kai wes birthday

Bonnie refused but Kai told her she'd be safer in the prison world with him than with Caroline, who had turned off her humanity. Games/Toys. He was far less evil then he as before and even shows signs of genuine emotion, such as feeling bad/guilty for killing Luke and his other siblings. Kai desperately pleaded for Jo to help fix him and she examined him with Alaric close by, who refused to leave Jo alone with Kai. Bonnie demanded to see the spell before going into the cave, but Kai just stood patiently, knowing they had no leverage. Kai and Damon went back to the boarding house. He furiously smacked himself in the head trying to push himself to do it. Kai attempted to enter a bargain with Cade in order to remain in the living world and successfully did so by giving him Elena's coffin. Alaric later appears when he returns from the Prison World and decapitates Kai, killing him for good. Blue-Gray After Bonnie figured out that the prison world was created by a Bennett Witch and that only a Bennett could do the spell, she realized why Kai refused to kill her. Born Kai told them that he wouldn't be able to send them back to the Prison World physically but could send them there in astral forms similar to ghosts, and wasn't sure if Bonnie would even be able to see them. Kai was a charmingly unstable newcomer with the unsettling ability to seem normal as the situation demands. In the end, Bonnie got her revenge against Kai and all his wrongdoings. Damon tried to face him and threw a piece of wood at him, seemingly impaling him. Kai later spelled and linked Bonnie's life to Elena Gilbert's. They invited Nadia and Kai to their birthday party. Damon and Bonnie reluctantly accepted Kai's terms. Damon and Kai struggled as a wounded Bonnie grabbed the Ascendant and uses it instead on Damon, using her magic to pin Kai down and bring Damon into the light of the eclipse. The Necromancer tells Kai that he can deal with Hope and that his plan will soon be successful. He killed Jo and, seemingly, her twins at her wedding to Alaric Saltzman to avoid any competition for the role of leader of the Gemini Coven. Family Members 78.5k Followers, 518 Following, 345 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Kai Wes (@kai__wes) Kai's recent spell was powerful enough to transport himself, Elena, Damon, and Jeremy to the Prison World in which Bonnie Bennett was trapped inside. Stewart Newborn. Nadia met Kara and Cammie in that evening. ... After a birthday celebration gone wrong on Revonnah, a phenomenon allows Ben … Expressing best wishes for birthday has never been easier with these 100 best Happy Birthday Wishes for family and friends. When they get to the blood storage room, it is revealed that Jade has destroyed all of the blood, and the two begin running. Kai is a member of the Parker Family, and is the last leader of the Gemini Coven. Height Kai Wes Bigwood; Amber Bigwood; Login to edit. Their Instagram doesn’t shy away from difficult topics. He told Bonnie that he wanted to see Damon suffer, choosing between his girlfriend or one of his best friends. In What Are You?, Kai surprised Damon and Alaric by showing up while they were trying to think of a way to kill Cade, and told them that he had a better idea than the one they had thought of. Jo hated Kai for all of the atrocities he committed against her family and her, but Kai claimed to have loved Jo in his own way despite having the personality of a psychopath. While she was running away from Lily, Bonnie crashed into Kai. Kai Wes can follow up with any question Stay connected with your favorite celebrities Get updates on exclusive deals, promotions, and new celebrities who join Cameo "God of the West King of the Worlds") is the ruler of the Western Quadrant of Universe 7. Dark brown Killed by While Damon and Alaric started to argue, Kai quietly dug his hands deeper into the earth and soaked in the entire spell into his body. Kai cheekily compared his personality change to Elena in reverse; since he had gained humanity while Elena had slowly lost hers. However, in Prayer For the Dying, his younger brother Luke attempted to merge with him instead. He had also stated to be perfectly happy with who he was, even finding the idea of someone changing him funny. Hannah + Rowan. Epic Happy Birthdays is YouTube's most epic happy birthday song destination. Kai appeared in An American Benwolf in London. Species He admitted that he would only help if Bonnie went with them to the prison world. Kai Wes. Both have hurt most of their siblings. Though initially immature and clumsy, Ben grew to be a true hero. On May 9, 1994, Kai killed four of his siblings, yet Jo, Liv, and Luke managed to get away. As twins of the Gemini Coven, Kai and Jo were expected to merge. Kai's death ended most of the Gemini Coven. They enacted the Merge, and both fell to the ground unconscious. As an advocate for small businesses and cutting out the middleman (aka Amazon), Mathis sells their second book, Instinct To Ruin on Etsy, along with an abundance of zines, art prints, and clothing items. Working with her grandfather, they find the secret laboratory of Dr. Jekyll, but are quickly afterwards ambushed by the Forever Knights in their search for Dr. Jekyll's Hyde Formula. In the recording, he happily explained that he put a sleeping spell on Elena so that she was linked to Bonnie, making it so she would only awaken if Bonnie was dead. Before Kai's death, he escaped with the Heretics and became one of them. He threatened that if this was some kind of set up, he would do more damage to her cutting out her spleen this time. Kai absorbed the magic that had been concealed in the weapon and then proceeded to stab Bonnie with the knife, revealing that he knew he only needed Bennett blood to complete the spell. Kai seemed genuinely touched by that, and said he would try, given how he was now stronger than ever with the power of the Luke and the Gemini Coven at his disposal. Kai was the son of Joshua Parker and his unnamed wife, as well as the twin brother of Josette, and the older brother of Olivia, Lucas, Joey, and three other unnamed and deceased Parker siblings. As of Let Her Go, Kai's twin sister, Josette, transferred all of her magic to him making him even more powerful. Jun 6, 2019 - Explore Wes Anderson's board "Cobra Kai" on Pinterest. A post shared by Eli Erlick (@elierlick) on Feb 28, 2018 at 11:56am PST. I do S4S at times. Damon played to Kai's newfound empathy, and asked if they could at least send a message to Bonnie since it was her birthday. (2019) and Legacy of the Wicked (2016). Ever since they met and interacted in the 1994 Prison World, Bonnie loathes Kai for being a murderer. This article has been identified as an article that. He weakened Damon and set Elena on fire. He was a major antagonist in the first part of Season One. Kai - Bonnie's Bennett blood to free himself from his Prison World that his family sent him into. Later, while having dinner, Kai overheard Damon suggest that they steal the Ascendant from Kai and ditch him, thinking it would be easy since Kai didn't have any powers. He realized that he needed her magic, since he was supposed to get it during the Merge. However, Joshua knew that Kai would win the merge given his powers, and knew that Kai could not lead the coven. Alaric was stunned that there was more than one prison world, much to Kai's amusement. But in a fun, completely unpredictable sort of way. Bonnie and Kai stayed behind to perform a locator spell and Bonnie made it clear that she didn't believe he had changed. Kai later talks with the Necromancer and reveals that he believes the Necromancer to be underestimating Hope and her abilities. He showed her his ID and asked her to look closely. Kai Wes Bigwood is a transmaculine nonbinary hero. Later, Kai looked for the right spot to channel the power of the eclipse and figured out where they needed to be standing for the spell. Kai countered that they would get to go back home to their friends and Kai could kill off the remnants of the coven that trapped him there, seeing it as a win-win. Who are they ? In Kai Parker Screwed Us, Kai saves Josie from Jade, who is angry at the Saltzman Family and also hungry. Jimmy awakens one morning to discover he has been … In I Could Never Love Like That, Kai was only mentioned by Elena, when it was revealed that the vampires in the 1903 prison world were not ordinary vampires. His net worth has been growing significantly in 2019-2020. My body hurts. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. In PEOPLE’s exclusive sneak peek at Wednesday’s episode of the MTV dating show, Jenna Brown pulls Kai Wes aside to express her concerns after the latest match-up ceremony. Turned When she saw his name, she was horrified and tried to flee from him, knowing he had tried to kill her and her twin, Luke when they were children. Significant kills Kai, having seen the footage that Bonnie had taken of the 1903 prison world that showed Lillian Salvatore, suggested that maybe she was a vampire and that's how she still looked exactly like Damon remembered. They found Bonnie and Kai attempted to speak to her, wanting to apologize, but she remembered all of the pain he'd caused her and stormed out. Significant spells He appears to enjoy killing people, as he has done so when other methods could easily have been used to escape the situation. However, they could not interact with Bonnie physically, and could only see her. Kai continued using Elena to test his powers and didn't notice that Damon and Jo had come to the school, with Jo cloaking them both with a spell. After becoming a non-original witch-vampire hybrid, Kai's emotions were heightened, including his negative traits; he became more cruel, sadistic, ruthless and vengeful, he also had a sadistic sense of humor, as he found Bonnie's emotional pain very amusing. When Kai gives her the ascendant as a sign of good faith, she reveals that the sand clock is in her possession. Jul 13, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Niels Darcy. This was demonstrated when he killed four of his siblings with no remorse, for no apparent reason. They were a survivor of a physical attack by their neighbor. Malachai "Kai" Parker was a major recurring character and the main antagonist of the sixth season of The Vampire Diaries.He also appears as a recurring character in the eighth season of the series. Kai then wiped out the coven through his suicide, killing his father and other coven members in the process and thereby rendering the Gemini extinct. Kai continued to siphon Liz's magic while Damon tried to explain his decision to Jo. 2021 Jazz Birthday Calendar. Kai West Photography. Wes Mannion is the best friend of late “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin. Luke intervened but Kai shoved him against the wall and reminded him that he would have killed him when he was just a little kid and had no problem doing it now. Kai got too close to one of the vampires and one of them grabbed Kai, intending to use him as a blood bag and rejuvenate themselves. Bray turns TWO. Played by Kai arrived, having followed her trail of blood and showed her that he had the last piece. Their approach to femininity and radical softness is something to be marveled at. As they worked to fix the Ascendant, Kai was relieved that he still felt revolted by Damon and Elena's relationship, happy that Luke's personality being integrated into his own hadn't changed him completely. They were transported there but weren't able to be seen or touched by Bonnie. ... Co-written with Dan Lerner, George Srouji, and Wes Albright. His plan is foiled, however when it becomes clear that the vial of blood was actually a miniature bottle of vodka, cloaked to look like blood with an illusion spell, and Kai realises that he has been tricked by Josie. Kai is enraged after failing to escape the Prison World. They both become the main figure in supernatural bloodlines, and their death would kill every member of those bloodlines. “Do I really have a choice?” she’d asked and neither of them had said anything. The other nine are. Malachai "Kai" Parker was a major recurring character and the main antagonist of the sixth season of The Vampire Diaries.He also appears as a recurring character in the eighth season of the series. He stood, more powerful than ever before, and easily subdued Alaric. The vervain weakened Damon to the point where he was not able to fight Kai off. Martrell Walker is an actor, known for The Remaining (2014), Single AF! Just when he made it sound impossible, he showed that he actually already had the Ascendant, laughing that it was in his pocket. Kai is the second character to have killed a pregnant woman. She then proceeds to collect all of the Ascendant's pieces and runs away. Actor. Jo revealed that it was her choice to give it up and she has to choose to take it back. After spending time with Bonnie in his Prison World (along with Damon), Kai shaped up to be one of Bonnie's dangerous enemies. Damon and Kai turned up at a rave Bonnie was attending, looking for her, despite that she never wanted to see Kai again. The next stop for the two is Mystic Falls Hospital; they need Bennett blood to power the spell, and Kai reveals that Bonnie gave a donation some years ago under her new, married name. It's Been a Hell of a Ride (TVD)You Can't Save Them All (Legacies). When Jo was resistant, he reminded her and Alaric that if he died then the whole Gemini Coven would die and the prison worlds they had created would collapse. While reminiscing about the slaughter without any remorse and with apparent glee, he showed his sociopathic side. Damon directed him to the hospital to siphon the magic from Liz Forbes, hoping it would save her life. He is an actor, known for The Web of Eve: First Look, Mistaken Identity (2016) and Dreams Come True (2016). Kai, however, told Damon that there would be a fee for his services. He explained that he could now siphon magic from his own vampirism, and convert into more magic for him to use. When Kai refused, she broke some of his bones. my passions are graphic design, looking for other real freaks, & self-forgiveness, A post shared by lora (@lo.mathis) on Aug 25, 2017 at 7:24am PDT. Taylynn is ONE. Speaking out candidly about issues ranging from inclusivity within the LGBT+ community and historical references to queerness to gender non-conforming word usage and trans-exclusionary feminism, Erlick makes it known that she’s willing to stand up for causes that she’s passionate about. They took him prisoner, putting Kai in an induced coma, and decided to wait for all of the magic he absorbed to seep out of him before even attempting Jo's plan of merging with Kai. Wes Hampton’s income source is mostly from being a successful Singer. Broccoli Hands (Short Film) My first attempt at an original short film. Cause of death Liam is ONE. We have prepared for you quotes and sayings for happy bday brother, for special lady in the world mother, happy birthday sister, best … your own Pins on Pinterest He chained Elena up and tested spells on her. Bigwood’s Instagram is full of everything from capturing everyday life and hanging out with their non-binary friends, to working on creative design and photo projects, and making videos of their voice after each month of testosterone. As they ate, he told Bonnie all about his dark history; the murder of his siblings, his attempt to merge with his twin, and his family imprisoning him. Kai then whispered to his sister that she was pregnant, and told her to have a good life before leaving. Episode Count From mommy bloggers and makeup gurus to former Viners and ASMR addicts, the world of social media is full of all kinds of people trying to make a difference, whether that is to raise awareness, create beautiful content, or promote products. Biography. ... Ben proposed to Kai when he was twenty one, two days after she found out she was pregnant with Kenny. Kai realized he could only send one of them back if they wanted to physically interact with the Prison World. When it worked, it revealed that the Ascendant was in Mystic Falls, in Kai's possession. She offered her magic to him but Kai seemed hesitant, despite his threat that he could just take all of her power and perform it himself. When the two get there, Josie realizes who Kai is, and he reveals that each day in the Prison World, Jade, Wendy and Diego would hunt him down and kill him for sport. He explained how difficult it would be to find the 1903 prison world Ascendant. Find birthdays of your favorite jazz musicians. Luke then demanded that Kai merge with him instead of their sister. Despite the fact that he now possessed the power of two witches, as he was only strong enough to take two people with him to the prison world and back to the real world, however, he later overcame this limit, as he had become strong enough to take all members of the Heretics (Valerie, Malcolm, Nora, Mary Louise, Beau and Oscar) back to the real world with him, (off-screen). Realizing how dangerous Kai was, Bonnie refused to do the spell, not wanting to bring a killer like him back to the real world, no matter how badly she wanted to live. Jun 30, 2017 - The movie Ninjago: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more! Damon Salvatore is one of the two main male protagonists of The Vampire Diaries. Nell W. Wedding. As she collapsed into Alaric's arms, Kai turned off his invisibility spell and appeared behind his wound sister, bloody knife in hand. Katerina Petrova (Cyrillic: Катерина Петрова) was born into a noble and wealthy Bulgarian family on June 5, 1473.In 1490, when she was about 16 or 17 years of age, Katerina became pregnant by an unknown man, a Traveler, and her family disowned her for the shameful birth of an illegitimate daughter. While Damon rushed to Elena, Kai pursued his sister and grabbed her but was shot by an arrow from behind by Jeremy Gilbert. Kai saw them trying to flee and confronted them. When the locator spell initially failed, Kai pressed Bonnie to try again. Kai teased them, saying that there was a psycho loose in Mystic Falls and no vampires could stop him, because of the anti-magic border. Discover (and save!) Kai returned to the church, looking for blood to try and help deal with his werewolf bite. He showed her that he was already testing his power on the grill's manager, revealing that his dead body was cloaked on the table between them, much to Elena's horror. Eventually, with enough tries, he was successful. The reason the article has been tagged as such is that it is lacking information about recent episodes and/or correct information. Later on, Bonnie realized she was missing a piece of the Ascendant. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Since he was supposed to merge with Jo, who had also been feeling ill, but hadn't, something had gone wrong. However, Kai was deemed as somewhat of an outsider due to his species-identity of being a siphoner instead of a regular witch. He unleashed the power on Damon, giving him an aneurysm, and presented an ultimatum: that they follow his instructions and give him a way out with them, or he would drain Bonnie's powers completely, leaving her dead, kill Damon, and perform the spell himself. After Kai merged with his younger brother Luke his powers grew stronger, which gave him access to Luke's magic permanently. Kai and Alfy. He approached Bonnie threateningly as she told him that without magic, they would be stuck there together forever. Jo called him a parasite and reminded him that he had destroyed her life, claiming that she was now going to destroy his. As soon as Kai realized that she had put her magic inside her teddy bear, he discovered it was too late and that the bear had already been sent back to the real world with Bonnie's magic inside. Using their Instagram platform to document their top surgery and transition, Bigwood advocates for trans-awareness and anti-LGBT+ bullying. Nadia had an eye He just didn't have any of his own. Later, after Damon failed to get Bonnie to speak with Kai, Kai was disappointed by her decision Kai told him that he had a lead on the Ascendant, and had learned information from the Gemini arches about Damon's mother. They decided to send Jeremy back but Kai warned that if he wasn't able to pull Jeremy out, he'd be stuck there. Even within the LGBT+ community, identities that fall under the T are often left out of the narrative, or silenced completely. Kai was amused by Elena's terror and brought her to Mystic Falls High School since it was empty due to winter break; a perfect place to test his new power uninterrupted. Male In The World Has Turned and Left Me Here, Kai met up with Damon and Bonnie in the woods in preparation for the ritual and explained that the eclipse would happen directly overhead in perfect alignment with the Gemini constellation. Stabbed through the neck (as a Siphoner)Decapitation (1st and 2nd time; as a Hybrid) Jeremy entered the room and was unconvinced by Kai's sudden change of heart. He also called his brother ungrateful for fighting back during his murder. Bonnie did this to punish Kai for all his crimes against those she cared about and for those who were innocently killed because of Kai. Kai is a very handsome and charming man with dark brown hair, blue-grey eyes and a slim build. He left a wounded Bonnie behind, taking Damon's car, and finally escaped the prison world after eighteen years of being trapped. Like most Kaioshin she wears a pair of Potara earrings and dressed in a Kai outfit. He tells Dorian that Alaric promised him asylum if he was ever in town, however Dorian is reluctant to allow him entry into the school. Kai mocked how predictable it was that she would only get her magic back to save their little sister. In Do You Remember the First Time?, Kai took care of Bonnie's wound and tried to fix the Ascendant. Borderline proud, even. Kai thanked her on behalf of the coven and the collapsing prison worlds. Hope is able to get the upper-hand but Kai reveals that Alyssa is currently performing a spell to sever the tie between Kai and the Prison World, effectively causing it to collapse; he also tells her that Landon is in trouble. Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content. At the Salvatore Boarding House, Bonnie and Matt watched a recorded message from Kai. Title(s) Later, Jo decided to go through with giving Kai her magic. In I'd Leave My Happy Home For You, in the 1903 prison world, Kai made dinner for the Heretics. Kai later tries to contact the Necromancer to free him, however the Necromancer refuses, citing that he knows Kai betrayed him. Kai brought Jeremy back to the Prison World, focusing all his magic on one person to lessen the toll it took on his magic. He made his first appearance in Ken 10. Eventually, Kai's performance comes to an end, and it is revealed that he is the one in charge of the Prison World, not Jade as he had Josie believe. During the Season 8 premiere, Kai Wes bonded with housemate Jenna Brown, opening up about his experience living as a transperson. He then indirectly told her that she can't keep screwing people over or else there would be consequences. Happy Birthday is the living interpretation of Birthdays in the Regular Show universe. Before they had a chance to finish the spell, Kai stabbed himself in the neck with a piece of glass. Do All Malivore Monsters Provide This Level of Emotional Insight? He tells her that if she wants to live, she should come with him, and the two leave for the Old Mills. Kai Wes can follow up with any question Stay connected with your favorite celebrities Get updates on exclusive deals, promotions, and new celebrities who join Cameo Face titled: “Confused, but optimistic” - an accurate representation of my stumbling through adulthood. AS he kicks a football around with his mates, Kai Windsor looks like any other ten-year-old boy. Damon only responded by telling Kai that once he was in Hell, he could ask a bar full of dead Travelers the specifics since they cast the spell. Kai and Josie leave the bar, with Kai taking the lead on explaining the objects they need to escape the Prison World. In Season Eight, Kai returns from hell and decided to turn Bonnie and her friends' lives upside down once again, which included him stealing Elena's coffin. Wes Bergmann is a veteran competitor on MTV’s The Challenge, and he’ll be returning for his 13th season of the show, Total Madness.He first appeared on … Completely recovered, he used magic to throw Bonnie against a wall, nearly killing her. Kendra Victor from The Century Club ... DiMarco Birthday and Family. They have a shock of coiffed blonde hair, regularly rock beanies and backwards caps, and frequently post photos of themselves shirtless, embracing their post-op chest. A post shared by Kai Wes Bigwood (@biigwood) on Mar 9, 2018 at 1:21pm PST. As a siphoner, he was shunned by his family, even revealing to Caroline that he wasn't allowed to touch anyone. Photo by Lindsay Y. McCall. However, in A Bird in a Gilded Cage, Bonnie, who was still holding an understandable grudge toward him for the torture he put her through, left him behind in the 1903 prison world with the Heretics, a group of former Siphoner exiles from the Gemini Coven, who had been turned into witch-vampire hybrids by Lillian Salvatore sometime in the 19th and 20th centuries. She revealed that she stashed it away somewhere safe. Himself (as a witch)Damon Salvatore (1st time; as a Hybrid)Alaric Saltzman (2nd time; as a Hybrid) Tyler attempted to take Kai and wake him up so he would try and merge with Jo, to spare Liv of having to merge. But while he was distracted trying to figure it out, Damon returned behind him and decapitated Kai, putting an end to his life. Local Business. Ben Woodall was born as Benjamin Louis Woodall. In A Bird in a Gilded Cage, Kai finally met with Bonnie after she was convinced by Damon. He questions how she got to the Prison World, and she half-explains the situation. Though he was enraged by this act, Kai brought Bonnie to his childhood home in Portland, Oregon, and cooked her a Thanksgiving meal. When he reached his destination, he murdered the driver with a pair of headphones and then went into the bar where his long lost little sister, Liv worked at. He could feel magic blanketing the entire town. Damon was a 178-year-old vampire and distant descendant of Silas. The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. He then threatened Bonnie and Damon moved to protect her. Hey, I got to say, I'm not even mad about the whole blood con. Kai fled and later reunited with Damon and met Elena. Kai's family in the newspaper on May 10, 1994, after he massacred them. Kai Bigwood. I'm always mad. A Microsoft 365 subscription offers an ad-free interface, custom domains, enhanced security options, the full desktop version of Office, and 1 TB of cloud storage. Kai examined the broken Ascendant, hoping he could fix it but Kai revealed it was broken beyond repair, as he had intended so it could never be used against him again. Gender Kai and Ashton. Kai told them that he'd tried to kill himself many times but couldn't as part of his punishment in the prison world. Joshua Parker † (Father)Mrs. Parker † (Mother)2 Unnamed Younger Sisters †1 Unnamed Younger Brother †Josette Parker † (Twin Sister)Joey Parker † (Younger Brother)Olivia Parker † (Younger Sister)Lucas Parker † (Younger Brother)Joshua's Twin Brother † (Uncle)Josie Saltzman (Niece)Lizzie Saltzman (Niece) On their way to the best location, Bonnie discovered a newspaper that reported a family was butchered and the only missing one was the oldest named "Malachai". Artist. Kai Weske. Tagged: queer, trans, lgbtq, instagram, influencers, delia curtis, Trans, Non-Binary, and Gender Non-Conforming Influencers. Bonnie and Damon deduced that he was a witch but Kai explained that he was a witch without any of his own magic and that when the Gemini Coven found out what he'd done to his siblings, they banished him to the dimension as his prison, his own personal hell and a snapshot of the day he had been sent away, trapping him to relive it by himself. He is from . For other character, see West Kai. He was shown to be a psychopath originally, after merging with Luke and gaining emotions, something he himself later confessed to. Kai jumps into the Malivore pit in Fort Valley, Georgia. They discovered that Bonnie was going to kill herself but Kai lost his connection due to it requiring too much magic. Kai Wes Bigwood is a transmaculine nonbinary hero. Daniela Family Session 2019. Last seen When the Heretics filed inside, he gleefully told them that it was going to be a big day, as it was time to finally escape from the prison world that they had been trapped in for over a century. Kai grabbed her hand and showed that she had no power over him since he could drain her of her magic with just a touch. Status Kai identifies as non-binary and uses both masculine (he/him) and neutral (they/them) pronouns. Whatever You Draw, I'll Buy It Challenge For Biannca's Birthday! First seen Happy Birthday to: Laurie Roberts from The Century Club & United Methodist Church-Carroll. There’s a fear about seeming disingenuous when you change how you look frequently. In The Lies Will Catch Up To You. By the time Damon and Alaric realized what Kai was doing, he had completely absorbed the power, deteriorating the anti-magic border and removing it from the land.
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