angelo kelly hochzeitsfoto

als deine Kira . In Austin, she was the voice of the Longhorn’s Women’s basketball team. He released 6 solo albums and travelled around Europe, done thousands of concerts in Germany, Denmark, Spain, Ireland, England, Lithuania, Czezh Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Holland, Poland etc. Wir freuen uns schon auf die kommende Irish Summer Tour in vielen tollen Locations! TTUHSC course catalog. Shocking info includes: Contact Info, Photos, Arrest Records, Lawsuits & Review Angelo Kelly hat bereits als Kind die Liebe seines Lebens getroffen und sie auch tatsächlich geheiratet. Karin is the most recognized health reporter on the South Plains. LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - If you went to Monterey high school in the 1970s, you knew her as D’Anne Rampy. Angelo Kelly hochzeitsfoto. Her aunt Cherri Head and husband Tom. She was very athletic, a runner, an avid sports fan and fearless. 5600 Avenue ALubbock, TX. People of this zodiac sign like family, tradition, and dislike almost everything at some point. Their next tour date is at Schützenplatz Weiner E.v. Her uncles Paul Rampy and John Smith. Her family attended First Baptist Church and she was a part of the youth group there. Kelli died Monday after a brief battle with cancer. Angelo Kelly tour dates 2021 - 2022 Angelo Kelly is currently touring across 4 countries and has 44 upcoming concerts. 20 10179 Berlin:. Gemeinsam machen sie seit einiger Zeit Musik und verzaubern ihre Fans mit ihren Familien-Auftritten. D’Ann was in pre-law at Texas Tech University. Ich … Gemeinsam mit seinem … Her family attended First Baptist Church and she was a part of the youth group there. Angelo Kelly hochzeitsfoto. Die pompöse Trauung wurde sogar live im Fernsehen übertragen. 3601 4th Street, Lubbock TX 79430 43 talking about this. She loved Patrick Mahomes and so looked forward to his victory over the San Francisco Forty Niner’s this weekend. Targobank Visa Select Gebühren. D’Anne was a gifted athlete and had a tremendous love of sports. Zodiac Sign: Angelo Kelly is a Capricorn. Her sister, Alaina Buchanan and her sons, Hunter and Blair. Angelo left "The Kelly Family" in 2006 and went on solo career and even launched his own record label, called "TEN4ONE". She also spent many years on the Mudflap and Kelli Morning show on KLLL. Join Facebook to connect with Angelo Kelly and others you may know. GALA hat die schönsten Bilder zusammengefasst She had an enthusiasm about her that everybody loved and that’s what we’re really going to miss about her.”. All rights reserved. Angelo Gabriele Kelly ( * 23. Viele Fans hatten gehofft, dass Michael Patrick zurückkommt und für Angelo einspringt. She returned to Lubbock in 2000. She entertained and informed listeners in Dallas, Chicago, San Francisco and Austin markets. Angelo Gabriele Kelly (* 23. Schön Bild Lieber Angelo Kelly Glückwunsch und viel Glück am 5.6.2021 ist mein Life ️ auf dieses Welt ich werde gute Mama z.b. 2 10179 Berlin: 587 m: ROSSMANN Berlin Grunerstr. Angelo Kelly, 38, wuchs unter elf Geschwistern auf. “This is a big loss for Lubbock because Kelli was iconic in the radio industry, particularly here in Lubbock. ROSSMANN Berlin Dircksenstr. Kelli D'Angelo is on Facebook. And more recently, she was on KLLL every morning from 9 until noon. She was an avid supporter of Tech’s basketball and football teams. Die talentierten Gene der Kelly Familie hat er auch an seine fünf Kinder weiter vererbt. Friends are invited to share memories and expressions of sympathy for the family to cherish in the area below the obituary. And many, many friends and fans. Riesenauswahl an Markenqualität. John Travolta Rührendes Posting zu Kelly Prestons (†57) Geburtstag 14.10.2020 Prinzessin Beatrice + Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi Hochzeitsfoto mit der Queen - und diese 5 Details fallen auf Joey Kelly: "Du hattest nichts als Kelly, wenn du rausgeflogen bist." Daniel Fehlow kehrt ans Set von GZSZ zurück und sorgt in seiner Rolle als Leon Moreno für Gefühlschaos. The Friday after this past Thanksgiving she found out she had lung and brain cancer. Dezember 1981 in Pamplona ) Angelo spielte in der Band Schlagzeug und war ab seinem 14. Juni 2016 ihren Lucas Cordalis geheiratet. It’s an Easter egg hunt that almost did not happen, a second year in a row, but after just three and a half days of work, Easter on the East is on. Über 80% neue Elizabeth teissier 2020 steinbock Das Jahreshoroskop 2020 für den Steinbock (22.12. We will celebrate her life of 61 years at 2:00 pm on Friday, January 31, 2020, at Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers with reception to follow. At one point in her career she was one of the top radio personalities in the country. She started out with KSEL in the late ‘70’s and became Kelli D’Angelo, a well-known nationwide radio personality. T: 806.743.1000 The two have paired up to host the Children's Miracle Network Telethon since 1984 and, with your help, have raised more than $17 million for the Children's Hospital at UMC. D’Anne was preceded in death by both sets of grandparents as well as her parents, Duane and Jackie. The family has designated Children’s Miracle Network at , Haven Animal Care Shelter of Lubbock, 4501 FM 1729-NCR 3000, Lubbock, Texas 79403 or REACH Community at, for memorial contributions donated in her memory. B 52 flugzeug. Pflichtteil neue Ehefrau. A Gray Media Group, Inc. Station - © 2002-2021 Gray Television, Inc. Iconic Lubbock radio host Kelli D'Angelo passed away. Peugeot 206 Kupplung wechseln. Uniklinik Aachen Anästhesie Team. Steinbock-Geborenen winken im Jahr 2021 Liebe, Gesundheit und Erfolg. Angelo Kelly (born Angelo Gabriele Kelly on 23 December 1981 in Pamplona, Spain) is a singer, songwriter, drummer and producer, and a member of the Irish-American-European musical family known as The Kelly Family.. 1981 - Angelo is born on the 23.12.1981 … Dezember 1981 in Pamplona, Spanien) ist ein irisch-amerikanischer Sänger, Musiker und Komponist. He has been married to Kira Harms since May 1, 2005. God Bless you und deine Familie und bitte sein gesund … Daniela Katzenberger hat am 4. Das Jahreshoroskop von. Karin is a Texas Tech graduate who has been co-anchoring the 6 and 10 p.m. news with Abner Euresti since 1980. Auch Tochter Kelly (32) postete auf Instagram ein Hochzeitsfoto ihrer Eltern und bedankte sich dafür, „dass Ihr mir gezeigt habt, was wahre Liebe ist“. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center While in Chicago, she interviewed celebrities such Oprah, Cher, Ellen DeGeneres, Liza Minnelli and her favorite sports personality Michael Jordan. January 30, 2020 at 10:32 AM CST - Updated January 30 at 2:51 PM. Erfahren Sie auf, wieso Moderator Matthias Opdenhövel lange auf die Erfüllung seines großen Traums warten musste Angelo Kelly wuchs als jüngster Spross der berühmten Kelly Family auf und wurde mit ihr zu einem Star. She worked at KCBD-TV for a while but realized she had a greater love for radio. People of this zodiac sign like family, tradition, and dislike almost everything at some point. Home Herren Damen Kinder Accessoires Musik Irish Sommer Tour Menu Bereit für den Sommer. She graduated from Monterey High School in 1976 and attended Texas Tech. She graduated from Monterey High School in 1976 and attended Texas Tech. Daughter of Duane and Jackie Rampy, sister to Alisa Sisemore and Alaina, beloved aunt, niece and sweet friend to many. Landgasthof Saarlouis. Kelli DeAngelo’s radio career spanned more than 30 years and went far beyond Lubbock. She helped people across the country “Wake up with the Morning Show” working in the Dallas, Chicago, San Francisco, and Austin Markets. Mit dabei gewesen sein soll auch Angelo Kelly, der „Because It's Love“ zum Besten gab, als Samuel Koch mit Hilfe seines Bruders auf Timpes Tisch zuschritt. To hear her voice, you knew that was Kelli," Randy Smith, her co-worker said. Prag Bootstour Junggesellenabschied. D’Anne Rampy, beloved sister, aunt and friend was born in Lubbock, TX on May 6th, 1958. ZITiS Hobley. Home, Herren, Damen, Kinder, Accessoires, Musik and Irish Sommer Tour. Absperrventil 3/4 zoll messing. Angelo Kelly was born on December 23, 1981 in Pamplona, Navarra, Spain as Angelo Gabriele Kelly. Folge Deiner Leidenschaft bei eBay! "You heard her smile come through the radio. ©2018 TTUHSC, About TTUHSC and TTUHSC School of Nursing, Associate Professor, Director of the MSN Nursing Administration Track, DNP, Case Western Reserve University; MSN, West Texas A&M University; BSN, West Texas A&M University, EdD, Florida International University; MSN, Catholic University of America; BSN, Old Dominion University, MSN, University of Texas at Arlington; BSN, Abilene Christian University, PhD, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; RN, Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology; BA, Carleton College, Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship, Roberts Endowed Practiceship in Nursing, PhD, University of Texas at Austin; MSN, University of Texas at Arlington; BSN, Texas Woman's University, MSN, Liberty University; BSN, York College of Pennsylvania, MSN, University of Ghana; BSN, University of Ghana, Assistant Professor, Regional Program Director, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; ASN, McMurry University; Diploma, Hendrick Medical Center School of Vocational Nursing, MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, West Texas A&M University, Assistant Professor, Clinical Coordinator, Abilene Traditional BSN Program, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, McMurry University, DNP, Emory University; MSN, University of Pennsylvania; BSN, University of Texas Health Science Center Houston; BA, Rice University, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, University of Phoenix; BSN, Adams State University, Professor and Co-Director for the TTUHSC Center of Excellence in Evidence-Based Practice, EdD, Texas Tech University; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; RN, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, MSN, University of Texas at Austin; BSN, University of Texas at Austin, PhD, Texas Woman's University; ACNP-C, University of Texas Medical Branch; MSN, University of Texas Medical Branch; BSN, University of Phoenix; ADN, Central Ohio Technical College, MSN, West Texas A&M University; BSN, West Texas State University; Diploma, Northwest Texas Hospital School of Nursing, DNP, Texas Tech Univeristy Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Midwestern State University, Associate Professor and Program Director, FNP Track, PhD, Touro University International; MSN, West Texas A&M University; BSN, West Texas A&M University; ADN, Eastern New Mexico University, Associate Professor and Program Director, Nurse-Midwifery Track, DNP, Yale University; Post-Master's Midwifery Certificate, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; MSN, University of Pittsburgh; BSN, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, PhD, University of Texas Health Science Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; AS, Howard College, Assistant Professor and Clinical Simulation Center Coordinator, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Professor and Program Director, Psychiatric Mental Health Track, PhD, University of Missouri at Kansas City; Post-PMHNP Certificate, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio; Post-MSN FNP Certificate, University of Texas Health Sciences Center San Antonio; MSN, University of Texas; BSN, Graceland University, Professor and Program Director, Post-Master's DNP Program, DNP, University of Tennessee Health Science Center; MSN, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; BSN, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Professor and Medical Center Hospital Regional Dean Endowed Chair and Co-Director for the TTUHSC Center of Excellence in Evidence-Based Practice, EdD, Southern Illinois University; MSN, Southern Illinois University; BSN, Saint Louis University, MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; ASN, Pima Community College, MSN, University of Phoenix; BSN, West Texas A&M University; ADN, Amarillo College, MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Professor, Associate Dean for Strategic Partnerships, Mildred and Shirley L. Garrison Professorship in Geriatric Nursing, University Distinguished Professor, DNSc, University of Tennessee Health Science Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MBA, Texas Tech University; BSN, West Texas A&M University; Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, MSN, West Texas A&M University; BSN, West Texas A&M University, EdD, Hardin Simmons University; MSN, Hardin Simmons Univesity; BSN, McMurry University, PhD, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; MSN, Baylor University; BSN, Catholic University of America, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Baylor University; BSN, University of Texas at Austin, MSN, University of Texas at Arlington; BSN, University of Texas at El Paso, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Baylor University, Associate Dean for Simulation and Professor, Covenant Health System Endowed Chair in Simulation and Nurse Education and Executive Director of the F. Marie Call SimLife Center, PhD, Texas Woman's University; MSN, University of Texas at Arlington; BSN, Baylor University, MSN, Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi; BSN, McMurry University, MSN, Georgetown University; BSN, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, PhD, Texas Woman's University; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Professor, CH Foundation Regents Professor in Rural Health Disparities, RWJ Foundation Executive Nurse Fellow, PhD, University of Texas at Austin; MN, Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines; BSN, Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines, Associate Professor and Program Director, Pediatric NP (Primary and Acute Care) Tracks, Dean and Grover E. Murray Professor, UMC Endowed Chair for Excellence in Nursing, PhD, University of Texas; MSN, University of Texas Health Science Center; BSN, West Texas State University; Diploma, Northwest Texas Hospital School of Nursing; BA, Texas Tech University, Assistant Professor, Student Success Coordinator for the Traditional BSN Program, PhD, University of Texas at Tyler; MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; Diploma, Covenant School of Nursing, PhD(c) in progress, Texas Tech University; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Associate Professor and Clinical Site Coordinator, PhD, University of North Dakota; BSN, Trivuvan University, Lalitpur, Nepal; BEd, Trivuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal; PCL, Trivuvan University, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal, Assistant Professor, Implementation Coordinator for the Traditional BSN Program, PhD, University of Texas at Tyler; MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; ADN, South Plains College, MSN, Benedictine University; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BS, Texas Tech University, PhD, Texas Woman's University; MSN, University of Texas Health Science Center; BSN, Unviersity of Texas Medical Branch; ADN, Alvin Community College, PhD, Texas Woman's University; Post-Master's Certificate, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; MSN, University of Texas at Austin; BSN, University of Texas at Austin, MSN, Grand Canyon University; BSN, Grand Canyon University; ADN, Cisco Junior College, Assistant Professor, Program Director for Admissions, Progressions, and Retention for the Traditional BSN Program, EdD, University of Alabama; MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, DNP, Capella University; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; ADN, Austin Community College, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; ADN, Angelina College, MSN, Midwestern State University; BSN, Midwestern State University, MSN, Grand Canyon University, 2016; BSN, University of Phoenix, 2010; ADN, Odessa College, 1999, DNP, University of Texas at Austin; MSN, University of Texas Health Sciences Center; BSN, University of Texas Health Science Center, Assistant Professor, Curriculum Coordinator for the Traditional BSN Program, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BS, Texas Tech University; Diploma, Covenant School of Nursing, Associate Professor, Program Director, Adult-Gerontology Acute Care NP Track, PhD, Capella University; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, DNP, University of Alabama at Birmingham; MSN, University of Texas Health Sciences Center; MBA, Millsaps College; BS, Texas Woman's University, MSN, Nebraska Wesleyan University; BSN, University of Texas at Arlington; ADN, Amarillo College, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, MSN, University of Northern Colorado; BSN, Regis University; ASN, Arapahoe Community College, MSN, West Texas A&M University; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, University of Texas of Houston; BSN, University of Texas at Galveston, Assistant Professor and Retention Faculty, MSN, Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BS, Texas Tech University, EdD, Walden University; MSN, West Texas A&M University; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; ADN, South Plains College, Associate Professor, Program Director of Clinical and Simulation, PhD, Indiana University; MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; ASN, Miami Dade Community College; BS, Texas Tech University, JD, Texas Tech University; MSN, University of North Carolina; BSN, Baylor University, JD, Suffolk University; MSN, Emory University; BSN, Boston College, DNP, Boise State University; MSN, West Texas A&M University; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing; BA, Texas A&M University, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, West Texas State University; BSN, West Texas State University, Post-Master's Pediatric NP Certificate, Rush University; MSN, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; BSN, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Associate Professor and Program Director for the RN to BSN Program, PhD, Texas A&M University; MSN, West Texas State University; BSN, West Texas State University; Diploma, Northwest Texas Hospital School of Nursing, MSN, Grand Canyon University; BSN, Grand Canyon University; ADN, McMurry University, Instructor and Clinical Simulation Center Coordinator, MSN, Western Governors University; BSN, University of Texas at Arlington; ASN, Odessa College, MSN, University of Texas at Arlington; BSN, Midwestern State University, Assistant Professor, Clinical Coordinator, Lubbock Traditional BSN Program, MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; Diploma, Covenant School of Nursing, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Angelo State University; ADN, Angelo State University, Professor and Associate Dean, Outcomes Management and Evaluation, Post-Master's WHNP, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; PhD, Texas Tech University; MSN, University of Texas at Austin; MS, Texas Tech University; BSN, West Texas State University; BS, West Texas State University; Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, Professor and Program Director, MSN Nursing Informatics Track, PhD, Texas Woman’s University; MSN, Texas Woman’s University; BSN, University of Texas at Arlington, Professor and Executive Director Larry Combest Community Health and Wellness Center, Associate Dean for Clinical Services and Community Engagement, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, West Texas A&M University, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, West Texas A&M University; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Professor, Associate Dean/Department Chair for APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurse) Programs, CH Foundation Endowed Professorship for APRN Studies, PhD, Texas Woman's University; Post-Master's FNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Woman's University; BSN, University of Oklahoma, Professor and Regional Dean of Abilene, University Distinguished Professor, and Regional Director, Laura Bush Institute, EdD, Texas Tech University; MSN, Abilene Christian University; MS, Abilene Christian University; BSN, McMurry University, DNP, Case Western Reserve University; MSN WHCNP, University of Texas at El Paso; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, PhD, University of Texas at Austin; MSN, West Virginia University; BSN, Ohio State University, DNP, Case Western Reserve University; MSN, University of California, Los Angeles; BSN, University of California Los Angeles; BA, University of California Riverside, DNP, University of Colorado; MSN, West Texas A&M University; BSN, West Texas A&M University; ADN, Western Oklahoma State College, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; Diploma, Covenant School of Nursing, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; Diploma, Covenant School Of Nursing, DHSc, Nova Southeastern University; MSN, San Angelo State University; BSN, San Angelo State University; ADN, Odessa College, MSN, Texas Woman's University; BAS, Abilene Christian University, MSN, University of Texas at Arlington; BSN, University of Texas at Arlington; ADN, Odessa College, MSN, Grand Canyon University; BSN, Hardin-Simmons University, Professor, Associate Dean/Department Chair for the Non-Traditional Undergraduate Department, DHSc, Nova Southeastern University; MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, PhD, University of Missouri-Kansas City; MSN, Texas Woman's University; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, PhD, Case Western Reserve University; MSN, Boston University; BSN, Case Western Reserve University; BA, Case Western Reserve University, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, University of Central Oklahoma Edmond, MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; ADN, Angelo State University, MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; ADN, South Plains College, EdD, Nova Southeastern University; MSN, West Texas State University; BSN, West Texas State University; AAS, Amarillo College, PhD, The University of Texas at Austin; MSN, The University of Texas at Austin; BSN, The University of Texas at Austin; ADN, Meridian Community College, MPH, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, West Texas A&M University, Post-Master's PNP Certificate, Rush University; MSN, Texas Woman's University; BSN, Texas Woman's University, MSN, Western Governors’ University; BSN, Grand Canyon University, Post-Master's FNP Certificate, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; PhD, University of Texas at Austin; MA, Ball State University; BSN, Texas Woman's University, MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; ADN, South Plains College; BS, State University of New York, Assistant Professor and ABSN Program Director, PhD, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; MSN, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; BSN, Northwestern State University; ASN, University of Nebraska Medical Center, PhD, Georgia State University; MSN, University of Virginia; BSN, University of New Mexico, MSN, Arizona State University; BSN, Arizona State University; ADN, Iowa Central Community College, PhD(c), New Mexico State University; MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, West Texas A&M University, DNP, Texas Christian University; ACNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; FNP, West Texas A&M University; MSN, West Texas A&M University; MBA, Wayland Baptist University; BSN, West Texas A&M University; Diploma, Northwest Texas Hospital School of Nursing, Instructor, Site Coordinator, Odessa Traditional BSN Program, MSN, University of Phoenix; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; AAs, Midland College, Associate Professor, Director of Veteran Education Initiatives for Non-Traditional Undergraduate Programs, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, The University of Texas at El Paso; BSN, University of Missouri, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; AAS, Odessa College, PhD, Texas Woman’s University; MSN, University of Texas at Austin; BSN, Incarnate Word College; Diploma, Hotel Dieu School of Nursing, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Baylor Unversity, MSN, Grand Canyon Universtiy; BSN, West Texas State University, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Johns Hopkins University; BSN, Johns Hopkins University; BS, University of California at Berkeley, DNP, University of Arizona; MSN, West Texas A&M University; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; Diploma, Methodist School of Nursing; BS, Texas Tech University, Associate Professor and Program Director, MSN Nursing Education Track, PhD, Texas Woman's University; MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BS, Texas Tech University; ADN, Regent University, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; Post-Master's PNP Certificate, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, University of Texas at Arlington, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Kaplan University; ADN, Midland College, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; ADN, Tyler Junior College, Associate Professor, Associate Dean/Department Chair, Traditional BSN Undergraduate Program, PhD, Texas Tech University; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; ADN, Amarillo College, Associate Professor, Associate Dean/Department Chair, Leadership Program, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; Diploma, Covenant School of Nursing, Assistant Professor and ABSN Program Curriculum Coordinator, DNP, University of Texas at Austin; MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Associate Professor and Clinical Simulation Center Coordinator, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Angelo State University; BSN, Angelo State University; ASN, Nashua Community Technical College, MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, West Texas State University, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, University of Texas; BSN, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; Diploma, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, MSN, Grand Canyon University; BSN, Grand Canyon University, MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; Diploma, Methodist School of Nursing, Assistant Professor and ABSN Program Student Success Coordinator, DNP, Liberty University; Post-Master's FNP Certificate, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Heath Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; ADN, Vernon College, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; Post-Master Nurse Practitioner Certificate - Pediatrics, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; Post-Master Nurse Practitioner Certificate - Acute Care, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, University of Phoenix; BSN, University of Phoenix, Post-Doctoral, The University of Texas at Austin; PhD, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; MSN, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; BSN, Texas Woman's University, PhD, University of Texas School of Public Health; MS, Texas Woman's University; BSN, Texas Woman's University, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; BSN, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; ADN, Odessa College, DSN, University of Alabama; MSN, University of California at Los Angeles; BSN, Baylor University, PhD, University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston; LLM, University of Houston; JD, Texas Southern University; MSN, University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston; BSN, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, PhD, Texas Woman's University; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, West Texas A&M University; Diploma, Covenant Health System School of Nursing, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, University of Texas at Arlington, MSN, University of Texas; BS, Texas A&M University, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; Post-Master's FNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Midwestern State University, MSN, Vanderbilt University; BSN, University of Texas at Austin, MSN, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, PhD, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; Post-Masters Certificate, Midwestern State University; MSN, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; BSN, University of Texas at El Paso, DNP, Wilkes University; Post-Master's Certificate, University of Texas at Arlington; MSN, Texas Woman's University; BSN, Abilene Christian University, MSN, Angelo State University; BSN, Angelo State University; ADN, Angelo State University, Post-Master's Certificate - Pediatric Acute Care, Vanderbilt University; Post-Master's Certificate - Pediatric Primary Care, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Duke University; BS, University of Illinois, MSN, Abilene Christian University; BSN, West Texas A&M University, JD, Texas A&M University; MSN, Duke University; BSN, University of Arkansas, EdD, Nova Southeastern University; MS, Texas Woman's University; BS, Incarnate Word College; Diploma, Baptist Memorial Hospital, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; Post-Master's FNP, University of Texas at Austin; MSN, University of Texas at Austin; BSN, Angelo State University; ADN, Angelo State University, MSN, University of Texas; BGS, Texas Tech University, PhD, University of Colorado; MS, University of Colorado; BSN, Indiana University, DNP, Capella University; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; ADN, Odessa College, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Baylor University; BA, William Woods College, DNP, Chatham University; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; ADN, Midland College, Post-Master's Certificate - Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, University of Arkansas; MSN, University of Arkansas; BSN, University of Arkansas, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; ADN, Austin Community College; BA, University of Texas at Austin, JD, Southern Methodist University; MSN, Texas Woman's University; BS, Texas Woman's University; ADN, San Bernardino Valley College, Post-Master's Certificate - Acute Care NP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, University of Illinois; ADN, San Diego Community College District, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, University of Texas at El Paso; BA, University of Texas at El Paso, PhD, Touro University Internaltional; MSN, Corpus Christi State University; BSN, Texas Woman's University; AA, Richland College, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; ADN, Austin Community College, DNP, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions; MSN, University of Texas at El Paso; BA, University of Texas Permian Basin; ADN, Rend Lake College, Post-Master's Certification - PNP, University of Texas at Arlington; Post-Master's Certification - FNP, University of Texas at Arlington; MSN, Lubbock Christian University; BSN, Lubbock Christian University; Diploma, Covenant School of Nursing; BS, Texas A&M University, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BS Angelo State University, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; ADN, Del Mar Junior College, PhD, University of North Texas; MSN, University of Texas at Arlington; BSN, University of Texas at Arlington, JD, University of Tennessee; MSN, Vanderbilt University; MA, Vanderbilt University; BSN, Vanderbilt University, DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; MSN, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; BSN, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quibec, Canada, DNP, New Mexico State University , 2016; BAS, University of Texas at El Paso , 2012; MED, University of Texas at El Paso , 2006; BA, University of Texas at El Paso , 2003; AA, El Paso Community College , 2002, MSN, University of Texas at Austin, BA, Hollins College, JD, University of North Texas Law School; MSN, Texas Woman's University; MBA, Texas Woman's University; BSN, Texas Woman's University, PhD, Texas Tech University; MSBA, Texas Tech University; MBA, Texas Tech University, EdD, Texas Tech University; MSN, Wayne State University; BSN, Ohio State University.
angelo kelly hochzeitsfoto 2021