leipzig union statistik

This integration into the high-speed network considerably reduced the journey times of the ICE from Leipzig to Nuremberg, Munich and Frankfurt am Main. Leipzig also hosted the Fencing World Cup in 2005 and hosts a number of international competitions in a variety of sports each year. Ingenieurbüro Schulze & Rank, Ingenieurgesellschaft m.b.H. In 2015, the network will be extended to Dessau and Lutherstadt Wittenberg. [28], More recently, the city has sometimes been nicknamed the "Boomtown of eastern Germany", "Hypezig" or "The better Berlin" and is celebrated by the media as a hip urban centre for its vital lifestyle and for its creative scene with many startups.[29][30][31][32]. Since the beginning of the 20th century, ice hockey has gained popularity, and several local clubs established departments dedicated to that sport.[97]. Both lines complement each other at hourly intervals and also stop at Leipzig/Halle Airport. The newly founded RB Leipzig declared the intention to come up through the ranks of German football and to bring Bundesliga football back to the region. Leibniz Association: Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leibniz-Institute IOM, Leibniz-Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe, Leibniz-Institute IfL, Leibniz-Institute Jewish history. As a university of applied sciences (German: Fachhochschule) its status is slightly below that of a university, with more emphasis on the practical parts of education. Before the Second World War, Leipzig had developed a mixture of industry, creative business (notably publishing), and services (including legal services). The club was eventually reorganized as football club 1. The composer Richard Wagner was born in Leipzig in 1813, in the Brühl. [25], In 1937 the Nazi government officially renamed the city Reichsmessestadt Leipzig (Reich Trade Fair City Leipzig). At the same time, the main line tunnel, marketed as the Leipzig City Tunnel, went into operation. On Kristallnacht in 1938, the 1855 Moorish Revival Leipzig synagogue, one of the city's most architecturally significant buildings, was deliberately destroyed. Kindertagesstätte "Kunterbuntes Spatzennest", FINDIG - Die Projektdienstleister GmbH & Co. KG. Night bus lines N1 to N9 and the night tram N17 operate in the night traffic. Aktuelle News, Infos und Statistiken zu den Teams der Saison 2020-2021 findest du hier. [14][126], According to the 2017 Global Least & Most Stressful Cities Ranking, Leipzig was one of the least stressful cities in the World. Opened in 1915, Leipzig Hauptbahnhof (lit. Although there are some forest parks within the city limits, the area surrounding Leipzig is relatively unforested. - Kindertreff-Stadtmitte, Vermietungs- und Veranstaltungsbetriebe Bergstadt Schneeberg GmbH. There are cooperation offers with the Leipzig public transport companies and car sharing in order to offer as complete a mobility chain as possible. Endpoints of the S-Bahn lines include Oschatz, Zwickau, Geithain and Bitterfeld. After ten years of construction, the Leipzig City Tunnel opened on 14 December 2013. One of the highlights of the city's contemporary arts was the Neo Rauch retrospective opening in April 2010 at the Leipzig Museum of Fine Arts. Johann Sebastian Bach is one among many major composers who lived and worked in Leipzig and, during a stay in the city, Friedrich Schiller wrote his poem "Ode to Joy". 19, AWO Soziale Dienste Vogtland gemeinnützige GmbH, AZURIT Seniorenzentrum Palais Balzac, Leipzig. Zurück zur Startseite des Deutschen Fußball-Bundes . [16][17] Since the opening of the Leipzig City Tunnel in 2013, Leipzig forms the centrepiece of the S-Bahn Mitteldeutschland public transit system. Berufsausbildungs-Förderverein Brand-Erbisdorf e. V. Betreuungs- und Beratungsstelle Hütte e.V. The Leipzig region was the arena of the 1813 Battle of Leipzig between Napoleonic France and an allied coalition of Prussia, Russia, Austria and Sweden. However, due to the Leipzig Trade Fair and the international attention it garnered, Leipzig was especially cautious about its public image. Platz im Städteranking für Zukunftsfähigkeit", "Leipzig gewinnt als einzige ostdeutsche Stadt wichtigen Preis in Cannes", "Zukunftsatlas: Leipzig ist dynamischste Region Deutschlands", "Zukunftsatlas 2019: Das sind die deutschen Regionen mit den besten Zukunftsaussichten", "Hauptbahnhof Leipzig ist Deutschlands bester Bahnhof", Leipzig as virtual city 408 Points of Interest – English, Cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Leipzig&oldid=1014568517, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Articles with German-language sources (de), Articles with dead external links from March 2021, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Upper Saxon-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2020, Articles containing Old English (ca. [67], The number of people with an immigrant background (immigrants and their children) grew from 49,323 in 2012 to 77,559 in 2016, making them 13.3% of the city's population (Leipzig's population 579,530 in 2016). The ring, which corresponds to the course of the old city fortification, surrounds the city centre of Leipzig, which today is largely traffic-calmed. He was well known as an opponent of the Nazi regime. [127], In 2018, Leipzig won the European Cities of Future prize in the category of "Best Large City for Human Capital & Lifestyle". The city's railway connections are currently being greatly improved by major construction projects, particularly within the framework of the German Unity transport projects. [27] The common usage of this nickname for Leipzig up until the present is reflected, for example, in the name of a blog for local arts and culture, Heldenstadt.de. The plan focused on saving and improving as much as possible of the city's urban structure, especially its attractive historic center and various architectural gems, and attracting new industries, partly through infrastructure improvement.[46][13]. RB Leipzig - Alle Spiele, Termine, Daten, Statistiken und News - kicker Fortzüge im Freistaat Sachsen 1990 bis 2018 nach Kreisfreien Städten und Landkreisen", "Geburten je Frau im Freistaat Sachsen 1990 2011", "Überschuss der Lebendgeborenen bzw. Johannapark and Clara-Zetkin-Park are the most prominent parks in the Leipzig city centre. Gestorbenen im Freistaat Sachsen 1990 bis 2018 nach Kreisfreien Städten und Landkreisen", "Arbeitsmarkt – Sommerflaute vorbei – Arbeitslosenquote in Leipzig erreicht Tiefststand – LVZ – Leipziger Volkszeitung", "Zensus 2011 - Bevölkerung Bundesrepublik Deutschland am 9. The university also runs the Museum of Antiquities. There are also several baroque period trading houses and former residences of rich merchants. [62] However, the number of children born in Leipzig has risen since the late 1990s. Several venues offer live music on a daily basis, including the Moritzbastei[87] which was once part of the city's fortifications, and is one of the oldest student clubs in Europe with concerts in various styles. Leipzig is one of the few cities in Germany with vehicle for hire services that can be booked via a mobile app. The cover photo for the Beirut band's 2005 album Gulag Orkestar, according to the sleeve notes, was stolen from a Leipzig library by Zach Condon. According to records of the Theresienstadt deportation, only 53 Jews survived.[37][42]. [citation needed] Between the two cities (in Schkeuditz) lies Leipzig/Halle Airport. It was founded in 1992, merging several older schools. Leipzig was first documented in 1015 in the chronicles of Bishop Thietmar of Merseburg as urbs Libzi (Chronikon VII, 25) and endowed with city and market privileges in 1165 by Otto the Rich. (The pleasurable Pleiss-Athens, earns its fame above all, appealing to every one, too, for it is mightily beauteous.) 4 0 2 Auswärts: 6. Leipzig has for twenty years been home to the world's largest Gothic festival, the annual Wave-Gotik-Treffen (WGT), where thousands of fans of gothic and dark styled music from across Europe and the world gather in the early summer. The site is characterized by swampy areas such as the Leipzig Riverside Forest, though there are also some limestone areas to the north of the city. In Germany, it ranks second behind Frankfurt am Main, fifth in Europe and 26th worldwide (as of 2011). [18] Leipzig is currently listed as a "Sufficiency" level global city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network,[19] Germany's "Boomtown"[20] and was the 2019 European City of the Year.[21][22]. Copyright © 2019 Berufsakademie Sachsen, Alle Rechte vorbehalten. [40] As World War II came to an end, much of Leipzig was destroyed. During the Thirty Years' War, two battles took place in Breitenfeld, about 8 kilometres (5.0 miles) outside Leipzig city walls. Starting around 2000, however, the decline was first arrested and then reversed and, since then, Leipzig has seen significant changes with the restoration of major historical buildings, the demolition of derelict properties of little historical value, and the development of new industries and a modern transport infrastructure. Studierende der BA Sachsen absolvieren ihr duales Studium in nur drei Jahren, erwerben in dieser Zeit zugleich wichtige berufliche Erfahrung, und stehen somit als akademisch qualifizierte Fach- und Führungskräfte dem Arbeitsmarkt sofort zur Verfügung. [99] The university has about 30,000 students. However, this network only served as a transitional solution and was replaced by the S-Bahn Mitteldeutschland on 15 December 2013. [13], In October 1989, after prayers for peace at St. Nicholas Church, established in 1983 as part of the peace movement, the Monday demonstrations started as the most prominent mass protest against the East German government. For over 15 years "Tonelli's"[88] has been offering free weekly concerts every day of the week, though door charges may apply Saturdays. The name of the city as well as the names of many of its boroughs are of Slavic origin. Despite this, the Leipzig authorities were not afraid to strictly apply and enforce anti-semitic measures. [110] In recent years Leipzig has often been nicknamed the "Boomtown of eastern Germany" or "Hypezig". Details hier >>>> (PDF 272 kB). AOK PLUS - Die Gesundheitskasse für Sachsen und Thüringen. During the 20th century, there were several open-cast mines in the region, many of which are being converted to use as lakes. There are also direct connections via regional express lines to Falkenberg/Elster-Cottbus, Hoyerswerda and Dessau-Magdeburg as well as Chemnitz. Robert Schumann was also active in Leipzig music, having been invited by Felix Mendelssohn when the latter established Germany's first musical conservatoire in the city in 1843. Leipzig has long been a major centre for music, both classical as well as modern "dark alternative music" or darkwave genres. KfH Kuratorium für Dialyse und Nierentransplantation e. V. Kinder- und Jugenderholungszentrum "Am Filzteich" e. V., Am Filzteich 4 a, 08289 Schneeberg, Kinder- und Jugendhaus Alte Feuerwehr gGmbH, Kindergarten "Kleine Weltentdecker" , Träger: Verein "Gemeinsam unterwegs e.V. Kirow Ardelt AG, the world market leader in breakdown cranes, is based in Leipzig. On 22 May 1930, Carl Friedrich Goerdeler was elected mayor of Leipzig. Within only six years, 90% of jobs in industry had vanished. [37] Only a couple of days later, on 11 November 1938, many Jews in the Leipzig area were deported to the Buchenwald Concentration Camp. The city's musical tradition is also reflected in the worldwide fame of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, under its chief conductor Andris Nelsons, and the Thomanerchor. 18 01558 Großenhain. In 2011, it reached 5,490 births resulting in a RNI of −17.7 (−393.7 in 1995). Tabelle nach Heim- und Auswärtsspielen der Bundesliga-Teams in der Saison 2020/21. The Bach-Archiv also organizes performances, especially the international festival Bachfest Leipzig (de) and runs the Bach-Museum. The Leipzig rivers (White Elster, New Luppe, Pleiße, and Parthe) in the city have largely artificial river beds and are supplemented by some channels. 4 2 6 Heim: 6. The longest line in the Leipzig network is line 11, which connects Schkeuditz with Markkleeberg over 22 kilometres and is the only tram line in Leipzig to run in three tariff zones of the Central German Transport Association. From 1950 to 1990 Leipzig was host of the Deutsche Hochschule für Körperkultur (DHfK, German College of Physical Culture), the national sports college of the GDR. The "Museum in der Runden Ecke" is the best known museum in the city. In the first half of the 20th century, the construction of the Elster-Saale canal, White Elster and Saale was started in Leipzig in order to connect to the network of waterways. They play in the Arena Leipzig which has a capacity of 6,327 spectators in HBL games but can take up to 7,532 spectators for handball in maximum capacity. Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2016, Belantis park in the background, More than 300 sport clubs in the city represent 78 different disciplines. Nobel Prize laureate Werner Heisenberg worked here as a physics professor (from 1927 to 1942), as did Nobel Prize laureates Gustav Ludwig Hertz (physics), Wilhelm Ostwald (chemistry) and Theodor Mommsen (Nobel Prize in literature). The three motorways form a triangular partial ring of the double ring Mitteldeutsche Schleife around Halle and Leipzig. [70] and although some of these have been demolished and the numbers living in this type of accommodation have declined in recent years, at least 10% of Leipzig's population (50,000 people) are still living in Plattenbau accommodation. The S-Bahn stations are up to 22 metres underground. With a population of over 600,000 inhabitants as of 2020[6] (1.1 million[7] residents in the larger urban zone),[1] it is Germany's eighth most populous city[8][9] as well as the second most populous city in the area of former East Germany after (East) Berlin. A few cycle paths have been built or declared since 1990. The amount of sunshine differs significantly between winter and summer, with an average of around 51 hours of sunshine in December (1.7 hours a day) compared with 229 hours of sunshine in July (7.4 hours a day).[57]. Until late 1943, there was little threat of aerial bombings to the city. As of 2012[update], only 5.6% of the population were foreigners, compared to the German national average of 7.7%. [86] Its most famous indie-labels are Moon Harbour Recordings (House) and Kann Records (House/Techno/Psychedelic). The competition is now held every two years in three changing categories. The club was dissolved in 1946 and the remains reformed as SG Probstheida. However, in 1944, it was closed due to World War II. Winters are cool to cold, with an average of around 1 °C (34 °F). The city of Leipzig is also the birthplace of Till Lindemann, best known as the lead vocalist of Rammstein, a band formed in 1994. Sprach-, Bildungs-und Beratungszentrum e.V. Leipzig Rugby Club competes in the German Rugby Bundesliga but finished at the bottom of their group in 2013.[98]. – Benedikt Carpzov the Younger, Das angenehme Pleis-Athen, Behält den Ruhm vor allen, Auch allen zu gefallen, Denn es ist wunderschön. The federal roads B 2, B 6, B 87, B 181, B 184 and B 186 lead through the city area. Diese Klubrangliste zeigt die aktuelle Rangliste der UEFA und den Koeffizienten, den die Teams im Abrechnungszeitraum der vergangenen fünf Jahre erreicht haben. After almost doubling the city area by incorporation of surrounding towns in 1999, the number stabilised and started to rise again, with an increase of 1,000 in 2000. The airport is of international importance in the cargo sector. Leipzig has one daily or semi-daily English-language publication, Once known for its large number of publishing houses, Leipzig had been called, The German Library (Deutsche Bücherei) in Leipzig is part of, This page was last edited on 27 March 2021, at 21:10. This was a contributory factor to falling birth rates. Frauenrath Bauunternehmen GmbH. [107] Leipzig is one of Germany's most visited cities with over 3 million overnight stays in 2017. The private Leipzig Graduate School of Management, (in German Handelshochschule Leipzig (HHL)), is the oldest business school in Germany. Sophia Thomalla postet Malle-Foto im sexy Badeanzug TOP Schon ab Mittwoch (31.3.) The name Leipzig is derived from the Slavic word Lipsk, which means "settlement where the linden trees (British English: lime trees; U.S. English: basswood trees) stand". On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays the tram line N10 and the bus line N60 also operate. Among the university's many noteworthy students were writers Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Erich Kästner, and philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, political activist Karl Liebknecht, and composer Richard Wagner. [11] After the Second World War and during the period of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) Leipzig remained a major urban centre in East Germany, but its cultural and economic importance declined. Leipzig City Tunnel, part of Leipzig's new S-Bahn network, A new train of the S-Bahn Mitteldeutschland at Leipzig Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz railway station, August 2016, Mein Leipzig lob' ich mir! Leipzig has a dense network of carsharing stations. In addition, there are eleven galleries in the so-called Spinnerei. Leipzig has been a trade city since at least the time of the Holy Roman Empire. [12][13], Leipzig today is an economic centre, is rated as the most livable city in Germany by the GfK marketing research institution, and has the second-best future prospects of all cities in Germany according to the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) and Berenberg Bank. The outbreak of the Second World War stopped most of the work, though some may have continued through the use of forced labor. Dadurch sind sie finanziell unabhängig und können sich voll auf ihr Studium konzentrieren. Due to the close proximity of many of the buildings hit, a firestorm occurred. [37] Shortly before Kristallnacht, Polish Jews living in the city were expelled. [63], The unemployment rate decreased from 18.2% in 2003 to 9.8% in 2014 and 7.6% in June 2017.
leipzig union statistik 2021