i want my therapist to be my mom
... she wants … My sister caves in too easily to their paranoia and doesn't want to further upset her dad, so thinks she can do the Physical Therapy training on her own even though she is undergoing her own health problems. I'm not sure how to set a good boundary that establishes that I am her daughter, not her therapist. My StepDad has antisocial disorder and doesn't want a stranger in the house or anyone for that matter. I was the oldest and by the time I was five, I was her helper. Make sure your therapist doesn’t make you feel suffocated and uneasy, or doesn’t understand your introversion. "By the time my Mom was 26, she had four kids, little money, and no support. Find a therapist who you feel comfortable opening up to. You should think of your therapist as someone you can confide in — someone who is there for you. Life can throw a bunch of curveballs at you. Of course, if you have a sibling that struggles with your parents in the same way that you do, this is ideal, but many people don’t. I don’t know your mom, obvs, but you have been trained your whole life to put her first. “Why do I feel this way?” When I started having feelings towards my therapist I was afraid, too. If you’re having a tough time with your mom, then you might suspect she has NPD, especially if she exhibits some characteristic signs.In many cases, a narcissistic mother is an abusive mom. And like many other women, many of them go on to become mothers. Therapists are smart, but they don't have the answers to everything and when you interrupt their date, nephew's bar mitzvah, friend's wedding, or a baby shower to ask them if that stupid ex-girlfriend is worth your time again, you're the most hated patient ever, minus suicidal patient. She tells me concerns about her relationship with my dad. I was very nervous and didn’t know how to tell her. My sis has anxiety and OCD, and my mother was humiliated that my sister needed mental health help and kept accusing my poor sister of “lying” about abuse to her therapist. I had so many mixed feelings and was confused. I want things to work because I understand sex is part of a relationship and not all of it, but I do have desires, and each time I close my eyes I imagine him with someone else. Around 4.8% of the female population has narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). So now my dad and stepmother are looking up therapists for me to go see. In my experience as a therapist, difficulties with parents can be a source of bonding for many friends. My answer to you is from my experience. Therapy, as my sister once told me, is like a relationship. I learned to cook, do laundry, and clean. She dropped the self-defined-as-male uniform (emphasis on SELF), the stereotyped swagger and the fake-deepened voice and —moved on.Her fervent desire to be seen and treated as a boy (as opposed to a gender-atypical girl) faded away, just as other formerly unshakable ideas and urges had in the past. Oh, my therapist!" Create the family you want. A few months ago, my teenage daughter stopped trying to “pass” as male. Here are the 7 red flags of a bad therapist.