuous change in popularity, methods, and effectiveness. British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies. See the main article psychotherapy for a description of what psychotherapy is and how it developed (see also counseling, and the list of counseling topics). This list includes some methods not to be referred to as psychotherapies, but to improve mental health and wellness via conversation and other communication methods. The list of science-backed psychotherapies emphasizes a handful of approaches grounded in concrete procedures that are described in training manuals. Parte di una serie su: Psicologia; Contorno; Storia; Sottocampi; Tipi di base. Approaches to psychotherapy fall into five broad categories: Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapies. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Jungian Informed Psychotherapy… approaches, often in a team treatment process that involves reading/ In addition, for each treatment, the website lists key references, clinical resources, and training opportunities. In the 20th century, a great number of psychotherapies were created. This is an alphabetical list of psychotherapies. Bu liste, kendilerini bir psikoterapi olarak adlandırmayan, ancak konuşma ve diğer iletişim araçlarıyla akıl sağlığını ve refahını iyileştirmek için benzer bir amacı olan bazı yaklaşımları içerir . Eclectic and integrative psychotherapists draw from this list on a pragmatic basis, combining the individual strategies as needed and developing a repetoire of skills dr.wn from across theoretical boundaries. Die Behandlung soll die Behebung eines bestimmten Problem… This list includes notable psychologists and contributors to psychology, some of whom may not have thought of themselves primarily as psychologists but are included here because of their important contributions to the disc.. Diese Liste enthält einige Ansätze, die sich möglicherweise nicht als Psychotherapie bezeichnen, aber ein ähnliches Ziel haben, die psychische Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden durch Gespräche und andere Kommunikationsmittel zu verbessern. professional practitioner will use a combination of therapies and Provides information on CBT and a list of trained psychotherapists. This list contains some approaches that may not call themselves a psychotherapy but have a similar aim, of improving mental health and well being through talk and other means of communication. Tel: 0161 705 4304; General Enquiries: This page was last modified on 16 May 2016, at 18:42. Sometimes … All of these face continuous change, both in popularity, Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing, Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy, Person-centered (or Client-Centered or Rogerian) psychotherapy. Sometimes they are self-administered, either individually, in … well being through talk and other means of communication. This is a list of psychotherapies alphabetically. In the 20th century a great number of psychotherapies have been created. Sometimes they are self-administered, either individually, in … psychotherapy but have a similar aim, of improving mental health and Dit is een alfabetische lijst van psychotherapieën .. Deze lijst bevat enkele benaderingen die zichzelf misschien geen psychotherapie noemen, maar een soortgelijk doel hebben om de geestelijke gezondheid en het welzijn te verbeteren door middel van praten en andere communicatiemiddelen.. See the main article Counseling for a description of what a counselor does and how the field developed. This list contains some approaches that may not call themselves a psychotherapy but have a similar aim of improving mental health and well being through talk and other means of communication. Dr. Carol Francis and Associates offers many different types of therapy and attempts to utilize the psychotherapies or combinations of therapies that best suits your personality and best suits your goals. This list contains some approaches that may not call themselves a Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. The older established therapies usually have a code of ethics, All of these face continuous change, both in popularity, methods and effectiveness. The latest edition of the diagnostic manual is the DSM-5 and was released in May of 2013. Psychotherapie ist die Behandlung von psychischen Störungen mit Krankheitswert, dazu zählen unter anderem Depressionen, Ängste, Essstörungen, Zwänge oder psychosomatische Erkrankungen. This is a list of types of medical therapy, including forms of traditional medicine, alternative medicine,For psychotherapies and other behavioral and psychological intervention methods, see list of psychotherapies. This page is based on the copyrighted Wikipedia article "List_of_psychotherapies" (); it is used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.You may redistribute it, verbatim or modified, providing that you comply with the terms of the CC-BY-SA. All of these face continuous change in popularity, methods, and effectiveness. The newer and In de 20e eeuw is een groot aantal psychotherapieën gemaakt. This list contains some approaches that may not call themselves a psychotherapy but have a similar aim of improving mental health and well being through talk and other means of communication. This list contains some approaches that may not call themselves a psychotherapy but have a similar aim, of improving mental health and well being through talk and other means of communication. Sometimes they are self-administered, either individually, in pairs, small groups or larger groups. Was bei einer Psychotherapie passiert, welche verschiedenen Formen es gibt und wem sie helfen können. We list here a number of techniques used in psychotherapy presented outside their theoretical frameworks. Dies ist eine alphabetische Liste von Psychotherapien. List of psychotherapies This is an alphabetical list of psychotherapies. Three psychotherapy treatment plans which have been described as empirically supported treatments (ESTs) are cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic psychotherapy, and supportive psychotherapy (Feinstein et al., 2015). A multi-disciplinary interest group for people involved in the practice and theory of behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy. See the main article psychotherapy for a description of what psychotherapy is and how it developed (see also counseling, and the list of counseling topics). (see also Psychotherapy, and the list of Psychotherapies) . While not a comprehensive list of every mental disorder, the following list includes some of the major categories of disorders described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). individually, in pairs, small groups or larger groups. Auch werden psychotherapeutische Maßnahmen immer häufiger als Ergänzung zu medizinischer Behandlung eingesetzt, etwa bei Tumor- oder Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. cbt dbt Experiential Gestalt therapy Humanistic Person-centered therapy psychodynamic therapy psychotherapy See the main article psychotherapy for a description of what psychotherapy is and how it developed (see also counseling, and the list of counseling topics). Placing short-term psychotherapy first. Please visit for more information relating to: list of psychotherapies, adhd, anorexia, antisocial personality disorder, anxiety, bi-polar disorder, cancer patients, children, depression, eating disorders, groups, list of all psychotherapies, list of various psychotherapies… talking/ reporting to other professional practitioners. created. In the 20th century, a great number of psychotherapies were created. From Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core, Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy, Relational and Compassionate Psychotherapy, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Working Commission to Investigate the Use of Psychiatry for Political Purposes, Outline of the psychiatric survivors movement,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, About Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core. The American Psychological Association has identified “best research evidence” as a major component of evidence-based practice (APA Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice, 2006). Esta é uma lista alfabética de psicoterapias.. Esta lista contém algumas abordagens que podem não se denominar psicoterapia, mas têm o objetivo semelhante de melhorar a saúde mental e o bem-estar por meio da conversa e de outros meios de comunicação.. No século 20, um grande número de psicoterapias foi criado. In the 20th century a great number of psychotherapies have been created. Parte dintr-o serie pe : Psihologie ; Contur ; Istorie ; Subcampuri ; Tipuri de bază . 20. yüzyılda çok sayıda psikoterapi yapıldı. Contact us at or call 310-543-1824. This is an alphabetical list of psychotherapies. Im 20. Jahrhundert wurden zahlreiche Psychotherapien entwickelt. There are many different types of psychotherapy representing different theories, disciplines, treatment venues, and even emerging research. Sometimes they are self-administered, either
list of psychotherapies 2021