eric balfour buffy
Recurring alongside McPhee and Cibrian are TV stalwarts Eric Balfour (Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, The O.C.) Eric Balfour was born on April 24, 1977 in Los Angeles, California, USA as Eric Salter Balfour. © 2021 TV GUIDE, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Eric Balfour — Eric Balfour on requesting for his character to be killed off on 24. "The Harvest" "The Harvest" is the second episode of season one of the WB Television Network television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He made his film debut in the drama Shattered Image (1998), followed by roles in What Women Want (2000) and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003). Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Welcome to the Hellmouth. So wirkte er schon in Buffy – Im Bann der Dämonen, 24 und O.C., California mit. Ebenfalls seit 2010 spielt Eric Balfour eine der Hauptrollen in der Mystery-Serie Haven. Eric Balfour knew what he wanted for breakfast, but he wasn't sure his interviewer could handle it. Background. En 1997, il interprète Jesse McNally, le meilleur ami d' Alex et Willow dans les deux premiers épisodes seulement de la série culte Buffy contre les vampires . and Janet Varney (Burning Love, The Legend of Korra, Stan Against Evil). From his Kids Incorporated days in the early 1990s to his memorable role as Jesse on Buffy the Vampire Slayer , Balfour… Eric Salter Balfour Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of the most beloved genre shows of all time. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Characters His role in a horror feature was playing high school student Jesse McNally in the pilot episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer titled "Welcome to the Hellmouth". During Buffy's first day at school, Cordelia surpris… Eric was originally intended for just the Six Feet Under (2001) pilot episode (where he's listed in the credits as "Claire's Meth Date"), but Alan Ball liked the chemistry between Balfour and Lauren Ambrose, so he made Gabriel Dimas a regular part of the program. Birthdate Eric Balfour wurde im April 1977 in Los Angeles im US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien als Sohn einer Ehe-und Familienberaterin und eines Chiropraktikers geboren. The new student was Buffy Summers, late of Hemery High School in Los Angeles. 111.7k Followers, 568 Following, 808 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Eric Balfour (@ericbalfour) Was engaged to … Jesse McNally. Eric Balfour is the actor who portrayed Jesse McNally on the first 2 episodes Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series. It was written by executive producer Joss Whedon and directed by John T. Kretchmer. The series serves both a spin-off & a reboot to the 1992 movie starring Kristy Swanson as Buffy Summers. Balfour appeared on the kids TV show Kids Incorporated for one season in 1991. Eric Balfour in 2019. In the Spring of 1997, Jesse learned that there was a new girl at Sunnydale, and both Xander and he made every effort to learn everything there was to know about her. Eric Balfour, Actor: Haven. He went on to a variety of minor parts, including a key role in the pilot episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. From left, clockwise: Grady Reinagle, Eric Balfour, Tiffin "Rooster" Roley, Paul Trutner, Charmian Callon and Blair Shotts are Fredalba, a band whose sound … Eric was a regular on the HBO series Six Feet Under as Gabe Dimas in 2001. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Eric Balfour is an American actor born in Los Angeles, California on April 24th, 1977. Er ist vor allem als Neben- und Gastdarsteller aus verschiedenen Fernsehserien bekannt. Buffy The Vampire Slayer:1x01 - Welcome to the HellmouthBuffy meet Willow and Jessie. The fifth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer started off … They have one child. By joining TV Guide, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data practices in our Privacy Policy. Eric Balfour (1977 - ) Scrapbook (1999) [Andy Martin]: Dies after Justin Ulrich slams his car into his. Name Eric Salter Balfour is an American actor and singer. During the early 1990s, he had a variety of minor juvenile roles on television series such as Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, Arresting Behavior, Boy Meets World and Step by Step. For years, the actor took on roles big and small to make a name for himself. Giles warns Buffy and her friends that the Hellmouth will continue to act as a magnet for demonic forces and so many more battles will lie ahead, which they accept more nonchalantly than he would like. In 1997, he appeared in the pilot for Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Jesse McNally, one of the show's first victims. As such, and even though it is … The episode originally aired in feature-length format alongside part one, "Welcome to the Hellmouth", on March 10, 1997, and attracted 3.4 million viewers. "Welcome to the Hellmouth" Eric Balfour Celebrity Profile - Check out the latest Eric Balfour photo gallery, biography, pics, pictures, interviews, news, forums and blogs at Rotten Tomatoes! Buffyverse roles He is an actor and producer, known for Haven (2010), Six Feet Under (2001) and 24 (2001). Jesse McNally is a fictional character featured in the WB Network television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Prototypical Valley girl Buffy Summers has been chosen by destiny to eliminate the world's undead in a series that takes off from 1992 feature, also scripted by Joss Whedon. The show that made Sarah Michelle Gellar a star and capitulated her into action hero status. Synopsis Born in 1977, Eric Balfour got his start in acting as a teenager on the children's variety show Kids Incorporated. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV series; 1997 - 2003) 1 Plot Summary 2 Male Deaths: 3 Female Deaths: 4 Gallery A young girl, destined to slay vampires, demons and other infernal creatures,deals with her life fighting evil, with the help of her friends. His acting credits include as well the films Trojan War, Can't Hardly Wait, Scrapbook, What Women Want, America's Sweethearts, Secondhand Lions, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Face of Terror, Lie with Me, In Her Shoes, The Spirit, Rise of the Gargoyles, Beatdown, Skyline, The Legend of Hell's Gate, Cell 213, Backcountry, Little Dead Rotting Hood, among others. He appeared as a regular cast member in three short-lived TV shows. Birth Name: Eric Salter Balfour. His earilest appearances were Buffy the Vampire Slayer where he was one of the first victims, Jesse McNally. The Best Shows and Movies on Netflix in April, The Best Shows and Movies on Amazon Prime in April, The Best Shows and Movies on Hulu in April, Best Shows & Movies on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and HBO This Month, Got his start as a member of the teen cast on the series Kids Incorporated, Once performed with Brittany Murphy as members of the band Blessed with Soul, Guest starred in the pilot episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a friend of Xander's who is turned to a vampire and eventually staked by Buffy, Played Milo Pressman in season 1 of 24; later reprised the role in season 6, Appeared on an episode of Celebrity Ghost Stories. Veritas: The … In addition to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Balfour has appeared in other television series such as Kids Incorporated, Arresting Behavior, Step by Step, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, Dawson's Creek, West Wing, Six Feet Under, The O.C., Veritas: The Quest, Sex, Love & Secrets, Conviction, 24, Life on Mars, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Monk, Valemont, No Ordinary Family, Haven, Chicago P.D., and Charmed. April 24, 1977 Eric Balfour is the actor who portrayed Jesse McNally on the first 2 episodes Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series. DRACULA WAS A LAST MINUTE ADDITION. Amber Tamblyn, Season 6, “All the Way” Janice is Dawn’s oft-mentioned but rarely seen BFF, and in … ... Actor Eric Balfour was unable to return, so his conversation with Xander was scrapped, leading it to be the only episode of the show that Xander does not appear in. Actor Eric Balfour has appeared in TV shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Six Feet Under and 24. Last seen The Los Angeles, California native, Eric Salter Balfour, is now a married father of one son, Oliver. He was the face for the Valentino male fragrance Valentino V. Balfour portrayed Xander and Willow's friend Jesse McNally in the first two episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffyverse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. He soon appeared on Hawii, and Sex, Love & Secrets. Birth Place: ... pilot episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a friend of Xander's who is turned to a vampire and eventually staked by Buffy Eric Balfour Biography. Debut Played by actor Eric Balfour, he appeared in the first two episodes of the series, "Welcome to the Hellmouth" and "The Harvest". Eric Balfour est un acteur et producteur américain, né le 24 avril 1977 à Los Angeles, en Californie. Birthplace He was forced to miss the last few episodes of Day 1 because he was shooting another pilot. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He has been married to Erin Chiamulon since May 30, 2015. Eric Balfour was born in Los Angeles, California on April 24, 1977. Jesse McNally was a student at Sunnydale High School and a close friend of Xander Harris. Leben und Karriere. Played by actor Eric Balfour, he appeared in the first two episodes of the series, "Welcome to the Hellmouth" and "The Harvest". Over twenty years after its premiere, it still has a massive, loyal fan base. He is the lead singer of Born as Ghosts, formerly known as Fredalba. Los Angeles, California, USA Eric Salter Balfour (born April 24, 1977; age 43) played Milo Pressman during Season 1 and later reprised his role in Season 6. Jesse McNally is a fictional character featured in the WB Network television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He also demonstrated a romantic interest in Cordelia Chase, but Cordelia never reciprocated his obvious affection. "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" was one of my favorite shows growing up when I was in middle school.