bernd höcke bundestag

3.000 Jahre Europa. Nearly a quarter of voters in Thuringia voted for the far-right AfD last fall. Plugin vom Bohemian Browser Ballett Wahlperiode) Mitglieder des Thüringer Landtags (7. Grandiose Rede von Björn Höcke AfD. One of the Afd (Alternative for Germany) officials. 1.000 Jahre Deutschland – ich gebe euch nicht her!“ (auf einer Demonstration in Erfurt, September 2015) „Sigmar Gabriel, dieser Volksverderber, anders kann ich ihn nicht nennen.“ (auf einer Demo in Erfurt, März [28][29], Höcke gave a speech in Dresden in January 2017, in which, referring to the Holocaust memorial in Berlin (the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe), he stated that "we Germans are the only people in the world who have planted a memorial of shame in the heart of their capital"[30] and suggested that Germans "need to make a 180 degree change in their commemoration policy". Björn Höcke will be allowed to remain a member of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, an arbitration tribunal has ruled. 5,397 talking about this. In May 2018 an AfD tribunal ruled that Höcke was allowed to stay in the party. Brunnenstraße, 74831 … Wahlperiode) Male politicians of Germany [10], In September 2019, Höcke threatened "massive consequences" to a ZDF journalist who refused to restart an interview after a series of difficult questions and after asking fellow party members whether various quotes are from his book or from Hitler's Mein Kampf. Viel Spaß!#Bernd#Höcke#BerndHöcke Offizielle Instagramseite des Vorsitzenden der AfD-Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag. [26][27] In 2015 Höcke was accused of having contributed to Heise's journal People in Motion (Volk in Bewegung) and The Reichsbote under a pseudonym ("Landolf Ladig"). Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. Mai 2015", "AfD-Mann Höcke löst mit Kritik an Holocaust-Gedenken Empörung aus", "Was Höcke mit der "Denkmal der Schande"-Rede bezweckt", "AfD-Chefin Petry: "Höcke ist eine Belastung für die Partei, "Germany's right-wing AfD seeks to expel state leader over Holocaust remarks", "Höcke schockiert mit Auschwitz-Wortspiel",örn_Höcke&oldid=999504318, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia temporarily semi-protected biographies of living people, Articles lacking reliable references from October 2017, BLP articles lacking sources from September 2015, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 10 January 2021, at 14:48. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. [11], Höcke espouses far-right views. … Das beste was wir als Gesellschaft je erreicht haben ist das keiner so genau weiß ob er jetzt Björn oder Bernd Höcke heißt . Sort by. Bernd "Bender" Höcke. ): Nie zweimal in denselben Fluß: Björn Höcke im Gespräch mit Sebastian Hennig. save. [16] Regarding the European migrant crisis, Höcke opposes Germany's asylum policy,[17][18] leading regular demonstrations in Erfurt against the federal government's asylum policy, which regularly attracted several thousand sympathizers. Bernd Hoecke is on Facebook. Björn Höcke in den Bundestag Indiener niet openbaar Petitie is gericht aan AfD-Mitglieder und Sympathisanten 116 Ondersteuners Het verzoekschrift is ... Der 18. Join. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. [13][14] In September 2019, a German court ruled that Höcke could legally be called a fascist as the description "rests on verifiable fact". Bernd Höcke is lid van Facebook. [12] Political scientists such as Gero Neugebauer and Hajo Funke have commented that Höcke's opinions are close to the National Democratic Party of Germany and consider his statements völkisch, racist and fascist. His grandparents were expelled Germans from East Prussia. uhm my brain just made a weird connection... … "Thüringen: Ausschuss hebt Immunität von AfD-Fraktionschef Höcke auf", "Germany's 'new Hitler' poised to lead AfD to regional election gains", "AfD's Björn Höcke: Firebrand of the German far right", "AfD politician threatens journalist after Hitler comparison", "For One Far-Right Politician, Forgetting Germany's Past Just Got Harder", "Outrage as German centre-right votes with AfD to oust Thuringia premier", "AfD fordert Aussetzung des Schengener Abkommens", "Welche Rechten stecken hinter dem schwarzen Haken? [19] He opposes the euro, favoring a return to national currencies. "Landtagswahl 2014: Welche Koalitionen sind in Thüringen möglich? Bernd Hoecke r/ Hoecke. Muss man sehen. [5], As one of the founders of AfD Thuringia, he became Member of the Landtag of Thuringia, the state assembly of the federal state of Thuringia in Germany during the 2014 Thuringian State Elections. Das Sub für jeden Deutschen. [6] Höcke is the speaker of the parliamentary group of the AfD and he is the spokesman of the Thuringia Landesverband (English: Regional Association) of his party. 2. verbesserte Auflage, Manuscriptum, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-944872-72-8. Nie mehr Bernd Höcke mit Björn Höcke verwechseln mit der BERND! Casper Henrich Hoecke was born to Bernd Henrich Hoecke and Anne Marie Ilsabein Weltmann. This is a list of members of the 19th and current Bundestag, the parliament of Germany.The session started on 24 October 2017 with members determined in the 2017 federal election.The legislative period is four years; the 2021 German federal election is expected to be held between August and October 2021. Facebook geeft mensen de kans om te delen en maakt de wereld toegankelijker. Bernd Höcke / Gold 3 88LP / 6W 11L Win Ratio 35% / A rating system that measures a users performance within a game by combining stats related to role, laning phase, kills / deaths / damage / … This thread is archived. "[21] He opposes gender mainstreaming and demands an end of what he calls "social experiments" that undermine what he deems the "natural gender order. Bernd Henrich Hoecke was born to Caspar Henrich Hoecke and Anna Dorothea Cornett. 3.6k members in the csbundestag community. User account menu. This file, which was originally posted to YouTube: #PeterInfo 04.11.2018 Björn Höcke AfD - Rede in Bottrop 02.11.2018, was reviewed on 2 August 2020 by the automatic software YouTubeReviewBot, which confirmed that this video was available Dr. Bernd Baumann ist erster parlamentarischer Geschäftsführer der AfD im Deutschen Bundestag. [25], Höcke has links with neo-Nazi circles in Germany. r/Hoecke: Press J to jump to the feed. . #f*ck afd #afd #german stuff #bernd höcke #Björn höcke. Please help this article by looking for better, more reliable sources. "[22] He opposes the mainstreaming of students with disabilities, calling for such students to go the separate schools, and opposes school sexual education, which he regards as "early sexualization of the students," and wants to "stop the dissolution of the natural polarity of the two sexes". Bernd was baptized on month day 1766, at baptism place. The faction had been placed under surveillance by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution shortly before the video surfaced.[34]. [20], Höcke has called for more "Prussian virtues" and promotes natalist views, specifically the "three-child family as a political and social model. He took his Abitur at the Rhein-Wied-Gymnasium, Neuwied, in 1991. share. Word lid van Facebook om met Bernd Höcke en anderen in contact te komen. Na een minuut of tien brak de persvoorlichter van Höcke het gesprek af en vroeg of het opnieuw kon, zodat Höcke zich op de vragen kon voorbereiden. Word lid van Facebook om met Bernd Höcke en anderen in contact te komen. [30][32] As a result of his speech, the majority of leaders of the AfD asked in February 2017 that Björn Höcke be expelled from the party. Kann man nicht erklären. [31] The speech was widely criticized as antisemitic, among others by Jewish leaders in Germany, and he was described by his party chairwoman, Frauke Petry, in response as a “burden to the party”. Bernd Höcke is lid van Facebook. FRI, JUN 7. Join Facebook to connect with Bernd Hoecke and others you may know. [24] This would also have legalized Holocaust denial, which is illegal in Germany. Facebook geeft mensen de kans om te delen en maakt de wereld toegankelijker. Along with Andreas Kalbitz, Höcke is the leader of the AfD's far-right "Der Flügel" faction, which the German government's Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution declared a right-wing extremist organization. Höcke (surname) Bernd (given name) Members of Alternative für Deutschland; People of Lünen; Mitglieder des Thüringer Landtags (6. Wetter soll traumhaft bleiben, also kommt zuhauf! Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, incitement to hatred towards other groups, Far-Right Faction of German Populist Party Vows to Dissolve, Germany Places Part of Far-Right Party Under Surveillance, "Fraktionsvorsitzender der AfD Björn Höcke besucht seine Heimatstadt Neuwied", "Trotz "menschenfeindlicher Positionen": AfD-Politiker Björn Höcke bleibt Beamter in Hessen", "AfD-Rechtsaußen Höcke ist von ganz alter Schule". Along with Andreas Kalbitz, Höcke is the leader of the AfD's far-right "Der Flügel" faction, which the German government's Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution declared a right-wing extremist organization. Höcke denied having ever written for NPD papers, but refused to give a statutory declaration as demanded by the AfD Federal Executive Board. Log in sign up. ", "Hessen will AfD-Politiker Höcke nicht mehr unterrichten lassen", "AfD Kandidat Höcke im Interview: Drei-Kinder-Familie ist politisches Leitbild", "AfD will sich mit rechten Thesen profilieren", "Höcke sorgt erneut mit Äußerungen für Wirbel", "Neuer Beleg für NPD-Nähe von AfD-Landeschef Höcke In: vom 29. • Sebastian Hennig (Hrsg. Björn Höcke (born 1 April 1972) is a German politician and a member of Alternative for Germany (AfD). One of my favorite running gags is, when a german satirical show has started to call a right wing .... personality ( I’m not gonna call the turdface politician ) by a wrong first name and people are literally confused, how to call him now, to the point, that the google search is almost identical for the right and wrong name. Höcke stelde dat het toeval is dat zijn taalgebruik lijkt op dat van Hitler. 704 notes. [12], A video of Höcke emerged in March 2020 in which he used an Auschwitz pun while attacking critics of his Flügel faction. Toen aandringen niet hielp, zei Höcke dat dat zware consequenties zal hebben. [3], Höcke is a former history teacher,[2] teaching at the Rhenanus School, a comprehensive school in Bad Sooden-Allendorf. Das beste was wir als Gesellschaft je erreicht haben ist das keiner so genau weiß ob er jetzt Björn oder Bernd Höcke heißt, Aber die afdler sind keine nazis ;) (Zitat aus seinem Interview mit Wall street Journal). Dat weigerde de ZDF-journalist. Flügeltreffen in Leinefelde 06.07.2019Quelle: 96% Upvoted. Februar wäre somit die beste Chance für Björn Höcke, sich doch noch zu einer Kandidatur zu entschließen. 1 comment. @baronessblixen @what-the-fuck-is-magnetite. [8] His faction of the party is known as the Flügel (the Wing)[9] and 40 percent of the AfD party members identify themselves with it. Deutsche! Ginbar auf dem Weinflair Gundelsheim. Log in Sign up. Hier gibt´s auch Pauls Gin. Recent Top. Björn Höcke (born 1 April 1972) is a German politician and a member of Alternative for Germany (AfD). [7] He is said to be part of the “national-conservative wing” of the AfD. report. Auf dieser Seite dürft ihr gerne alles teilen, was den beurlaubten hessischen Lehrer betrifft, der laut Gericht als Faschist bezeichnet werden darf! [33][11] After Höcke's "monument of shame" comment, the Center for Political Beauty, a Berlin-based art collective, erected a full-scale replica of one section of the Holocaust memorial in Berlin within viewing distance of Höcke's home in Bornhagen as a reminder of German history. (Mit Vorwort von Frank Böckelmann.) Bernd (Björn) Höcke Fazit „Thüringer! [15] He is reported to have declared that if Europe would keep on taking in immigrants, the African "reproductive behavior" will not change. Casper Henrich Hoecke 1819 Bernd Henrich Hoecke, died 1819. [1][2], Björn Höcke was born in Lünen, Westphalia. [1][2] Höcke has written with Thorsten Heise, a leader of NPD. official-koelle. Follow. [23], In a 2014 email to party colleagues, Höcke advocated the abolition of section 86 of the German Criminal Code (which prohibits the spread of propaganda by unconstitutional organizations) and section 130 of the German Criminal Code (which criminalizes incitement to hatred towards other groups). Urban Dictionary and our advertising partners set cookies on your computer to improve our site and the advertisements you see. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Da es wieder immer zur Verwirrung um Höckes Vornamen kam, hier ein Video, das noch mal Klarheit bringt. Discover more posts about bernd höcke. [4], Höcke was a short-time member of the Junge Union. hide. Björn Höcke.
bernd höcke bundestag 2021